??May & June Mummies 2016??

Summer turned 6 months last week and had her weighed and she is now 17.6lb my little chunky monkey. Im still breastfeeding but she has one bottle at night not that it helps her sleep. Im going back know to work in 3m and not sure if i should wean her on to formula. She doesn't feed every 4hrs she feeds as and when she likes so worried she will find it hard once I'm at work.
Hope everyone is well x

I personally wouldn't wean off. Breastmilk is soooo good for her, she really will benefit from it for as long as she gets it.

Honestly do not worry about routines. At 9 months things are a lot different. Every single person I know who has gone back at 9 months whilst still BFing has said their baby is happy to eat food and drink water (or a bit of EBM) whilst they are at work and then they BF when they are together. Your supply is really good at regulating/settling now so you should have no trouble adjusting. However you will probably need to pump once or twice a day for a while when you first start back just while you get used to the change of routine. Also I would seriously consider breastfeeding whenever you are together (so swap that night time bottle for a breastfeed once you start back if not before). Breastfeeding is also a lovely way to reconnect after time apart. It will also give her some protection from nursery/daycare germs lol.
And if you can just do it for 3 months then at 1yr you wouldn't have to go to formula.
Or instead of weaning off completely you could just breastfeed twice a day, like evening after work and first thing in the morning.
There are lots of options.
Lil' Rowan's 6 months today!


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I agree, I wouldn't wean yet. All babies are different, but at 9 months my first was just starting to drop her afternoon feed (still had morning, evening and overnight), so you may find that going back to work doesn't make much difference - babies do adjust pretty well and she can always get in extra feeds once you're home or have a bottle of EBM.

ETA Happy half year Rowan! Did she celebrate with some food? Kara had her first foods today - toast with cashew butter for breakfast, bagel with cream cheese and cucumber for lunch and omelette, boiled carrot & red pepper and banana for dinner. She had a great time sucking on it all :-)
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That sounds like a good feast Maud! We haven't tried Rowan yet, I was out carol singing today and we're off to grandparents' tomorrow, so after we're back we'll give it a go. I've bought in some fruits and veggies already to try :)
Plus I have a cold and I'm worried I might give it to Rowan by the end of the week and don't want to introduce something new if she does get it. Really don't want her sick over Christmas! Haven't kissed her all day :( Just BFing and trying not to breathe...
Forgot to mention she had tests the other day involving injecting a radioactive dye into a vein and then a later scan on Thursday and she coped with it so well! Or at least... I distracted her well haha
It's just to check on her one kidney, that it's all compensating fine, but I know it is, as she's obviously healthy! :)
Fingers crossed x

Kara is getting over a really nasty cold. She's still snotting everywhere but it was truly awful last week. She had to sleep in with us for 3 nights and was coughing and sneezing so bad she could barely feed. :-( We're hoping she'll be fully over it by Christmas (and not have given it to the rest of us!!)
Thanks for the advice ladies. I will hold of and see what happens. Can anyone recommend a good Manuel pump. My electric one has broken and I don't want to spend loads as I doubt I will bf after a yr.
Thats alot of food lol. Summer has had purees as im too scared to do baby led. She does like a rask though, gets in a right mess. X
It's awful when our babies are ill. They can't feed and get upset and nothing we can do. Hopefully by Christmas everyone will be feeling ok as it's a crap time to feel crap or have a ill bubba x
Only manual pump i used was a Nuk one i got with a set of stuff (bottles, sterilizer etc) on a sale price and it fell apart after not much use! I got a medela mini electric one as i couldn't afford the fancier swing variety and it's still going strong :-)
I would say that, compared to electric, manual pumping was a pain in the arse! Took ages, required both hands and not too efficient. However, i only tried the Nuk one, so maybe there's better out there ;-)
Amazingly, rowan seems to have avoided catching my cold, touch wood... maybe it's the magical breastmilk? Because i caught it first, maybe she got the antibodies for it straightaway lol
So lovely to read everyone's updates!
M is 7 months and super active! Just getting over a snotty cold and bless her teething as well but her 3rd tooth popped out yesterday and she's much brighter.
Had her weighed last week and she's 18lb 8oz so not too diddy but a lot smaller than my friends babies around the same age.
We stopped breastfeeding when I returned to work at 6 months. It wasn't the plan but I wasn't pumping enough and I was struggling with the engorgement at work. I also found not pumping at work really affected my supply on days off and at night. Hey ho we had a great run of 6 months so super proud of that.
We started blw and she loves it! Went for breakfast this morning and she had pineapple, orange, crumpet, pancakes, jam on toast and sausage! Obviously only a few bites of each.
Meatballs and pasta for dinner which is her favourite.
She's quite chatty and uses mama (my son calls me mama) frequently. Not proper crawling but commando crawling and gets around so easily. She holds onto the sofa and tables and tonight tried pulling herself up. Just wish she would slow down. She's my last and I just want to keep her as a baby - she'll be 8 months in 3 weeks and the thought terrifies me.
Been doing lots of Christmassy things as my 4 year old son is really into this year so off to panto land on Thursday and to see kippers snowy day on Saturday!

Cant believe how quick they learn new skills at this age.

Phoenix is starting to sit now but not for very long because she likes to randomly throw herself backwards :eh: lol

She loves the cats and dogs so much and reaches for them and tries to kiss them.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. P got loads of toys (mostly from me, lol... but did get toys off my friend, my parents, and a few of my relatives).

Oh also she's just over 5 and a half months, no plans to wean yet though, just milk.
About a week or 2 ago she weighed a dinky 13lb 8oz but as she was only 6lb 4oz birth weight it's not too bad, she's more than doubled her birth weight. She's just small, 3-6m clothes are still big on her.


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Good to hear your little un's doing so well MrsT! Sounds like she's coming on in leaps and bounds... but I know what you mean about wanting to make the most of the baby time, it goes so quick :-o
Phoenix is looking gorgeous as always too! Good for her with the sitting up - Rowan has a similar problem with the suddenly throwing herself lol - usually sideways after something interesting she's spotted.
She's really trying to crawl now and getting sooo frustrated that she can't. Just can't seem to coordinate it properly!
We've tried her on a few different foods now too in a baby-led style, just one new thing per day, alternating between fruit an veg - she's had banana, pear and a blueberry jam I made for her with a very basic, salt free bread her dad baked, and parsnip, carrot, broccoli and cauliflower. So far, fruit seems to be more popular lol although she did seem keen on the cauliflower.

She didn't poo for 3 days over Christmas - then it all came this morning :-o
It was a really bad smelly one, presumably for all the new things she's been eating, and she got a horrible nappy rash from it that was bleeding a little :-( I also suspect there might be a little bit of thrush there, so I'm taking her to the docs if it still looks bad tomorrow. We gave her as much time without nappy as we could today, and i also put some live yoghurt on her bum as an initial measure in case it is thrush, and had her eat a small spoonful. I put metanium on it tonight before the nappy went on. Am I doing the right thing? Any other recommendations?
Hope you've all had lovely Christmasses with your little uns besides that!
Oh yes, the newly weaning nappies are very unpleasant and Kara keeps getting a bit rashy from them too. We just use sudocrem. She's been loving all the new foods though. Yorkshire pudding was one of her favourites over Christmas. And she was in her element with all the wrapping paper to play with :-)
Eek how are you all ?? Just found out we're expecting baby number three ! Charlie's still going to be such a baby I'm so scared x
Oh wow that was fast was you trying? I couldn't imagine getting pregnant again right now I'm shattered as it is!
Hey girls! Lovely to read your updates. Congratulations elfs mummy! Hope you have a nice easy pregnancy.

Robyn is 7.5m now. She's pretty small compared to every other baby we know but she's doing really well. She doesn't crawl, she either commando crawls or bum shuffles - but she gets to where she needs(/wants!) to go. She's pulling herself to standing and the latest trick is being able to sit herself up - so this is constant at bedtime!!

We've had a really HARD 3 months. Husband got a new job and has been working ridiculous hours so we've had to adjust with that. 3yo isn't coping well with his days in nursery so we've had to adjust his hours to half days daily - theoretically gives me more one on one with Robyn but not really. It all feels like it's calming down again now though.

Robs LOVES her food (not so fussed on milk, never has been!) and eats absolutely loads. I've got a new job so I'm returning to work at the end of Feb (should have been June!!) so we're taking the kids to Disney the week before to get some quality time in.
Hey girls! Lovely to read your updates. Congratulations elfs mummy! Hope you have a nice easy pregnancy.

Robyn is 7.5m now. She's pretty small compared to every other baby we know but she's doing really well. She doesn't crawl, she either commando crawls or bum shuffles - but she gets to where she needs(/wants!) to go. She's pulling herself to standing and the latest trick is being able to sit herself up - so this is constant at bedtime!!

We've had a really HARD 3 months. Husband got a new job and has been working ridiculous hours so we've had to adjust with that. 3yo isn't coping well with his days in nursery so we've had to adjust his hours to half days daily - theoretically gives me more one on one with Robyn but not really. It all feels like it's calming down again now though.

Robs LOVES her food (not so fussed on milk, never has been!) and eats absolutely loads. I've got a new job so I'm returning to work at the end of Feb (should have been June!!) so we're taking the kids to Disney the week before to get some quality time in.

That sounds lovely, same you are returning to work early though.

I return to work in march part time as hubby also got promoted and said we can afford it if thats what I want. We won't be financially better as he will cover what I lose it is feel it's the best decision for us. I can't leave summer full time, she is my first and I want to treasure each and every moment with her. Summer is 7months tomorrow and feeding is going ok but she can't do lumps very well. I tried baby led weaning but didn't like it after she chocked on broccoli.
We are having a terrible time with bed time. As soon as i lay her down she wakes up. On me she will sleep for hrs. I just don't know what to do, I don't beleive in cc and she dont self sooth. She has got used to falling asleep whilst feeding and iv no idea how to break this. I have a sleeping specialist coming over next week so hopefully she will help. Last night hubby and I did it in shifts and its killing us. We have no time. E for each other anymore as one has to sleep when she is and the other one deals with her. I'm so stressed about it and feel like we should have been harder when she was younger but it's done now. Im still breastfeeding and hope to continue whilst working we will see how it goes.
No not trying but the condom split and I didn't think anything of it as I hadn't had a proper period just random spotting and low and behold I'm pregnant. I hope summer starts sleeping soon for you I can get Charlie to sleep pretty easily at night but from midnight he's up every 45 minutes. Not really sure how we're going to manage a newborn as well but hey ho were doing it.

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