??May & June Mummies 2016??

Absolutely horrible day. Thea is congested and has v and d. That can all be down to teething but she now has a temp of 37.5 and cant sleep. Waiting for out of hours doc to call back. :( :( poor little thing.
Went to out of hours doctors, she's definitely got a stomach bug and just unlicky that she has a little cold at the same time. Also got told it was obviously something i ate :( and i need to give her some water as well as breastmilk which seeing as she wont take a bottle is going to be tricky.

I have never changed so many nappies and onesies in a 12 hour period.

Thea's finally fallen asleep from exhaustion. Im going to bed.
Your Dr doesn't know what he's talking about. You don't need to give an exclusively BF baby additional water. And how can it be something you ate if you are ok but your baby isn't?!

Did she get the rotavirus vaccine? I reckon that's the more likely culprit personally.
Sorry to hear your little one is ill. Seems odd she got sick but you didn't if it's something you ate. My little one has not been going to the toilet and had a terrible cold so I got her checked. Iv also been told you can give a breastfed baby water, just a little. They usually don't recommend it as water can water down the breast milk plus they don't want the baby to think it's full on water. The doctor at the hospital said it's fine if it's really hot our and they are struggling with certain things.

Iv not been on much iv been so busy. We also went away for a few nights. We went sumerset and it was a nightmare. The roads was cra, single dual carriage ways. Summer hates the car seat so took hours to get anywhere as the traffic was horrendous and she kept crying so we would stop.
Summer is now 14 weeks and I don't know where the time has gone. We also had her weighed last week 14.1lb now she is a chunky monkey. I have taken her swimming but our baby pool does not seem warm enough she shivers in it. Maybe il call Guilford spectrum it's a little drive but if it's warmer I don't mind.
Blueclass Guildford spectrum is a good temperature for babies x

Whereabouts do you live Blueclass? Guildfords about a hour from me so you could be near the hydro pool near me? X

We went to the Spectrum. It was much warmer than our local pool.
Whereabouts do you live Blueclass? Guildfords about a hour from me so you could be near the hydro pool near me? X

I live in sutton where abouts are you? Id rather take her somewhere warmer. X
Oh ok naybe i should look and see if theres one close by x
Worthing. It's salt water as well so safer for babies.
They do baby hour with max 7 babies and play calming music.
It's been around so long even I learnt to swim there as a child lol

Argh I am so hungry all the time! I was determined to lose the last of the baby weight before Kara starts to wean by sticking to 2000kcals a day and therefore not having to 'diet' later. But I just can't stop eating. Am hitting 2,500 most days! Just went shopping and came back with an overpriced pot of instant porridge as I just can't wait for lunchtime to eat. I've never bought one of these in my life, but it just looked so appealing, lol!
M is now 4 months old (where does the time go) and tonight is the first time i feel at my wits end. It has been nearly 8 hours since she slept properly and she has been cluster feeding from 9pm which is when i take her to bed to feed up for the night. She has usually drifted off come 11pm and would do a good 2.5hrs before a feed. I have moved us in to the spare room because when i put her in the basket she cries the house down and my husband has work in the morning. Im gonna try and sleep on the pull out bed with her next to me (its a foam bed thing). Shes not even eating half the time, im just being a pacifier which i didnt use to mind but i am now running on empty and i feel this might start becoming a regular occurance. Ive been trying the gentle parenting route as i do love the cuddles deep down but i now lose my evenings with my husband from 8 when i start getting her ready for bed. Im thinking expressed milk in bottles and a soother might become the only way even though i dont want to. Ive heard they regress at this point though so deep down im hoping its a phase and that my chilled little babe returns soon.... :(
Hey Street started not sleeping at 4m she will be 5 on the 7th and maybe only just starting to get better again. I give a bottle of formula at night so i can sleep x
Hey alrm - I feel for you! There is a sort of sleep regression around 4 months which coincides with a huge growth/developmental leap. Rowan had it bad too, just wouldn't sleep at all in her bed. I had to temporarily co sleep with her while partner slept in a different room, that way she would sleep and I could at least sort of snooze while being available for comfort feeding. Every night I'd still try to put her down in her bed though until she was eventually happy to stay there! She's through it now at about 4 1/2 months, so don't worry, there will be better times! :-)
By the way, don't know if you guys have come across the wonder weeks app thing? Tells you when your baby should be hitting bad patches and the things they might be trying to do and how to help them etc. It seems fairly spot on a lot of the time! Just a fun thing maybe, but I find it interesting ;-)
Yes I downloaded this yesterday actually and it says I got a awful time coming up soon and my OH will be away. Summer is almost 6 months and time has rn way with us. Im gutted il be leaving her at 9m to go back to work. X

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