Hi ladies! Baby Robyn was born on 24/05/16, bang on her due date at 10lb 8oz.
We've had a tough few weeks - she's feeding brilliantly, she's so alert and well, but she just isn't gaining weight. She was 10lb 4oz last Wednesday, so obviously they're referring us here there and everywhere (they're not, just feels that way). Luckily my GP is 100% on board with the breastfeeding and thinks she was just a big baby and now finding her "line". We've basically got another 2.5 weeks before he needs to get the peads involved - I've had a taste of their attitude already and they're totally not on my side and can't be bothered with anything other than "formula top up" so far, so I hope we avoid them.
She was sleeping brilliantly and doing 5hrs+, but I've had to start waking her every 3-4 hours now. She's a really easy baby otherwise though, I've been pleasantly surprised!
My 2 year old is OBSESSED with her, wants to stroke her and hold her allllll the time. Which is nice - not so much at 6am when he wants her to wake up for him!!!
I feel like we're finally finding our feet as a family of 4 now, too. We've got planned activities every day to keep us going and make sure we're out and about. We've got our first abroad holiday booked for November which I'm SO excited about. My son went to nursery the other week crying because he wanted to go on holiday on an aeroplane so we thought... Why not!