***March Mummies***

Thanks Alexis,

It was an internal scan so not the most pleasurable experience don’t stress about the 13 days it will be here sooner than you think, I was convinced it was all in my head also, I have my midwife app 1st August I will be 8 weeks and 4 days by then
Thanks Alexis,

It was an internal scan so not the most pleasurable experience don’t stress about the 13 days it will be here sooner than you think, I was convinced it was all in my head also, I have my midwife app 1st August I will be 8 weeks and 4 days by then

Hi claire congrats ..how far are you
... i had an internal on sunday and wanted to hit the roof it was awful and im not mard i have had plenty xx
Hi Jeni I’m 6 weeks and 2 days, how far along are you?
Aww brill not long till you are 8 weeks so happy for you im probably just about in my 5th week now maybe still abit sooner i just want my 7 weekish scan which is on the 29th of this month im currently in epu because of some brown bleeding waiting on an internal i have been using pessaries and i think as well as my internal they have aggravtied me plus i have an ectropian cervix so i can see me spending a few times in here but everything else seems fine phew... im relaxing after this no more worrying i want to enjoy the process xx
Congratulations Zoe!!

Great news on the scan Claire (sorry it was an uncomfortable one though!)

It'll be 12 days by morning Alexis, and you'll have a lovely pic at 8.5 weeks.

Sorry to hear you're in the EPU jeni but glad all is well!

Hope you're all keeping well. I had a vomiting bug over the weekend courtesy of my LO! Never felt so rough. Im so grateful it's gone now.
Congrats to all the new members and those that have seen bubs on first scan. I'm looking forward to scan in a few weeks, hanging out to see heartbeat . I'm feeling pretty rubbish as still not sleeping a lot and nausea is pretty much a constant companion but all good signs so cautiously excited too
Thanks Alexis,

It was an internal scan so not the most pleasurable experience don’t stress about the 13 days it will be here sooner than you think, I was convinced it was all in my head also, I have my midwife app 1st August I will be 8 weeks and 4 days by then

Oft I'm used to the internal scans as had them for ivf. I've had about 10 of them now so it's a doddle for me! You need them done for tracking your follicles and also to check uterus linning. They don't bother me now. Mine will be internal too!

@Summerwine I honesty feel like 1 day is the length of 4 days. I'm 7 weeks tmrw so almost another mile stone reached!

Anyone else have this hurendous dry mouth all the time?the thirst is getting worse and I worry about it as when I had my mc I was really thirsty. I had to wake up 5am tdown about 500ml water - does anyone know what causes that? I worry being so thirsty has dehydrated my baby?

Also does anyone get this Continous very think Milky dc? I have it all the time and I keep thinking it's blood so I rush to the toilet.

I'm so fed up for my hor one meds now... I've been taking progesterone gel pessaries for 5weeks now twice a day and prognova tablets e ery day. I've got to keep doing them till my 12 week Scan. I was told that I would go and refer to the midwifes at my gp as if I wait for acs to refer me I won't get a 12 week scan as it's so busy? Worrying me now as I go on holiday to turkey when I'm 12 wks +2 and wanted my scan before I went. I will just have to pay for a private scan if that is the case
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Oh bless you.
I’ve been looking at early scans this morning, but it’s so expensive :sad:
I keep having panics that I’m not having enough symptoms but then a hot flush comes along and relaxes me a bit. Who knew I’d want to see them!!
I’m trying so hard to relax but it’s impossible. I’m hoping once I get past 7 weeks I’ll be ok, it was about 7 weeks that I started spotting with the pregnancy I lost.
Also reminding myself the nausea didn’t kick off properly with my son until 7 weeks.
OH got a bit annoyed with me last night because I said I’ve told a friend. She was having a crap morning and I wanted to cheer her up a bit and also I need her to have ds next week when I got for my first midwife appointment.
Haven’t told parents yet so think that’s what upset him.
Also he wanted to tell Ds! :?
I said no immediately, not until we have 12 week scan. He was like why?? I just said if you want to be the one to tell him if it goes tits up be my guest! Why would he want to put him through that! We’ve already lost a pregnancy so he knows it’s a risk!

Sorry for essay...just had to get the thoughts out!
I'm really thirsty too Alexis. Keeping a bottle beside my bed. I can imagine the hormones are a bit tedious. Dont stress too much about the scan, they will fit you in. There are plenty of mama's who dont find out until 10+ weeks or even later, and they've always got last minute slots. When I went for my 20 week scan with LO they couldn't find his heart during the anomaly checks so I had to come back 3 days later and no probs getting an appt.

Great line progression Soffphie! I didnt stop testing till I got a 3+

Aww Niknaknoo, I can understand not wanting to tell your son early. I've told a friend too but hubby doesnt know :lol: feeling a little guilty but not too much as its our bodies going through it!
I totally get the thirst too. Usually at work I have a pint of water in a day. Yesterday I had 2 1/2!! Also the heat doesn’t help.
I’m always nipping to the bathroom to make sure the wet feeling isn’t blood. It’s normal to produce more I think.
Ref your 12 week scan, just make sure your midwife tells the hospital it has to be before you go away. The dating scan is supposed to be done by 13 weeks so im sure they’ll be able to get you in.
Oft I'm used to the internal scans as had them for ivf. I've had about 10 of them now so it's a doddle for me! You need them done for tracking your follicles and also to check uterus linning. They don't bother me now. Mine will be internal too!

@Summerwine I honesty feel like 1 day is the length of 4 days. I'm 7 weeks tmrw so almost another mile stone reached!

Anyone else have this hurendous dry mouth all the time?the thirst is getting worse and I worry about it as when I had my mc I was really thirsty. I had to wake up 5am tdown about 500ml water - does anyone know what causes that? I worry being so thirsty has dehydrated my baby?

Also does anyone get this Continous very think Milky dc? I have it all the time and I keep thinking it's blood so I rush to the toilet.

I'm so fed up for my hor one meds now... I've been taking progesterone gel pessaries for 5weeks now twice a day and prognova tablets e ery day. I've got to keep doing them till my 12 week Scan. I was told that I would go and refer to the midwifes at my gp as if I wait for acs to refer me I won't get a 12 week scan as it's so busy? Worrying me now as I go on holiday to turkey when I'm 12 wks +2 and wanted my scan before I went. I will just have to pay for a private scan if that is the case

Hi alexis i have been the same with thirst i just usually drink sparkling water but now im chugging down vimto its a normal symptom unless you are throwing up alot i wouldnt worry its almost like a craving... and the dc im the same with that aswel i think its actually the pessaries because i can feel it all to the point im wearing a pantyliner and they were giving me discomfort up my vagina so i have started using my back passage and it feels the same ... oh the joys hahaa but also normal to get discharge in 1st tri but i think its deffo the pessaries because they are helping thicken things up ... its an awful feeling isnt it waking up thinking utt ohhh and then its the dc ... xx
I totally get the thirst too. Usually at work I have a pint of water in a day. Yesterday I had 2 1/2!! Also the heat doesn’t help.
I’m always nipping to the bathroom to make sure the wet feeling isn’t blood. It’s normal to produce more I think.
Ref your 12 week scan, just make sure your midwife tells the hospital it has to be before you go away. The dating scan is supposed to be done by 13 weeks so im sure they’ll be able to get you in.

Im bloody same not thirsty bit but the wet feeling. Its sooo like pre AF i always slowely look at toilet paper. Husband keeps saying to me (after loo) still preggers? so i just go in after loo & before he asks say SP! our new code word
Im not ganna download it just yet but wondered if anyone had any pregnancy app recommendations? Id like one that tells me whats happening week by week, pic, maybe a countdown :)
I phoned today and got booked in for 1st midwife appt 8th Aug which would be 10 wks that day. Do they give you the 12 week scan date on that 1st appt or do they post it out to you? I want it to be tmrw as I am 7 weeks... Woohoo

I am sick of burping every 2 mins!

I haven't had any more cramps since I was 5 wks plus 2. Worry means nothing growing? I've had fluttery pulsy feeling sad pokey pulling and jabs at times but no cramps.

The exhaustion is getting worse... Am really struggling at work now. I'm on my feet all day in the hospital and it's killing me now!!
It all depends on where you are alexis, everywhere is so different. My first appointment is with the midwife at my gp who then sends off to whatever hospital I choose and they post out an appointment. I then have my booking in and scan on same day. Or at least that’s how it worked with ds.

Don’t know about the cramps but I reckon as long as you’re having some sensation and symptoms all is well!

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