Catty- I had to laugh about your post with the poo! Honestly in all my years of being a mum I have never seen poo like it!! It must be a man thing that's all I can say, he's literally exploded at me and had me covered not a nice sight I can tell you. That's absolutely crap about your car

They say things come in 3's so hopefully that's it for you now. Although it's turned out to be an expensive time for you
Treeze- Your photos are gorgeous! What cute girlies you have. It's a shame about the CTF but I suppose it's all about cutbacks now isn't it

Where did you get the Jellybaby from? It looks really good!
Pinky- Glad you managed some sleep, it does wonders for coping.
Riotfox- I think you're right it is Amanda that lives in Sheffield. We should all get together and have some fun!
Beth- Sounds like you've got plenty to keep you going, hats off to you for coping so well! I'm moaning at hubby if he's 5 minutes late home from work!
Cherelle- Glad the fibre stuff worked for you

constipation isn't fun at all and can be quite distressing.
Hello to Midnight and Roo

Jodie- Dr Brown bottles are expensive but they were good when I used them on Amy. I've never used Tommee Tippee at all, I've used Avent and Boots own make and Avent is my favourite. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down, is there any chance you can get anyone to have Ella for a couple of hours and just you and hubby spend some time together?
Midnight- Your little girl will be like a little doll compared to my chunky little man

I would love to have a cuddle with a little one, all mine have been mahoosive at birth so it's already like having a 3 month old!
Roo- Sam has never lost any weight either he just keeps putting on and on!
It's been an easier day for me today, Sam has actually gone 3 hours + for his feeds whereas yesterday it was 2 hours. I was pulling my hair out. No sooner had he finished one bottle he was starting another! He has eczema as well, poor wee thing keeps clawing at his face

The HV is supposed to be weighing him again tomorrow, he was 11lb 8oz last Thursday so it will be interesting to see what he's gained in a week. All his newborn stuff doesn't fit him anymore, I'm gutted and very reluctant to throw it away though. They grow so fast.
I'm going to turn in for the night now, absolutely shattered and I need to catch up on some sleep seeing that I went out drinking last night. My first proper night out since last August, it was a very good night but missed my little man.
Night all