??May & June Mummies 2016??

Here is the scar today. Healing well which is good.


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That's looking much better fruity.

Had 2nd vaccinations earlier today and Kara has been increasingly cranky since and she has just screamed herself to sleep in my arms. :-( Really hope she'll be back to her usual calm, happy self soon.
Looking good fruity! Show us your little 'un too! :-)
We had 2nd jab today too maud - wasn't as bad as the first round, not as much screaming. She cried for 5 seconds, got back on the boob and was even smiling at the nurse before we left! Thought it would be fine, but then by 3 she was crying, unable to settle and mini napping on me for the rest of the day. Just trying to feed her to sleep now... poor lass. Ah well... another lot over ;-)
We have the start of teething. Constant drooling and wanting to suck everything. Heading out buy a pack of flannel to soak and keep in the fridge. Not looking forward to this, bit worried about being bitten and dont want her to be in any pain :(
I thought I posted a photo of Freya at the same time unless it failed and I logged off too quick.

Here she is, finding peek a boo hilarious in her bumbo seat.

She's 14 weeks tomorrow time has gone so fast. Had her second set of injections Tuesday just gone and she was fab. Gave out a little cry when needle went in and that was it. She slept on and off for most of the day then. I've started putting her on the floor when her brother is in in nursery and she seems so content kicking her legs about which tires her out. Next step is to start practicing rolling over. Though she is able to do this when in her crib (it's a Chicco next to me crib) as I think she is trying her best to get as close to me as possible and probably the fact that it is set at an angle probably helps her rolling.

I'm also at the drooling stage and her chomping on her hands a lot. If she's anything like her brother, we had this for three months before a tooth actually started to break through.



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That's exactly what we had yorkslass. Fortunately she settled by bedtime and we had a good night as we're off away for the weekend now.
Hello ladies hope you are all well. Not been on for a while so hoping I havent missed too much!

Nancy is now 15 weeks and such a happy little girl. I have posted a pic. Hoping to be able to pop in a bit more often and catch up with you all xx
Hopefully pic now attached!!


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More sweet little 'uns! So cute, fruity and poispinner ;-)
Meeting up with some of the antenatal class mums tomorrow for a trip to some sort of sensory place... never done that before, will be interesting. Bet Rowan has fun...
On my 5th trip from the bedroom using the pickup/putdown method. Been 1hr and half of this and no end in sight. Argh!!!
Evening all,

How's everyone's little humans doing?

Yorkslass how'd the antenatal class go? I've never heard of those type of classes be interesting to hear more about them.

Stephylou stick with it and hopefully you'll reap the rewards in a few days time. Tho I'm not familiar with the pickup / put down method. I done the controlled timed crying from the jo frost website and it was true to word by day 7 it was all over and my eldest was settling on his own. That has gone out the window since my accident tho but once I'm sleeping back upstairs we going to do that again.

I ventured out today to work and took Freya with me, she was very spooked with lots of cuddles from all my colleagues and couldn't have timed the visit any better my boss was just starting interviews for my job. I've been off since beginning of May and only now they've got round to interviewing!!!

From tomorrow (Wednesday) onwards I'll be on my own throughout the day as my niece who's been living with me returns to uni. My eldest will remain in nursery for time being till I'm able to use the stairs properly tho. Getting him ready in the mornings for nursery will be a new challenge for me but it's something that has to be done I guess.

Oh, this wasn't a class - it was with some mums from the antenatal class I went to while pregnant for 1st time parents. We meet up to take our babies to random things or just go for coffee :-)
The sensory thing was interesting... very trippy lol
After a while in the uv room, Rowan vomited over herself, started crying, then turned her face into my shoulder and fell asleep - in fact all the babies passed out when we came back into reality haha! I think it was perhaps a sensory overload...
Hope the sleep battle pans out ok stephylou!
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Here's yorksbaby with some glowy balls...


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Finally went to sleep at 10.30 but slept through to 8am so not complaining. Is bloody draining but want her to be able to soothe herself especially going into 4 month sleep regression/teething

Fruity glad to hear your doing so much better, the end is in site for your leg to be totally healed :)
I seem to have misread you post Yorkslass but meeting up and doing random things sounds like a good idea. I didn't attend any antenatal classes with my first or second as I'm not good around people I don't know I seem to get all shy and not speak lol. She's such a cutie btw.

Stephylou 10:30 - 8am is a brilliant night sleep. Hopefully in a couple days your little one will be going straight to sleep for you.
Just took Kara for her first swim. Decided against our local pool as too cold. Went to a big fun leisure pool which claimed 30° today. She was fab. Stayed in half an hour before deciding she was looking a bit cold. So proud of her she took it all in her stride - complete opposite to how Isabelle reacted first time! Can't wait to bring her again :-)
Hi Ladies

Just read through everyone's recent updates and loving them!

Been a busy few weeks here with some good going on's and some not so good :(. Having a bit of a weird time to be honest with you, lots of things happening at once, but still trying to plod on for the little miss and trying not to become a recluse.

Had an amazing few days away camping last week with M and DH. First camping trip for M and she did really well and took it all in her stride! Even slept straight through for the 3 nights we were away and thought 'nice one she's cracked it', then when we got home she decided to have a growth spurt and spend Fri/Sat cluster feeding, sleeping and crying whenever I put her in the basket! Nevermind eh? :lol:

Also thinking she has started teething. She is constantly gnawing on her hands, my hands, my DH hands, arms etc. And the amount of drool and spit is unbelievable! Going through about 2-3 bibs a day at the minute. May have to invest in some teething rings I think!

That's really good Maud! I can't wait to take M swimming one day!

A xo
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Got a poorly baby on my hands. No temperture but very congested and we had a projectile vomiting incident this morning. Having a monster nap in my arms, seems like flu so surprised she isnt hot
P is smiling a lot now, it's so cute.
We made the most of the nice weather yesterday too.


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