Alrm, she looks so cute! I LOVE the fox outfit - did your MIL get a pattern for it or make it up herself? I do a bit of knitting, would love to try something like that lol
The wonder weeks app, I do find it kind of useful for the tips of helping your child and the reassurance it gives, and that it tells you what to expect. It's very simple, so perhaps not really worth paying for to some, but I like it

As for being a mum, I'm loving it! Especially now she seems to do more interesting things all the time and likes playing. I can get a proper laugh out of her now with 'boo', and she loves to babble away...
Blueclass, I feel for ya there, rowan's never slept more than 4 or 5 hours straight in the night! She tends to go down at 7, but sometimes wakes about an hour later just to do lots of farts and grizzle. She usually wakes then between 10-midnight at which point I bf her, then it's usually 3 for another feed, then 5 or 6. She's then fully awake and grinning at you, but can entertain herself for a while, chattering (which I can't sleep through!). After a while though, the chattering turns into shouting until you take her downstairs... Will be trying her in her own room soon though, so maybe this might help. I'm sure we disturb her in the night, hence all the waking.