*March mummies Tri 3!*

So glad Lovepeace scan went well and little one is a good size.

Merry, you are so brave to give birth at home. Yes Amazon baby box has arrived and it's really good. It's not one of those cheap one that converts into crib box. It's just a goody box. Contains: Nemo plush toy, aveeno soothing cream, nappy rash cream, 2 baby bottles and a soother, 2 packs of wipes , breast pads and coupons.

Haylian, scheduling analyst sounds very busy role. I am portfolio analyst and I know it can get very busy. Smaller baby means easier birth? What did midwife say?

Summertime, it's so good to have short work weeks. Ha ha. I work till end of February. :)
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LOL Merry I am only realising lately too that I actually have to give birth, for really! I actually had a dream about it last night. Going to make a start on birth plan soon but Im remaining open minded about which way it could go. Cant wait to hear about your home birth experience.
Hayli - How long are you signed off for? I was originally going to start mat leave at 38 weeks but decided to finish at 34 in 4 weeks time as horribly stressful and long hours and I just can't be doing with it. I#m using 2 days annual leave a week over the next month so only working Weds-Fri which makes it a lot better!.

I’m signed off for 4weeks, but I don’t plan on going back before baby! I was supposed to be off from 28th Feb at 35 weeks which is when I went off last time. That was including annual leave though which I’ll get back now I’m signed off. So I’ll use it next year or have it paid if I don’t go back.

I gave quite a lot of my baby things away to my cousin who had a girl 9 months after me so most of mine are 12 months plus. And I reckon I’ll end up selling loads as I’ll not like them anymore haha. Need to get more bought though as I’m still way behind the curve with baby clothes and vests etc.

It is very busy Charlotte, I schedule for the biggest department while only working 35 hours. I just work for scummy people who have no clue how to manage! They’ve let someone bully and victimise people for almost 2 years and done nothing about it! Anyway I’m out of there for now so trying to focus on other more pleasant things :)
Hello everyone!! Wow can't believe I am posting in the third trimester page now! Seems like a short time ago I just signed up to this forum after finding out I was pregnant, time really is flying by so quickly! Hope everyone is keeping well. Only 10 weeks and 3 days until my due date! Finishing work 2 weeks before my due date, that is the plan anyway, will see how I go!! Just wanted to pop in and say hello :)
Haylian I completely understand. Enjoy your time off and focus on your little one. There is no need for stress at this time.

I work for a very friendly company. And I actually love this place. Bosses are very friendly and understanding. So i am going to stay until end of Feb and then go on maternity leave.

I already got Amazon free goody box and now they gave me free nappy bin.
Ordered some soothers and looked at the sterilisers.

Do you girls think steriliser is a must have or a boiling sauce pan will do?

Welcome Victoria :)
Hi Victoria welcome to tri 3! I expected tri 3 to drag in but its not at all, going by so quickly!
I didnt expect to feel this tired in tri 3, im way more exhausted than i ever was in tri 1. I could sleep the clock round. I sleep fairly well at night and dont have insomnia just yet thankfully.
Charlotte i was wondering the same actually and thinking of just using milton and saucepan to sterilise. Im hoping to mostly breastfeed and not need bottles so much, just for expressing.
Loveandpeace, have you checked your iron levels? I was tired couple weeks ago and my iron levels were low. So they put me on high dose and I feel a lot better.

I think I will buy steam steriliser cause its more convenient to sterilise soothers. Im hoping to breast feed too but will get a few bottles just in case my baby needs to top up his food.

I feel so clueless sometimes. I look at baby stuff and not sure what to buy and what not to. Was looking for soothers and even that took me a while. Got avent free flow bpa free ones. Now got stuck on bottles. Reviews make me confused. Some people say good things about certain bottles, the other say bottles leak. And Im like what do I do ha ha :)
Hi Charlotte,

Aw me too, I feel clueless looking at stuff and dont really know what I should be looking for? Ive been reading reviews on bottles and they say to get the same make/brand of bottles and soothers so the teet is the same. I think the MAM and Advent ones get the best reviews? I bought tommee tippee soothers ages ago on sale but regret it now as their bottles and soothers dont get as good reviews. I think you can read too much into it all. No matter what the baby is going to have everything they need.
I had iron levels checked at a midwife appointment around the end of Nov and they were fine. The latest two midwife appointments have just been urine samples and BP and no bloods so unless they may have changed?
I dont know if its because Im just not used to being tired (I felt I got away pretty well with tri 1 and dont recall feeling overly tired except maybe once or twice) or if I have been overdoing it a bit more than usual lately. I also now have a full blown cold which I felt coming on the other night so that hasnt helped. If I am still feeling like this next week I might say to MW about getting checked.
L&P I would definitely meantion to the midwife as your Iron levels can drop since when you had them tested.

Charlotte - With soothers/bottles/nappies etc and all the different types/brans the best advice I can give it not to get too many of anything before the baby arrives that way you can change if you need to. With my son we got everything before like the bottle them he didn't get one with them so had to buy them all again.

This time I've just got 1 packs of nappies in size 1 and 2 and anewborn bottle 2 pack from Phillips Avent range. That way if that doesn't work out I can switch to another brand.

I'm a 2nd time mum and all the stuff is still totally over whelming! I used the Milton cold water steriliser last time and had a microwave steriliser for when needed something ready really quickly. I would think using hot water alone would be abit of a faff if you need something doing in the middle of the night.

I wasn't successful breastfeeding the first time around but keep reminding myself that this is a different pregnancy and baby and no reason for it not to worth. Got off to a really bad start with my son as difficult delivery then he was severly jaundice so didn't get to have much skin to skin and he was away under the lights for 5 days and my milk didn't come in properly. Going to give it my best shot but not going to give myself a hard time if it doesn't work out as got very down after Ebens birth and ruined the first couple of months of being a mummy.

Feeling a lot more chilled at work now on 3 days a week. just doing my hours and accepted it's impossible to do everything. 15 working days to go!! Not making many plans for when I finish as want to focus on relaxing and spending time with my son.

Iron levels can drop within a few weeks. Mine were fine all the time and then the level dropped. I feel very energised after taking iron.

My ribs are hurting. I guess my little one is getting bigger. :)

I agree that best way is to buy a few soothers and a few bottles and nappies and then buy again more if baby likes them.

I did the same with clothing. Bought 4 sleepsuits and 2 hats. Will get 5 bodysuits and then will wait until baby arrives. Will get more clothes then. :)

I'm thinking about avent bottles too. However read a bit about Browns bottles. They are better apparently but they do leak.

Amazon baby box contains 2 bottles I just need to check k if they are BPA free.
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The Browns ones are really good if you baby siffers from Colic but they are a pain to clean, again might be better so see what the baby is like.

I chose Avent as seems to work well with breastfeeding from the reviews I have read but will have to see what the baby thinks! Hopefully won;t need them for the early days but even if breastfeeding hope to be able to express so can miss the odd feed - though can't wait to meet my baby and don't think I will want to put them down! Going to try and still take my son to some of his clubs so if baby will take a bottle of expressed milk will just make it a bit easier logistics wise.
Looked at th Amazon box as I created a wish list for our parents to get us a few bits but looks like you need a prime account.
Same here ST going to give BF my best shot but not going to be hard or down on myself if it doesnt work out for whatever reason. However if it does work out I will definitely want DH to share some feeds so will want to be able to express. Also so I can have a few glasses of wine some evening! Its just hard to know whether to buy a pump now (then manual or electric - again so many choices?!) in the January sales or just wait to see what happens. Have a BF workshop in a couple of week so will have a lot to ask.

Having the same indecision with slings and a bouncer. Some babies like being in a sling and some dont. Same with bouncers.
Whats everyone elses thoughts?
Summertime, I already received Amazon baby box and also free nappy bin is on its way.

Yes you need prime account. Trial account works too.

Would you recommend buying avent bottles starter kit? It contains 4 BPA free bottles.

Loveandpeace, it was easy for me to choose baby bouncer. I like Babybjorn bouncer. It's electric free and works when baby naturally bounces. It's amazing. Light and portable.

My ribs hurt a lot today. Feels very sore.
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Loveandpeace - you could always go for a basic baby bouncer or pick up a second-hand one? I've known a few babies who didn't like ones that vibrated etc, I'm not spending loads for that reason! Re. slings - I'm afraid whether ours likes it or not we're using one, if nothing else we have a dog who will need walking :) We've been given a carrier and I also like the look of the caboo one, but I'll probably pick up a fabric sling too. A few people have recommended local sling libraries, maybe you could investigate round your way?

Charlotte - I'm getting achey ribs too, there's constantly a foot stuck under my ribcage which probably explains it :)
Thanks Merry yes i think if anything we'll get a cheapish bouncer or a friend said we could just have her sons who never used it and she isnt having anymore kids.
DH researched and bought a carrier but its from 3 months up to 3 years so i was thinking of a fabric one from newborn....there is a local sling library near me the last saturday of every month so if i can get to that i will. My problem is im so indecisive lol.
Can anyone recommend good baby/changing/nappy bags? I bough one online and its crap so sending it back. Im also thinking of one that could be used/doubles up as stuff for the baby for the hospital after the birth.

I went to see my midwife yesterday. And she said my ribs hurt cause my baby is side ways now. Ha ha. Before he was with his head near my leg and now his head is near my ribs, so he is turning other way around by looks of it.

She also mentioned my low iron levels. It is suppose to be minimum of 11. Mine is 10.3 and if it continues to fall then I will need injections cause I am already on 3 iron tablets a day.

She will do blood test in 2 weeks and then I will know. She told me to eat iron rich food, which means veg. So I will do that.

As of nappy changing bags, Ive looked at so many and did not like any. I will continue to look. What I found that John Lewis has sometimes sales on ex display bags at a low price.

Also Tkmaxx has good bags but not always the best colours. I looked at Bababing DayTripper City Deluxe but its a bit manly, its very organised but on a bigger size.


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I was really struggling because of the anaemia but have noticed I’m not quite as bad since starting the iron and making a conscious effort to include iron rich food in my diet. I need to have a blood test in 2 weeks and then if the levels aren’t high enough the midwife mentioned the possibility of a transfusion!! Hopefully it won’t come to that. I think she’s being overly cautious because i’ll be having the c-section not long after so they want me to be going into the op fully loaded so to speak!!

We have bought the Joie swing. I had a swing with my son and it was invaluable! I liked the Joie one as you can take the seat off it and it’s then a portable bouncer. We got it for £116 in the sale online.

I will be using the changing bag I had for my son - it’s one of the only things I kept as i really liked it and it was useful for taking on holiday and things, long after he was a baby! It’s a Pacapod. Check them out online, great bags.

6 weeks today I will be having baby!! Times flying and I still feel like there’s so much to do!!
I love all the baby stuff talk!

I had a swing for my first from Babies r us, it was a god send. I had a very clingy baby and that’s the only way she would settle while not being held. It was around £70 and worth every penny!
I also used the tommy tippee colic bottles which worked for us, they do leak a little though. I too struggled to breastfeed and it is still the 1 thing I could get emotional about. But I had a very happy baby on formula and she’s healthy etc so I don’t beat myself up about it anymore. I’ll try again this time but if it’s not to be then I won’t feel as guilty using formula.

Charlotte I have a pink lining changing bag which I’ll be using again this time, I loved it and it was so organised. I got everything in it. We get one with our travel system too so I’ll give that one a try too if it’s any good. I may end up investing in a rucksack type one though as I plan on doing a lot of baby wearing this time round. My sister is a peer supporter in our local community so will get lots of support. I didn’t know anything about it really last time but when I started slinging at around 1year old I loved it!

I had a blood test at the my midwife apt yesterday so will see what those results are. I have been sleeping lots but I honestly think it’s just catching up from the hours of sleep I’ve lost over work. Now I’m off I think I’m just on major catch up!
Girls what brand nappies are you getting? I just ordered Bamboo newborn ones. Are there any other good brands? x

Iron rich food is mainly veg. I do like broccoli but not everyday. Will Google what else is high in iron.

I still haven't chosen a changing bag. I like it to be practical but cute at the same time.

Is pacapod like a small backpack? I do like these. I've seen them. The only thing is my oh will think it's too girly. But I do like them :)
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