***March Mummies***

Thanks Jeni and thanks @Niknaknoo
I had a more relaxing evening started to allow myself to be excited. Problem is its like im waiting for that really bad cramp and you know its all over-
Ill see what home blood pressure is, i never really had issues before so it worries me - i dont care about me and my health but i do care about impacts i put on baby you know?

So glad you have calmed down abit i was in hospital in april and for some reason one of the doctors made me really nervous and when he did my blood pressure it went through the roof and my beats were 150pm lay down he couldnt accept i suffered anxiety and was digging for other answers and he finally listened to me and let me have one of my anxiety meds which works in seconds and when he next come in the room i was fast asleep and my bp had gone back to normal your body can do amazing things and it can run away with panic so stay excited so wat if you need bp meds millions of other women do theres no reason for it to cause you any harm i think once you settle into pregnancy and get comfy you will be amazing please dont take what i have said funny but i have suffered anxiety since being 13 and i know what its capable of its awful so glad to hear your feeling more settled take naps and baths get cosy and enjoy i have flapped this morning cos i have brown blood wen i woke up and wiped and rang epu right away they arent concerned said its totally normal for now my bloods good and on tracj.. happy and my seedling was on my scan which the nurse had told me it wasnt 100% clear so even though im losing im much calmer finding they arent rushing me in but tbh with all my pregnancys i have had bleeding and in one i had a hell of alot and every test come bk negative up until i was 12 weeks!!! And if i hadnt bled so badly in sex and gone to docs who did an internal and test which was neg and told me i had a uti but i knew i picked up a pound test waiting for my script and peed onit positive i think i could have gone to term with no positive but knowing in myself you will notice now how hard your vodys working for you and baba <3 xxx
So glad you have calmed down abit i was in hospital in april and for some reason one of the doctors made me really nervous and when he did my blood pressure it went through the roof and my beats were 150pm lay down he couldnt accept i suffered anxiety and was digging for other answers and he finally listened to me and let me have one of my anxiety meds which works in seconds and when he next come in the room i was fast asleep and my bp had gone back to normal your body can do amazing things and it can run away with panic so stay excited so wat if you need bp meds millions of other women do theres no reason for it to cause you any harm i think once you settle into pregnancy and get comfy you will be amazing please dont take what i have said funny but i have suffered anxiety since being 13 and i know what its capable of its awful so glad to hear your feeling more settled take naps and baths get cosy and enjoy i have flapped this morning cos i have brown blood wen i woke up and wiped and rang epu right away they arent concerned said its totally normal for now my bloods good and on tracj.. happy and my seedling was on my scan which the nurse had told me it wasnt 100% clear so even though im losing im much calmer finding they arent rushing me in but tbh with all my pregnancys i have had bleeding and in one i had a hell of alot and every test come bk negative up until i was 12 weeks!!! And if i hadnt bled so badly in sex and gone to docs who did an internal and test which was neg and told me i had a uti but i knew i picked up a pound test waiting for my script and peed onit positive i think i could have gone to term with no positive but knowing in myself you will notice now how hard your vodys working for you and baba <3 xxx

Thanks Jeni, i was also told i could get brown blood but anything red is a call us straight away.
Thanks Jeni, i was also told i could get brown blood but anything red is a call us straight away.

Yeh it can go from pink to brown it all kicks off round about now for me so glad ur feeling more comfy its crazy what your body does you can have mini breakthrough periods too when you would normally be due on you might find blood here and there but if it fills more than a panty liner get checked but you might never see a speck again dont think im that lucky i just come off menopause i shouldnt have bled on that i did every 2 weeks my normal period ... my boyfriend is sure im related to the devil and says if i was an animal id be dead by now hahaa he knew i was pregnant b4 i did because id not come on mr period tracker i hadnt noticed i just knew i felt pregnant we should be due around the same time .. its exciting but i get how nervous it can make you im here miss positive for you at some point tday i will worry over something hahaa xx
Hi soffphie im exactly the same im about four week a few days im really hot but no temp im having cramps too but told me take paracetamol have a hot bath and take a nap im feeling like you atm my blood work is fab i had a scan yday tiny sac but they told me its too early to see anything cramping early is normal because of the changes if they get bad go get urself checked to be safe if you are worried pop to the docs or epu... i know how hard it is dont worry about symptoms we are all different i have had sickness and V sore boobs but try to relax as much as you can i hope all works well for you im in exactly the same boat im so early but look at it as get ur vitamins and start geting your head round what you can and cant eat ... good luck!!!
@soffphie and jeni and Sorry to jump in this but hot baths aren’t recommended in pregnancy. Nothing that increases core temperature is good. Best to have warm baths. X
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yes, this is incredibly random -
regarding food can anyone advise best stuff to eat:
so with vegetables..
are peas ok? carrots? broccoli? which is best advised?
is stuffing ok?

im guessing to some degree its ok to eat frozen food still? like the chicken steaks, fish fingers etc? yess being silly :)

and lastly, am i allowed chinese? i really fancy one, ive noticed im not massively hot on eating at the moment but i do really fancy this!!
i just have chicken omellette chips and few chicken balls with sauce normally... :/

i also realized i can no longer have steak!! hahahahha literally i normally have medium and i just think this wouldnt be ok anymore
oooh! thanks for this.. i always have boiling hot baths

Hahaa i dont bath i only have a walk in shower which is perfect for me cos with endo sometimes getting a bath means can be stuck there for a hella long time lol @Lollypop79 showers are abit easier because your temp can cool down quicker but i still only have warm baths or showers i cant cope with hot flushes after menopause bad memories haha
Hey new ladies! Congratulations.

Big welcome to Soffphie, as I've been following your journey to get here!

Yes check out the NHS foods to avoid list. I can't bring myself to avoid caffeine completely (toddler...) but now limit myself to 1 coffee a day!
Oh and scan wise, depends how long you can hold out! I had a private one at 6 weeks and 3 days and was glad I did as I got to hear the heartbeat and i know itll only be 5 weeks or so till my NHS one now. Depends how patient you are haha, and how sure of your dates! X
Oh and scan wise, depends how long you can hold out! I had a private one at 6 weeks and 3 days and was glad I did as I got to hear the heartbeat and i know itll only be 5 weeks or so till my NHS one now. Depends how patient you are haha, and how sure of your dates! X

tbh, im going to try and hold off for 8 weeks :) i think the scan pic will look better
tbh, im going to try and hold off for 8 weeks :) i think the scan pic will look better

Yes it definitely will! I wasnt bothered about that, I just needed to know there was a heartbeat. You'll have a great pic at 8 weeks!
sorry heres another one, i just got yellow cm and quite a bit of it as well when wiping. i am semi freaking out as isnt yellow cm bad?
*edit to this one above*
doctors didnt seem worried, asked if i had red blood, i said that i get this in my 2 week wait generally and looking at my chart this cycle i got it 5,6,9,11,12,13 or something like that basically quite a bit!

she asked if i felt generally unwell with it?? no idea why she would ask this tho!! any insight!?

want me to go in get thing to swob it if see it again (thats to check infection im pretty sure)

she said yellow cm isnt a sign of blood to come it has to be red.
Hey everyone,
It's been a long time since I was last on here
But today I found out I'm pregnant and due 28th march x
I remember and still keep in touch with mummies I met on here from my first so I figured after 4 years I would need support through this pregnancy again. Very nervous but excited xx
hate it, ive never been pregnant before so i have no idea. ill also only be pregnant once so i hate that im sitting here scared instead of enjoying it ya know? i was looking online and the 8 week scans do look better :)
Congrats! Yup I am very scared and nervous and expect to see blood every day after 2 5 years ttc and 2 attempts at ivf and a miscariage... Its so very scarey but each day that passes means the risk is less. Happy to see you join us!
Oh the hot flushes. I hate them!! And the cramps are normal.
What a lovely birthday present! Fx it all goes well for you (and all of us!)
Yeah I started getting hot flushes past few days its horrible but I had then during my ivf injections too!
Congratulations and welcome to all the new members

I had my scan today, confirmed only one baby, measuring correctly and saw the heartbeat, huge amount of relief. Won’t have another scan until my NHS 12 week but I can relax now
I am 6 weeks and 5 days today! Time is going so slow! My 1st scan is in 13 days time. Keep sticking and growing embryos!! Pleaseeeeeee
Congratulations and welcome to all the new members

I had my scan today, confirmed only one baby, measuring correctly and saw the heartbeat, huge amount of relief. Won’t have another scan until my NHS 12 week but I can relax now
Cograts hunni... My early scan is at 8 weeks 4 days so counting down the days now. I haven't even been refered to my midwife until I am discharged form the Ivf clinic on my 1st scan. It doesn't feel real yet... I am so so anxious. I'm so scared I see no baby at my scan

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