??May & June Mummies 2016??

Dammit, she finished her last apparent growth spurt just last week, which started at 9 wks - she's 11 wks on Friday... eesh, gimme a break kid!
Dammit, she finished her last apparent growth spurt just last week, which started at 9 wks - she's 11 wks on Friday... eesh, gimme a break kid!

I thought she was a week older than Thea not 1 day!!

if it helps get you through i was reading forums and it looks like alot of babies start sleeping at night alot more after the 12th week spurt. I also think we've got the time of year on our side. Thea is going down with the sun (did wake up with it aswell this morning ha ha)

Taking her to the aquarium this afternoon, they have underwater tanks so i think she's going to love the colours.
Oh god, we can only hope that's true...
Enjoy the aquarium - that sounds cool ;-)
Sorry I'm late lol...Aria was born on the 8th may weighing 6lb12 at 37+2. How is everyone doing?xx
Congrats on aria sarahlouise - hope she's doing well!
Turns out Rowan seems to have chilled out today after a superpoo, so think it was the build up to that bothering her rather than a growth spurt. Fingers crossed for sleep tonight!
Hi Ladies, I'm back. Zoe Aliona was born on 27th of May, and will be 14 weeks tomorrow! I actually cannot believe how time flies.

Its been a bit of a slippery slope to get here. My dad passed away when Zoe was just 6 weeks old, after a very short battle with cancer. Thats on top of all the post pregnancy hormones meant pretty regular visits from the health visitor, and plenty of post-natal depression questionnaires. Been given the all clear no though.. They are happy it was grief and not PND!

Zoe had a cyst on her tongue meaning she wasn't able to feed properly, and after an ultrasound and an MRI, it disappeared. Lucky really as she was booked in for surgery the following week!

Despite my original attempts to breast feed, the stress of my dad being ill mean I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy her needs, and her inability to suck efficiently due to the cyst, was all leading down the path to bottle feeding. She is so much happier, and although I was disappointed in myself for not managing, I know that she is happy, and so I have made peace with it.

She is sleeping like a trooper. Down at 8.30-9pm every night, up for a d=feed around 5/5.30 and then straight back down for another couple of hours :)

We have since started water babies (3 weeks in), local toddlers (Zoe already has a boyfriend who will be in her class at school when they eventually get there, and very much to daddies disapproval!!) and we start baby sensory class next week.

I will try to catch up with everyone elses updates when I get some time :)
So sorry about your dad copterpops - what a terrible thing to have to deal with on top of everything.
Glad zoe's doing ok though, her sleeping sound amazing :-o what do I have to do to get that?! Lol
In all honesty YorksLass, I have no idea! I thought it might have just been fluke, but she has been consistent fora few weeks now. Apart from the occasional night. (2 full night's, and one night when she was up at 2.30 instead of 5) luckily she went straight back down that night and was up again at normal time.

I think the key for us is to have a toasty warm baby. Our bedroom is always around 21degrees, day and night. Regardless of what we do. She loves being was and snuggly just like her mum!
Hi ladies iv not posted for a really long time but I so come on and read do have a quick look here and there. Glad to see everyone is doing ok. Sorry to hear about your dad, it must have been such a difficult time especially as you say after having a baby our hormones are everywhere.
Summer is currently getting her 2nd lot of injections, I'm in the waiting room as im a wimp. I'm still bf but she has one bottle of formula at night. She normally has anything between 2-5oz then back on the boob for abit tI'll she asleep but not always. Last night she had 4oz and slept from 11 till 8.30. I can not believe she is 1w weeks already, it's gone so fast. I feel like she will be 18 before I know it. X
Hope summer's injections weren't too stressful blueclass! Rowan's in for that next Friday, not looking forward to it! Was heartbreaking the first time...
Had a lovely day out at fountain's abbey today - hoping all the fresh air has tired her out a bit! Then when we got back we were doing the pre-bath massage and she figured out how to roll from her back to her front :-o Proud of my lil chipmunk...
Also got her swimwear sorted today, so that's the next trip on the list ;-)
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Has a moan at the receptionist at the gp today, when Thea had her 8 weeks I tried to book her 12 week in then, got told you couldn't make appointments that far in advance (which I now realise is bull crap as I would make my midwife ones in advance). Phoned up this morning when I can supposedly make appointments and surprise their all booked, so she's now 2 weeks behind schedule.

I know its fine because babies who are ill ect have them late but its just how crap my GP surgery is.
That's pretty crap, stephylou :-S
Recently found out new crapness of my midwife - she had only given me the mat b1 form and said I could get free prescriptions, and never told me about the fw8 form I'd need to get the official exemption card. Now I have 2 fines totalling about £100 that I can get overturned if I get the correct card. So when we went in for rowan's 8 wk jabs, I explained what had happened to the nurse and she found the form, I filled in the appropriate parts and she said I could wait for a doc to fill in the other bit or I could just leave it with her, she'd sort it and post it off herself. Of course, with an upset post-jabs baby to get home, I opted for the latter... called up after the weekend to check it had been sent and both nurse and doc had gone on holiday for two weeks... there was nothing at reception, so the receptionist told me they were bound to have done it, and to wait to see if the card came through. Left it a week and called the prescription exemption place and of course, they had no record of it! Called the docs and they said 'oops' and got me in to do another form which I posted myself this time. So hopefully when I call the prescription people again, they'll be ok with overturning the fines before I officially get the card, as I'm running out of time to sort it, according to the letter! Grrrrr...
I didn't know there was another form! I live in high birth area so can forgive a lot of things but I can't even get on an NHS dentist register to receive free dental care for the next year. Utter joke sometimes.
Eek - make sure you get a fw8 form then if you want to get your free prescriptions!
P is 8 weeks old already! Can't believe how time flies either! I still haven't even sent off the form for child benefit *eek* I have it filled in though so will post it on Monday lol.

My camera has been playing up (won't charge) so I had to buy an external charger for the battery. P turned 8 weeks old whilst my camera was still not working so I went into Max Spielman and had some pictures taken.

She smiles loads now too, sometimes I manage to catch her smiles on camera lol


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Went to a family party last night with oh and Thea, stayed out to the ungodly hojr of 10pm. Poor mite was knackered we got home and slept through to 6.30am then back down 9am. Wont be keeping her up though as she looked wrecked when we put her down. I however enjoyed the uninterrupted sleep.
Yorklass the injection was ok this time. She cried for a few seconds then stopped but she was asleep when they did it, obviously it woke her but she settled very fast. It's great rowan has learnt to roll over summer hasn't yet but I'm terrible as I don't put her on the floor enough. Iv been told the 16 week ones are the worst and have a friend having theirs on Wednesday so il definitely be checking in on them.
I went to a party last night got home around midnight and summer slept till 5 had a feed then back to sleep till 10.30 was lovely. We also traveled two hours to Warwick Castle and it poured down so much so that our shoes had puddles in them. Luckily they do a rainy day guarantee so we can go back but it cost £30 in fuel and £6 in parking so I was annoyed as we was there 2hrs and so wet we gave up andcame home.
Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing? I'm glad to read all the little ones are progressing / developing well. Freya is 13 weeks old now and even though time seems to have stood still while I've been recovering from my broken ankle (broke in 3 places) looking back it has gone ever so quick. Since I put her on the bottle at 6 weeks she has been sleeping through the night for me which has been a god send as the sleep deprivation I had in the run up to my accident was horrendous. She goes to sleep anytime between 10-11:30pm (depending on when she feeds) and wakes anytime between 6:30-7:30am (depends when my eldest wakes and is brought downstairs). I've not managed to have play time with Freya on the floor as I've had to keep my leg elevated so she hasn't been able to practice trying to roll over and grab things etc but I have been putting her in the bumbo seat and she seems to like it in there but will also start some floor / tummy time with her now I can get up and down to the floor.

My eldest remains in nursery as he is thriving there every morning it seems he can't wait to leave the house and he doesn't look back either. As soon as I say bye bye have a nice day he runs to the hallway gate and waits for my niece impatiently to take him out the door! My hubby and I have decided that he can remain going to nursery for a while longer too as he seems to enjoy himself there so much.

I'm now out of plaster and starting to walk again but still using the Zimmer frame / crutches as I can't fully put my weight on my one foot just yet. Though today I have done lsome housework by vacuuming the living room and hallway (using a cordless dyson), dusting, sterilising all the bottles and doing the laundry and washing up. Even though I'm now in some slight pain it's been great to be able to get up and do things myself instead of asking my niece to do op it for me all the time. Ive also got to deal with Extremely dry skin all over my foot from it being in plaster for 7 weeks. I'm drenching my foot with bio oil and my hubby is removing the dead skin with a pumice but after a couple of hours it dries back out and it's all dry and flaky again.

I'd upload some photos of my injury and Freya but I don't know how to upload photos (I'm using an iPad). If someone wants to explain how to do it I'd share some pictures.

Things sound a bit better for you fruity - good! That sleeping pattern sounds like bliss too... I'm sure it won't be long until you're healed and able to do everything you'd like to :-)
For posting photos, not sure about ipad as my tablet's android, but if you click on 'post reply' instead of quick reply at the end of the thread you'll have an option to manage attachments there and should be able to add photos from your device. Unless they're too big, in which case you'll have to find some photo editing app that'll let you shrink them down - I think the forum's ideal size is 620x620p.
Rowan's getting better at going down a bit earlier on her own now and giving us a bit of evening together - tends to be asleep around 9, then we wake her enough to have her expressed bottle at 11-12 (or if she's down later than 9, we leave her to wake herself for it about 1ish), then she tends to wake at around 3 for a feed, then 6, then she's up for good until her morning nap. Best she can do at the moment... Think it's a combination of small stomach, as she still is quite petite, and not really needing all that sleep at once. I've never needed huge amounts of sleep myself!
Thanks for explaining Yorkslass. I'll give it a try to upload a photo... Hope it loads - Here is the injury.....


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