??May & June Mummies 2016??

We went for tea and cake at a local coffee shop today. Got lots of 'oohs' from everyone at taking our newest addition. Wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house at this stage last time!

My baby blues has hit though and I keep getting all tearful. It's also making me feel sad thinking back to when my first was born and how different that was. I thought I had gotten over it all, but apparently not :-( Just hope this passes soon.

Ahhhh Hun sorry you're feeling a bit blue - has your milk come in yet as that can really affect your hormones.
It's easy to say but take care of yourself - this time round I've gotten lots of help and get people to hold her or settle her between feeds so I can have a hot drink. It really boosts me and that way I don't feel she's on me all the time x

Thanks MrsT. My milk has come in so I guess that's what has triggered it. It frustrates me that I should be able to celebrate how much better the whole experience has been this time but instead I'm dwelling on what I did wrong last time.
So proud of my littlest girl. She did a 3.5 and then a 2.5 hour sleep last night, both in her crib. Combined with me grabbing an afternoon nap when they were both asleep, I am starting to feel properly rested. Fingers crossed for repeat performance!

I totally overdid things yesterday though. I walked to my MW appointment and then to the shops later and when Kara woke overnight my SPD pains were all back and I could barely get out of bed. Guess I need to take things a bit easier still.
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Think I've added everyone to the front, so many of us still about :)

Had a hectic few days where I've just been super busy plus one day were I was just depressed so not been on. Keeping a watch out for pnd developing as I don't want to get like I did with my 1st.

It's always good when the do good stretches of sleep, Alfie will do a good night followed by a few bad ones lol Last night wasn't as good! Going to ask gp about reflux at our check up on Friday as he showing quote a few symptoms of it xx
I'm feeling rubbish crying all the time, don't want to be on my own with summer as I feel I can't look after her properly I'm always screw something is wrong. I feel shit about feeding and generally just rubbish. To top it off my boiler has broken and not getting fixed till tomorrow, I'd love a bath right now. Not sure how I will manage when hubby goes back to work next week. He has gone in today to do some administration and iv had my sister here but she is not confident looking after a newborn.
Blueclass, have you told your MW or HV how you're feeling? It sounds like it's possibly baby blues but speak to someone before it has chance to turn into full on PND.

Take care of yourself as well.
Maybe you could go round to your mum's or your sister's and soak in their bath?
We seem to have an even better sleeper this time round, feeling very lucky! Last night she did 10-4, the night before she went 9-5 :-O praying it continues!
I've been a bit up and down the last few weeks too. I have a really good day where everything seems so easy and life is great. Then have days like the last few where everything just seems so hard and I feel so useless and like I just can't cope. I end up crying over the silliest things and get so frustrated with Oscar, which just makes him play up even more which then makes me more upset and emotional. It's a viscous circle. I've tried talking to OH about it, but he just brushes it off. He'll help out for the rest of the day, then go back to his usual useless ways. He's been working away for the last two weeks, and again next week so it's already back to how it was. I'm stressing about our house sale falling through, and my Nan is really poorly in hospital so I just think it's all a bit too much going on at once :-/ hoping tomorrow is a brighter day! I can't complain about Belle at all, she's a breeze. It's Oscar that's hard work at the minute, which is to be expected I suppose. Xxx
Blueclass, have you told your MW or HV how you're feeling? It sounds like it's possibly baby blues but speak to someone before it has chance to turn into full on PND.

Take care of yourself as well.
Maybe you could go round to your mum's or your sister's and soak in their bath?

I'm going to try and talk to my doctor been discarged from mw and il have to see hv next week. No I got friends over this eve but my oh said he will look after summer so I can have a hot bath tomorrow x
We seem to have an even better sleeper this time round, feeling very lucky! Last night she did 10-4, the night before she went 9-5 :-O praying it continues!
I've been a bit up and down the last few weeks too. I have a really good day where everything seems so easy and life is great. Then have days like the last few where everything just seems so hard and I feel so useless and like I just can't cope. I end up crying over the silliest things and get so frustrated with Oscar, which just makes him play up even more which then makes me more upset and emotional. It's a viscous circle. I've tried talking to OH about it, but he just brushes it off. He'll help out for the rest of the day, then go back to his usual useless ways. He's been working away for the last two weeks, and again next week so it's already back to how it was. I'm stressing about our house sale falling through, and my Nan is really poorly in hospital so I just think it's all a bit too much going on at once :-/ hoping tomorrow is a brighter day! I can't complain about Belle at all, she's a breeze. It's Oscar that's hard work at the minute, which is to be expected I suppose. Xxx

Gosh love it's very similar here; Dexter is a pain but Kitty is really high maintenance as well. I'm kind of wishing these first few months away and I feel so guilty about it because I know we won't do it again.

You've got a lot on too chick, so try to be kind to yourself. I hope your Nan gets well soon.

Where are you up to with the house sale? Xxx

I know what you mean. I feel awful for Oscar most of the time because he needs interaction 100% of the time, which just isn't possible with a newborn who takes up so much time too. I'm just thankful that she's quite an easy baby so far.
Thank you :-) we're hoping she'll be home early next week. The hospital visiting times are a pain!
We had a couple interested, the estate agents kept telling us how certain they were we'd get an offer from them - but turns out they can't raise enough funds so are still £20k off our asking price. We're now considering moving slightly further away nearer to OH's work (still only 45 mins away from 'home'), where he's hopefully getting a new, much better job. So much to think about.
Got the health visitor coming tomorrow, I'll chat to her some more about Belle's reflux and constipation. She seems better on the gaviscon, we've only had one poo since Monday tho so not sure what she's going to suggest.

I've been super proud of how our toddler has coped with the arrival of her baby sister. I'm sure we'll have some rocky times ahead, especially when I'm home alone with them both after OH goes back to work, but so far she's been really well behaved and loving.

We didn't have a good night last night. Kara was really unsettled all evening and wouldn't go down in her carrycot. It seems to be her digestive system causing her discomfort as she's very bubbly and she cries out before each poo. This continued through the night with us having to take it in turns to co-sleep with her, which neither of us enjoys, so not a lot of sleep. Typical as we have a busy day ahead and I won't get a chance for an afternoon nap to help catch up on sleep. Just hope it doesn't last as I hate seeing her in pain and not able to ease it for her :-(
Did the panicky parent thing today. Kara hasn't been herself (as much as she has a norm after just one week!) and this afternoon her temperature rocketted to over 38° so we had to take her for an emergency GP appointment (we haven't got her birth certificate yet so she's not even registered with our GP yet). Fortunately he doesn't think there's anything wrong and is happy for us to continue monitoring her temperature overnight. Fingers crossed it comes down as we can't help but worry. Serves us right for celebrating how easy our first week was!
You did the right thing Maud. It's so hard to know when to get them seen, but glad all is ok :-) xxx

Thanks Jenni. Her temperature has stayed up overnight (we co-slept) so got to call the GP again.
It's been warm, are you sure it's not just due to overheating? What did she sleep in? Is she stayng too warm if you have her in just a short sleeved vest?

Hope she's OK x
Thanks phoenix. She's been admitted into hospital as her temperature was still too high. They suspect a skin infection but are doing all sorts of tests, including a lumber puncture. It's all very scarey but i know we're in the right place.
Oh Maud poor you and your little lady. Good job you went and got her checked out.
Hope they find out what's causing her high temp asap so she can make a speedy recovery.

We had our 6 week check today - what a waste of time! GP even started talking about weaning! And recommended 4 months instead of usual 6 months! Bizarre!

Oh Maud sorry to hear that. Good on you for following your instincts and getting her checked again. Fingers crossed she makes a speedy recovery so you can get her back home.
I took Belle to the docs this morning as advised by the HV. She's still having issues with pooing, eczema on her forehead and cheeks, really fusses taking a bottle and lots of other little things too which led us to suspect cows milk intolerance, just like her brother had but luckily he seems to be growing out of it now at 21 months.
So anyway, I told the doctor I wanted to try her on a dairy free milk - I was expecting a battle as it took a good 6 months for anyone to take notice and try different milk with Oscar - and he agreed straight away :-) one bottle in and she took it so much better, just need to see how/when it comes out the other end to see how her bowels are coping. Really hope it works for her. Xxx

Thanks ladies.They've ruled out the big nasties like meningitis so skin infection is looking most likely. Got to wait for the rest of the test results. They've brought her temperature down with paracetamol but we're going to have to stay in for at least a day or two of antibiotics. OH has brought me in a bag laden with food and snacks (as they can't feed parents on children's ward - ah how I miss the copious food on maternity ward!). On a nice note they weighed her and she's back up to birth weight, despite being ill.

MrsT I remember my 6 week check last time was useless too. Can't understand why they would discuss weaning with you at it though; especially if they don't know the right guidance!!

Let's hope the new milk does the trick Jenni
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Oh no Maud :( Really hope she makes a speedy recovery. I can't believe they aren't feeding you?! Are you breastfeeding? All the hospitals (3 - Darenth Vallet, Dartford, St Thomas, London & QA Portsmouth) all fed me whilst breastfeeding James when we were in from 3-5weeks old for a knee infection. As I needed to be there as baby's food source, if bottle feeding then they didn't as you could leave and have a nurse feed baby if needed (some were left overnight being looked after by the nurses!!)

Hope the dairy free milk helps Belle out Jenni. Good they gave it to you so easily this time.

We had our 6wk check up today too and been given infant gaviscon for Alfie to try and help his reflux but struggling to get him to take it without gagging xx

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