??May & June Mummies 2016??

Thanks for hosting Kanga!
Ruby was born 11.06.16 and is 8 days old. Had her weighed a couple of days ago and she's back up to birth weight. BF'ing going well. We are both trying to get the hang of the latch tho but it's going better than last time. Still on painkillers as I'm so sore down below still:-( and dont get me started on the piles (tmi!) !!! lol!
I know how you're feeling babymaker. I am so very sore today I couldn't even sit down this morning. Midwife has checked and everything is OK but just incredibly swollen so now I'm sat on a ring cushion with a cold pack and dosing up on painkillers. I wasn't anywhere near this sore last time! Think MW might have told a little white lie about how bad my tear was.

Feeling a bit more chipper now though as both my girlies just took their naps at the same time so I managed to grab an hour and a half top up last night's 3 hours (which I only managed because OH held Kara that whole time). She is a total cluster feeder but my milk does feel on its way so I'm hoping that'll help a little. She's lost 8% of her birth weight and is a little jaundiced but otherwise doing fine and I can't believe the difference between her and my first, she's just so chilled out! (unless we're changing her nappy or clothes!). They look identical though!
Audra seems to have a cough and cold :( it's horrible seeing her struggle to breathe and constant sneezing fits. Any suggestions of how I can help her?
Just been to out of hours surgery but he told us to let it run its course.
It's stopping her from being able to feed properly.
Thanks for starting this up kanga
Even though I was ment to be a May mummy he came early so....
18 April Stanley Adrian was born at 37 weeks, unfortunately he spent first two weeks of his life in hospital, the first bring cooled and Second establishing feeding
Having regular check ups but is doing well
He'll be 9 weeks tomorrow


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I'm in the May mummies club although was due in April!

My yellow bump turned out to be a little girl arriving 6 days late at home on 4/5/16.

She's now 6 weeks and we're currently on holiday in Turkey! Been here nearly 2 weeks and heading home Monday.
It's been fairly easy as she's breastfed so easy to feed on demand. She's had a few meltdowns but I guess that's newborns for you!

Your boys are gorgeous Kanga!
I'll upload some pics when back in England!

Can I ask, how did you go about booking it? Had you already booked before baby came or was it a last minute thing after you had her? x

We'd booked it before but I'd had a miscarriage so had planned to come with a 4/5 month old but we ended up trying for 1 more month and hey presto here she is!

Her first week of life was spent rushing round getting everything sorted for her passport and a trip to London at 5 days old but totally worth it!

I've breastfed in the strangest of places, on gorgeous beaches, boats and whilst having a pedicure. It's been great for bonding and skin to skin.

Thanks. I just wondered how it worked with bringing a baby along you weren't able to give full passenger details of when you booked (like DOB & name etc).

I'm hoping to get something booked for the end of September with this summer being so rubbish. Not sure how it'll all work out yet though lol x
Thanks for starting the thread Kanga :-)
I can't believe how old our babies are already, and how gorgeous they all are.
Belle is 5 weeks 3 days and is so chilled, total opposite to her brother. Her first few days were a bit rough - she had hypothermia so spent a bit of time in an incubator before coming home. We were sent back into hospital on day 5 due to 12.3% weight loss, so had to feed every 3 hours with formula top ups. I lasted until day 12 before switching to formula completely. I wish I'd stuck it out longer but my milk just wasn't enough for her :-/ While we were in hospital they suspected a blockage/growth in her abdomen so she had blood tests, X-rays, tube into her tummy and lots of poking and prodding- thankfully it turned out to be a build up of poo as she hadn't been for a few days! She's struggled pooing since, going every 3-4 days so HV recommended switching to comfort milk. She's now going every other day but is in a lot of pain and really struggles each time, which she never did on the regular milk so we'll be back at the doctors tomorrow to see if we try something else.
Here's a few pics of my babies :-)

Congrats on all your beautiful babes and older kids too!
Hi ladies! Baby Robyn was born on 24/05/16, bang on her due date at 10lb 8oz.

We've had a tough few weeks - she's feeding brilliantly, she's so alert and well, but she just isn't gaining weight. She was 10lb 4oz last Wednesday, so obviously they're referring us here there and everywhere (they're not, just feels that way). Luckily my GP is 100% on board with the breastfeeding and thinks she was just a big baby and now finding her "line". We've basically got another 2.5 weeks before he needs to get the peads involved - I've had a taste of their attitude already and they're totally not on my side and can't be bothered with anything other than "formula top up" so far, so I hope we avoid them.

She was sleeping brilliantly and doing 5hrs+, but I've had to start waking her every 3-4 hours now. She's a really easy baby otherwise though, I've been pleasantly surprised!

My 2 year old is OBSESSED with her, wants to stroke her and hold her allllll the time. Which is nice - not so much at 6am when he wants her to wake up for him!!!

I feel like we're finally finding our feet as a family of 4 now, too. We've got planned activities every day to keep us going and make sure we're out and about. We've got our first abroad holiday booked for November which I'm SO excited about. My son went to nursery the other week crying because he wanted to go on holiday on an aeroplane so we thought... Why not!




Oh Tigger, sorry they're giving you a hard time.

She looks well, not like she's skinny or anything.

Did you have any IV fluids in labour or anything like that? Sometimes birth weight can be high due to the baby retaining fluid.

Hope they get off your case and she starts gaining more x
No there's no reason like that Phoenix - she was a home birth so no interventions. Apparently I just make massive babies?! My son was a big baby but he always gained really well. She's just a bit lazier than him!!
Quick pic of Rowan now I managed to get to my computer to upload one ;)


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Thanks. I just wondered how it worked with bringing a baby along you weren't able to give full passenger details of when you booked (like DOB & name etc).

I'm hoping to get something booked for the end of September with this summer being so rubbish. Not sure how it'll all work out yet though lol x

We booked a private villa so other than asking for a cot we didn't have any worries there but with the flights I booked her in as our surname then once I'd got her passport I rung Monarch and requested the name change which they did for free over the phone (if you change a name online it's £100)!

You have to register the birth ASAP as you need birth certificate for passport. As we've come to Turkey she also needed a visa so had to wait for passport to come back. We paid to have it returned in 1 week and it came back in 6 days.

Feel free to pm if I can help x

Ahaha - love that photo overthemoon!
Babymaker, we're doing ok, thanks for asking, rowan's jaundice has calmed down a lot now she's feeding properly and she's more alert and certainly gaining the weight back she lost! Will find out tomorrow as she'll be weighed again. I'm gradually getting more mobile again too. Not 100% sure I'm getting the latch totally right still as my nipples are killing me - spend most of the feed gripping pillows and trying not to yell haha
How's things with you?
We went for tea and cake at a local coffee shop today. Got lots of 'oohs' from everyone at taking our newest addition. Wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house at this stage last time!

My baby blues has hit though and I keep getting all tearful. It's also making me feel sad thinking back to when my first was born and how different that was. I thought I had gotten over it all, but apparently not :-( Just hope this passes soon.

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