Hi Ladies, I'm back. Zoe Aliona was born on 27th of May, and will be 14 weeks tomorrow! I actually cannot believe how time flies.
Its been a bit of a slippery slope to get here. My dad passed away when Zoe was just 6 weeks old, after a very short battle with cancer. Thats on top of all the post pregnancy hormones meant pretty regular visits from the health visitor, and plenty of post-natal depression questionnaires. Been given the all clear no though.. They are happy it was grief and not PND!
Zoe had a cyst on her tongue meaning she wasn't able to feed properly, and after an ultrasound and an MRI, it disappeared. Lucky really as she was booked in for surgery the following week!
Despite my original attempts to breast feed, the stress of my dad being ill mean I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy her needs, and her inability to suck efficiently due to the cyst, was all leading down the path to bottle feeding. She is so much happier, and although I was disappointed in myself for not managing, I know that she is happy, and so I have made peace with it.
She is sleeping like a trooper. Down at 8.30-9pm every night, up for a d=feed around 5/5.30 and then straight back down for another couple of hours
We have since started water babies (3 weeks in), local toddlers (Zoe already has a boyfriend who will be in her class at school when they eventually get there, and very much to daddies disapproval!!) and we start baby sensory class next week.
I will try to catch up with everyone elses updates when I get some time