??May & June Mummies 2016??

I am breastfeeding but there are shops and a restaurant in the hospital and a parent kitchen on the ward with microwave, toaster and hot drinks and fridges to store your own so as policy they don't feed parents (other than breakfast, which apparently we can grab the leftovers once kids have all been fed. ) I'm hoping not to have to stay long enough to feel the need to start cooking my food. OH brought me in enough food for two generous meals plus snacks for a small army. Clearly he thinks I'm going to get very hungry before he comes back mid- morning tomorrow!
Hope she's feeling better soon Maud! Poor little dear :hugs:
Thanks. It looks like we have turned a corner. Her temperature has stayed down for the last few hours, so fingers crossed it stays down now. Still waiting for culture results for official diagnosis, but doctors believe it is a staph infection that got in through her belly button when her cord dropped off. Her poor skin is sloughing off all over like a snake. Hopefully they will be able to send us home Sun/Mon but we'll have to keep bringing her in for her IV antibiotics for a couple more days. Can't say this is how we expected to spend our second week with her, but the important thing is that she is OK. There's a really sick baby in the next room so we know how lucky we are!
Pleased to read your little girl is on the mend Maud... like you say take the positives that she is ok and you will be home in a day or two
Oh Maud, glad she is feeling better now. Really hope you get home soon. James' osteomyelitis and septic arthritis was caused by staphylococcus aureus and he had a picc line fitted for his antibiotics and he needed them for 4 weeks. Luckily we had some done at home so didn't need to keep going to the hospital xx
This was him in hospital
Oh poor babies xx
Wishing them well ASAP xx

Ladies when can I expect the blood scab to fall out of belly button? Isaac is 3 weeks old now xx
Glad to hear she's on the mend Maud :-)
Belle still had a scabby bit until 4/5 weeks. It eventually worked its way out but was so tempting to pick it out!! Xxx

Aww Maud - just catching up, hope everything's ok. Glad she seems to be coming through it.
We just had Rowan in for another weigh and she isn't gaining as fast as they want, so now I've been told to only feed every 2 hrs, not to let her just comfort suck, express in between feeds, cup feed the expressed and she may have a posterior tongue tie that might be worth sorting but they don't think it's affecting much. Every time we seem to get conflicting opinions... sigh... I just want to get things right but they never seem to be.
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Oh I'm sorry about that Yorkslass. Do just keep feeding as much as possible. I agree about offering the breast rather than letting her comfort suck on fingers etc.
It won't be forever.
Also lots of skin to skin cuddles is good, and oats are said to be great for milk supply (so porridge, flapjack etc).
How's things going Maud?

That sounds hard going York lass - is there any breastfeeding support groups you could go to or see a lactation consultant?

Alls good here - M has started having a longer sleep at the start of the evening so a good 4/5 hours meaning I can then get my son to bed, eat my dinner and have a bit of time to myself before I go to bed. Unfortunately she's an early bird so up at 5.30am with lots of smiles to make up for it!

Going to get her weighed today - she's huge!
Born 8lb 9oz, didn't lose any at 5 day check, up to 9lb at 10 day check and at 3 weeks was 10lb 5oz so really interested to see what she weighs at 7+5 weeks. She's bursting out of her 0-3 clothes and size 2 nappies.
Still exclusively breastfeeding but going to try her with a bottle of expressed breast milk so I can go back to Zumba this week.
Started back at slimming world as well so aiming for 2 stone to start with but realistically need to lose 3!

How's everyone else doing? X

She's doing really well thanks MrsT. We're still waiting for the final test results but she's so much better. Last night she slept in her cot all night (other than feeds obv) for the first time since she's been ill and the nurse doing her obs and meds overnight commented on how much more chilled out she was - we've got our baby back :-) She's still a bit red and needs meds for a bit longer still and not sure we can manage bringing her in from home every 8 hours so we will probably be in for another day/night, but we're thinking about taking her out with us for lunch today to get some fresh air amd a proper meal.

You sound like you've settled into a really nice routine.

Yorkslass, are they suggesting not letting her feed more frequently than every two hours? If she isn't gaining weight very quickly then letting her feed as much and as often as she wants is really important - that's how she tells your body how much milk she needs. Even comfort sucking on you is important (although exhausting) as she will still be getting a bit of milk. But you may also need to work to keep her awake and actively feeding a bit more as they can find it very tiring. We used to have to wake Isabelle a lot during feeds and would stroke her face and ears, tickle her, take her feet out of her sleepsuit and tickle those, squeeze the palm of her hand (apparently sets off a reflex suck) and pump her arm (gently) up and down. Does she take both breasts at each feed?
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They seem to be saying to not let her just suckle sleepily for comfort between the 2 hourly feeds, and if I have to, just for 5 mins, but she just cries and wants boob, so I don't see how that's possible. I figure they want me to express in those times to keep supply going. She seriously doesn't want to drink from a cup though - she just spits it out!
She is tricky to keep awake feeding - I blow in her face and flick her feet and stuff. She takes both boobs, but the right seems to produce better than the left.
Things were better when I wasn't so stressed about it - the sooner they decide to stop weighing her and messing about with us, the better....
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They seem to be saying to not let her just suckle sleepily for comfort between the 2 hourly feeds, and if I have to, just for 5 mins, .



Oh Christ. I thought when you said they didn't want her comfort suckling you/they meant on fingers. And to feed at least every two hours, as in not go longer.

Have to say Maud is right, she needs to be allowed to feed or "comfort suck" on the breast as often as she wants.

Definitely see a lactation consultant or go along to a support group. There are a few in Leeds as far as I'm aware. I think there's a LLL group in Leeds.
Thanks - this is the tricky thing, one mw will say one thing then another will say something totally different! I have a number for a bfeeding specialist somewhere, will give her a ring today...
It doesn't help when you are getting told conflicting things, but if I were you I certainly wouldn't be restricting her time on the breast.

We've been told we can go home this evening :-)

Have to bring her back twice tomorrow to finish the antibiotics course but they are switching her to twice a day rather than 3x so it'll be a lot more manageable. So happy :-)
Glad you get to go home soon Maud. Can you not get someone to come out the the house to give the antibiotics? We ended up on a once a day antibiotic and mon-fri we had a nurse come to the house but sat and sun we went to the hospital? Might be worth asking if it is a possibility rather than having to go in twice a day. We didn't go onto the once a day antibiotic until he had been on them for 2 weeks though. How much longer will she have to be on antibiotics for? xx
She only has to have two doses tomorrow thankfully. She's been on them 6am, 2pm, 10pm but they're switching to 6am/6pm so much more manageable (although will still be an early start in the morning). We live in the next county so I doubt they could arrange a home visit. We have a community hospital literally around the corner from us but they have hardly any services unfortunately. I expect it would be different if she was staying on them longer term.
Oh that's good then, least you know it's not long term and it's just two doses. Plus a bonus you get to go home as staying in hospital is horrible xx

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