??May & June Mummies 2016??

Iv not posted any pics in such along time so thought I'd share a couple x


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Awh Blueclass, she's adorable!

Thanks Yorkslass, I think I just needed to vent somewhere and to people who would have a LO at same age and who would understand. Thankfully it only lasted a couple of nights and she's back to being a bit more like herself. Thinking about it, it could have had something to do with the fact she had had her injections a couple days before (the meningitis jab makes her vomit too - I've never seen so much come out of a tiny little thing! :( ) And I think she was just out of sorts in general and looking for comfort so I've been feeling like an awful mummy for a few days too since my rant. You are right about milestones - she's now able to roll on to her side and front and then back again and she has also started to babble a lot more and has chosen to communicate in various pitches of blowing raspberries! :lol: It's so cute :)

I have a screenshot of the wonder weeks timeline but not sure if it's worth paying for the app or not...? What's your opinion on it?

How are you ladies in general? Adjusted to being a mum yet? I feel a bit more confident getting out with M now she's a bit older. I was suffering with anxiety for awhile but after talking to DH and HV I am getting much better. We recently finished baby massage and are starting baby yoga next week which should be fun!

Here's a recent picture for you. My MIL knitted the fox cardi and leg warmers after I showed her a picture on Pinterest :D


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I like the app and its cheaper so I didn't mind.

Iv started a bed time routine which was going for ok but summer does not wake up for her bottle. This means she wakes up anywhere between 12-3.30. She didn't wake till 6 when having a bottle. Also 3.30 is becoming regular and then she wakes every 2hrs. Its killing me I'm so tired all the time x
Alrm, she looks so cute! I LOVE the fox outfit - did your MIL get a pattern for it or make it up herself? I do a bit of knitting, would love to try something like that lol
The wonder weeks app, I do find it kind of useful for the tips of helping your child and the reassurance it gives, and that it tells you what to expect. It's very simple, so perhaps not really worth paying for to some, but I like it :-)
As for being a mum, I'm loving it! Especially now she seems to do more interesting things all the time and likes playing. I can get a proper laugh out of her now with 'boo', and she loves to babble away...
Blueclass, I feel for ya there, rowan's never slept more than 4 or 5 hours straight in the night! She tends to go down at 7, but sometimes wakes about an hour later just to do lots of farts and grizzle. She usually wakes then between 10-midnight at which point I bf her, then it's usually 3 for another feed, then 5 or 6. She's then fully awake and grinning at you, but can entertain herself for a while, chattering (which I can't sleep through!). After a while though, the chattering turns into shouting until you take her downstairs... Will be trying her in her own room soon though, so maybe this might help. I'm sure we disturb her in the night, hence all the waking.
It is so tiring how so we do it? Do you put her to bed awake?x
She's awake but drifting off usually when I put her down. If she wakes, sometimes just sticking a dummy in will get her back off quickly.
Been a nightmare this week - thought she'd come through the bad patch, but is currently not staying asleep for more than 30 mins max at a time in the night and I haven't slept at all in the last 2 days! Yeesh...
That's tough, hope she sleeps better tonight. I can't put her down awake at all she will cry. I find it frustrating and I know i shouldn't but I'd like her to learn how to self sooth.x
She seems to be over that weird sleeping phase, thank god! Trying her in her own room in the crib for the first time tonight :-o hopefully goes ok... she's been down since 7:30, woken a couple of times, but easily settled again. If we can go half the night at least, it'll be a good start! Left the travel cot set up in our room so we can easily bring her back in again if needed.
Hope it works ok. Im only in a one bedroom at the min so she will be in with us till April. X
I think she slept so much better for being in her own room! When we went to bed she stayed sound asleep until 3am, had a feed and then slept again until 6:30. Crackin' :-) So good to be able to turn over in our own bed without the sound waking her up lol
Nice to read people's updates :-)

We had a week of extra hungry, extra cranky, extra sleepy baby last week. She's usually super chilled out so we assumed either a growth spurt or a development leap. This week she has learned to sit and commando crawl! She's barely 5 months old!! So much better than her sister was at these physical skills. I guess that's second babies though.

We're keeping her in our room as long as we can. Her sister was in with us until she was 8 months and could sit up by herself so no longer safe in the crib. We've got a new bed ordered for her sister so that Kara can have the old cot when she does move. I am a little concerned about how they are both going to sleep sharing a room (and whether her big sister will stay in her toddler bed!!).

We're still putting Kara down to sleep in the living room and then taking her upstairs when we go to bed. Really need to start taking her up earlier but she's not very consistent about when she falls asleep and as her current routine works very well we're not keen to rock the boat...
Wow Maud - amazing managing a crawl at her age! She's a day older than Rowan I think? Rowan's had some very cranky times lately too, but she's suddenly making some leaps, physically - she's close to sitting on her own and much better at reaching and grabbing for things suddenly (including my tablet as I'm trying to type!)
She actually slept through last night too, 8pm until 6am :-o 1st time ever... unfortunately my insomnia's terrible at the moment, so I barely slept haha!
It's all gone quiet. Is anyone still around?

I havent been on here in ages either though. Phoenix is 5 months old now but still a dinky dot. She was gaining loads for the first 3 months but then it tailed right off but I haven't bothered getting her weighed at the clinic I just weigh her myself at home, she's still chubby and poos loads she's just petite. She only went into 3-6m clothes a week ago lol. She only weighs about 13lb 8oz now lol

She's not mobile yet, she can roll front to back but not from her back to her front, and if I put her on the floor she tends to just scream at me to pick her back up lol.
Her latest trick is blowing raspberries and she's been practicing it almost non stop the last two days lol. She can sit unsupported for a few seconds now so wont be long before she's properly sitting.

Still exclusively breastfed & co sleeping lol.

I got some professional pictures done 2 weeks ago


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Summer turned 6 months last week and had her weighed and she is now 17.6lb my little chunky monkey. Im still breastfeeding but she has one bottle at night not that it helps her sleep. Im going back know to work in 3m and not sure if i should wean her on to formula. She doesn't feed every 4hrs she feeds as and when she likes so worried she will find it hard once I'm at work.
Hope everyone is well x
Aw, lovely pics of phoenix! Rowan's a petite little un too, always takes her a while to fit into her correct size of clothing lol
Blueclass I worry about returning to work too, just don't want to leave her! I'm going to see if I can start back part time at first, screw the money. Rowan's 6 months tomorrow and still exclusively breastfed, although we're going to start trying a bit of babyled weaning very soon and see how she likes it. I'll be expressing for her still when i go to work, no doubt, but i think we can only know what's best when we get there... 3 months is a long time in babyland, they change so much!
Discovered recently that Rowan LOVES balloons. I mean seriously - she laughs like a maniac at them :-o Got her a packet for christmas haha
Discovered recently that Rowan LOVES balloons. I mean seriously - she laughs like a maniac at them :-o Got her a packet for christmas haha

Ooh! Thanks for the suggestion, I know what I'm buying tomorrow! :)

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