Thanks Jeni and thanks @Niknaknoo
I had a more relaxing evening started to allow myself to be excited. Problem is its like im waiting for that really bad cramp and you know its all over-
Ill see what home blood pressure is, i never really had issues before so it worries me - i dont care about me and my health but i do care about impacts i put on baby you know?
So glad you have calmed down abit i was in hospital in april and for some reason one of the doctors made me really nervous and when he did my blood pressure it went through the roof and my beats were 150pm lay down he couldnt accept i suffered anxiety and was digging for other answers and he finally listened to me and let me have one of my anxiety meds which works in seconds and when he next come in the room i was fast asleep and my bp had gone back to normal your body can do amazing things and it can run away with panic so stay excited so wat if you need bp meds millions of other women do theres no reason for it to cause you any harm i think once you settle into pregnancy and get comfy you will be amazing please dont take what i have said funny but i have suffered anxiety since being 13 and i know what its capable of its awful so glad to hear your feeling more settled take naps and baths get cosy and enjoy i have flapped this morning cos i have brown blood wen i woke up and wiped and rang epu right away they arent concerned said its totally normal for now my bloods good and on tracj.. happy and my seedling was on my scan which the nurse had told me it wasnt 100% clear so even though im losing im much calmer finding they arent rushing me in but tbh with all my pregnancys i have had bleeding and in one i had a hell of alot and every test come bk negative up until i was 12 weeks!!! And if i hadnt bled so badly in sex and gone to docs who did an internal and test which was neg and told me i had a uti but i knew i picked up a pound test waiting for my script and peed onit positive i think i could have gone to term with no positive but knowing in myself you will notice now how hard your vodys working for you and baba xxx