Oft I'm used to the internal scans as had them for ivf. I've had about 10 of them now so it's a doddle for me! You need them done for tracking your follicles and also to check uterus linning. They don't bother me now. Mine will be internal too!
@Summerwine I honesty feel like 1 day is the length of 4 days. I'm 7 weeks tmrw so almost another mile stone reached!
Anyone else have this hurendous dry mouth all the time?the thirst is getting worse and I worry about it as when I had my mc I was really thirsty. I had to wake up 5am tdown about 500ml water - does anyone know what causes that? I worry being so thirsty has dehydrated my baby?
Also does anyone get this Continous very think Milky dc? I have it all the time and I keep thinking it's blood so I rush to the toilet.
I'm so fed up for my hor one meds now... I've been taking progesterone gel pessaries for 5weeks now twice a day and prognova tablets e ery day. I've got to keep doing them till my 12 week Scan. I was told that I would go and refer to the midwifes at my gp as if I wait for acs to refer me I won't get a 12 week scan as it's so busy? Worrying me now as I go on holiday to turkey when I'm 12 wks +2 and wanted my scan before I went. I will just have to pay for a private scan if that is the case