??May & June Mummies 2016??

Aww... congrats Elfs mummy! What a surprise that must have been!

Good to hear from you too Tigger and that Robyn's doing good - hope you get into the swing of things with you and OH's work arrangements :-)

Blueclass, you'll figure it out, see what this specialist says. Babycentre has this whole section on sleep methods, although maybe you've seen it already. There's CC of course, but they detail other no-cry techniques too. There's the famous Dr. Spock book too with good tips about everything, which I have a copy of (from my hippyish mother haha) You'll find what works eventually ;-)

Rowan goes down to sleep well these days - I tend to put her down, kiss her, say goodnight and leave the room, and she'll grizzle and complain often, but gets herself off to sleep in under a minute. If she's properly crying or unsettled for more than a minute, I'll pop back in to give another kiss and leave again, and usually the 2nd or 3rd time does it.
Her problem is that she still wakes a lot in the night - her best stretch is about 5 hours, but often she wakes still every 2 or 3 either for reassurance or a feed. Hopefully it'll gradually get better!

She's almost cracked a crawling type movement now and loves to roll and flip herself over to get where she wants to go. I keep thinking she might give up on crawling in favour of rolling - my kid brother did!
Feeding's going well too, with a mixture of babyled and spoon feeding. We pretty much skipped puree apart from some fruits I make into jams for her, and she's really enjoying gumming things (no teeth yet!)
Banana and yoghurt is very popular (she could eat that all day), also ragu pasta and cod with potato and pea mash. She seemed to love a chunk of avocado I offered her today too! :-)
Oh god, sleep is my enemy. My 3 year old has always been a horrific sleeper. Since my husband has been working stupid hours, I've had to do bedtime for both kids by myself. I've now got the 3 year old climbing into bed, pjs on, quick story, tucked in and he's asleep. All night. It's a bloody miracle. Robyn, however.... she's a climber. All she wants to do is stand up and attempt to throw herself over the cot edge. It's a bloody nightmare, takes at least an hour of feed-stand-laugh-feed etc before she'll even think about closing her eyes. No one else can do it, either. Naps are quite hit and miss too - lovely if on me, maybe 20 mins if I manage to wriggle out?!
Hey everyone, just thought I'd pop in and say hello:-) Not been on here in aaages. How is everyone and the little bubbas? Ruby is good. Very easy baby compared to her brother but not been so good at sleeping. She finally started sleeping through this week after 7 months! We were so desperate and put her in her own room which worked. I stopped bf'ing last week as she wasnt interested any more. She prefers bottles. I am sad because it was such a lovely experience but also glad that it ended naturally with her stopping it as opposed to me.
Congrats Elfs Mummy! Wow, that must have been a shock.
Anyone thinking of the next baby? We thought we were done but lately we've started discussing the possibility of a 3rd. I wouldnt want anything less than 2.5 year age gap though so it wouldnt happen for a while yet. But coming on here and reading the BFP's and birth announcements etc has made me a bit broody again! Very strange. I honestly thought I was done. Especially after the morning sickness I had with Ruby. I guess you kind of forget after a while;-)
Hope everyone is well xx
Hello everyone not been on here in a long time. My son is now 6 months and sitting on his own which he loves. I've stopped bf as he's not interested now he's on solids and it means my hubby can help at night as he's still up once. He's so much more settled now as he was a terrible baby who cried all day!
Congrats elfsmummy - bet that was a shock! We plan to have another one at some point by probably have a 2 year age gap - I need to go back to work for a bit before I go off again!!
Anyway lovely to read how everyone is getting on ��
Good to hear from you babymaker and ttc and that your little uns are doing good! Rowan's still crap at sleeping more than 4 or 5 hours straight max, but I feel used to it now hehe
I'd be totally up for another kid, but partner still not keen!

Apparently Rowan's a medical weirdness... if people remember, she was diagnosed with a multicystic dysplastic kidney before she was even born - the tube connecting the right kidney to the bladder didn't form properly and the kidney formed into a useless ball of cysts, leaving her with just one functioning kidney. This wasn't a problem though - plenty of people with just one kidney!
Due to this, she's been back and forth for tests to make sure things are ok, and just before christmas, she had a radioactive dye put through her and a scan to see how her blood system's working. This morning, we had an appointment with a consultant, who told us that the results had showed something very unexpected... there's still kidney function on the right side :-o
Left does about 65% of the work and right 35%. The only thing she could think was that the kidney had also been duplex, so it had two tubes, randomly, and part of the kidney survived! Since she's been well up to now, it shouldn't be a problem, but we have to keep an eye on her blood pressure and possible UTIs. So now they want to scan her some more to see exactly what's going on, but apparently more for the interests of medical science than for her benefit lol
Oh my goodness Yorkslass that's amazing! Really hope it wont cause her any problems in the future.
Will she have to go for regular scans?

Anyone heading back to work soon? I will in a couple of months but I work from home so not that big a deal;-)

She'll be having another ultrasound soon to see what's going on, and I guess then they'll know what best to do! Rowan's always been in fine health though, so I'm sure there's not much to worry about :-)

I was to be due back at work in March, but I requested to go part time after mat leave and my company refused on very flimsy grounds, so I appealed the decision and now have to go to another meeting on Tuesday. Sheesh. Reading up on my rights today and will have to be well prepared as I think they'll just try to trip me up somehow. I get the impression they'd rather force me to resign. Could do without this stress - I need to know exactly what I'm doing to arrange any childcare etc!
York lass that sounds stressful, I go back 8th March and my mum will be having baby. I am going back part time so just 3 days a week so I'm very happy about that. Your have to tell us what happens x
That's great news yorkslass and yes I remember you finding out about the kidney problem antenatally. Will she need long term regular follow up?
As for work I go back in 3 months (took 9 months mat and 1 month a/l). Goingback 3 days and my hubby is off one so only 2 days child care for us! Sort of looking forward to a routine as I feel like I'm in a bubble which consists of going to baby classes/chatting about poo and baby wipe brands hahaha! I'm sure the first few weeks will be awful and il be crying leaving my wee boy but I think it'll be healthier for me to be back at work! So lucky I don't need to go back full time - couldn't cope with that xx
Phoenix started solids about 3 or 4 weeks ago, she's still very much into boob though and feeds lots.lol.
She will eat just about anything I give her though, really loves food although doesn't eat a huge amount but loves holding and tasting everything and will shout and reach out for food if you have something and don't give her anything.
We're doing blw which she loves almost as much as the dog does ��

Congrats elf's mummy!!! I'd love to have another baby but I'm sort of glad I'm in no position to as I want to devote time to Phoenix. Plus it's so hard right now with just the one baby. But I'm sure in a couple of years I'll be desperate for another ��
Hello ladies hope you are all well? Not much going on here but was just thinking all our baby's will be 1 very soon and the time has just flown by. Summer will be 1 in 7 werks weeks and i cant believe it. Shes taken a few steps on her own but runs around the furniture.
In one week today, Audra will be 1. Doesn't time fly?
I hope all you lovely ladies have had a smooth year. Audra as I have learnt, is a high needs child (spirited, high maintainence, sensitive, emotional, a dragon of the highest form). It has Not been an easy year, to say the least!
At least she's cute - otherwise she'd be feral in the back garden by now.


At least she's cute - otherwise she'd be feral in the back garden by now.

Haha! That's why they design 'em so cute ;-)
And she is too... what a cutie chops!

I know, it's crazy all our former bumps are nearly one year old children now with little personalities and everything. Rowan is a smiler and a giggler, but at the same time very thoughtful and really into studying the detail of things at length. I love that sometimes if we play a game that she's found funny I'll find her laughing to herself every now and then for a long time after, just thinking about it. She finds amusement in the most random things, like people saying thank you when she hands them a toy - for some reason that was worth a proper laugh the other day. She's so social too - always grinning and waving at strangers haha! Cruising around the furniture now too :-)
She's 17th June... what are people planning to do for 1st birthdays?
Wow so amazing to see your little bumps are now nearly walking! I have been fill owing your stories sInce I left your little group but haven't posted much x congratulations on your beautiful babies!
Kittykitchn summer would be in the garden too!
Summer is just amazing, she is walking a little bit and is so funny. I love that if we are laughing she joins in and she gives cuddles and kisses and says ahh whilst doing it. Whats everyones plan for 1st birthdays x
Heres summer from a couple of weeks back


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Aww... loving the water there, Summer... another little cutie :-)
Ooh, and good luck Eryinera - very close for you now! Hope all's ok :-)

We'll probably have a small gathering for Rowan with some family and friends for her birthday. I'm still in touch and have get togethers with ladies from antenatal class and we all had our babes close together, so will likely be attending a lot of parties... will have to see what they do, as Rowan's 3rd oldest haha - I know the 1st is having a fancy dress party. I'm just caught up trying to think of what I can make Rowan for it!

Don't know if I mentioned I had to quit my job - they wouldn't let me go part time, so screw them. Money's very tight but that's never been that important to us - family and happiness first! Looking for a simple part time job at the moment and teaching piano a bit again. Just need to make sure our situation doesn't put too much pressure on my partner. Everything works out in the end though, right? :-)
Thanks hun. Yea not long at all now! I started losing my plug today do I've been officially benched from work. I still had 4 more days left but I've been forced to go on mat leave early oh well I gave it my best shot!
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Hope its not to long for you and finally you can cuddle your little one.

Yorklass thats awful could you not take them to court? Not sure they are allowed to do thay. Fancy deess sounds fun but we are just doing a bbq in the park with family and friends. I still cant believe ots almost a year.

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