*March mummies Tri 3!*

I've had one "blast" from my right nipple on boxing day night. Attempted to sleep topless and drenched the duvet cover!

Yet nothing since then.

It's normal though. I had the same with my DD. I won't breastfeed so kinda just looking forward to letting them dry back up

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My boobs have been leaking small amounts of colostrum since I was about 16weeks.

I had a call from the hospital yesterday with my blood results. I am anaemic too and have been prescribed iron tablets, 2 a day. I’m not going to take that amount though - just 1 every other day - as they will make me constipated so I’m going to top up with Spatone sachets and lots of iron rich foods. Getting bloods retested in 4 weeks to check levels. Explains why I have been feeling so exhausted and breathless anyway!
Dee, I take 3 tablets of iron daily. Its very high and I also bought beetroot juice. Not very tasty but its ok. :)

Girls, have you bought any clothes?

At least we have a pram and also ordered a cot. Went shopping this week and could not find any nice clothing that I liked. I guess Im a bit fussy ha ha. So I asked my relatives what do they think about clothing and stuff. They asked me if its not too early to buy clothes?
Well Im almost 31 weeks and only now started to look for stuff. I don't think its early at all. Is it?
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Dee, I take 3 tablets of iron daily. Its very high and I also bought beetroot juice. Not very tasty but its ok. :)

Girls, have you bought any clothes?

At least we have a pram and also ordered a cot. Went shopping this week and could not find any nice clothing that I liked. I guess Im a bit fussy ha ha. So I asked my relatives what do they think about clothing and stuff. They asked me if its not too early to buy clothes?
Well Im almost 31 weeks and only now started to look for stuff. I don't think its early at all. Is it?

I don't think it's too early. Rather that, than buying stuff in a hurry
Dee, I take 3 tablets of iron daily. Its very high and I also bought beetroot juice. Not very tasty but its ok. :)

Girls, have you bought any clothes?

At least we have a pram and also ordered a cot. Went shopping this week and could not find any nice clothing that I liked. I guess Im a bit fussy ha ha. So I asked my relatives what do they think about clothing and stuff. They asked me if its not too early to buy clothes?
Well Im almost 31 weeks and only now started to look for stuff. I don't think its early at all. Is it?

No its not too early to buy clothes for baby i have been picking up quite a bit in the sale in Newborn, 0-3 & 3-6 months ive got tons only spent about £100
Happy New Year March Mummies! Im actually due NEXT MONTH!
Ive bought mostly 0-3 babygrows and maybe 2 outfits, cardies and other basics. Have a handful of newborn clothing as they wont be in it for long and its looking like im having a big baby anyway. As we dont know the sex im not going too mad. Might buy some 3-6 stuff in the sales.
Bought what i needed for my hospital bag yesterday and size 2 nappies, its all becoming very real and very exciting! Have a list to work off now.
Decided to take off work 3 weeks before my due date, just for me time more than anything (if baby doesnt come early), so only almost 5 weeks left to work yipee!
Erm. I picked up one or two bits for her....

Ok.. honestly I just grabbed a bundle off eBay. Didn't think it would be this much.

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Lol wow thats a lot of clothes! Oh well its good to have lots of choice!
Happy New Year ladies! And what an exciting year it will be :)
We ordered our travel system in the sale, got the Ickle Bubba stomp v3.
Picked a few packs of baby grows up too for bargain prices but overall still have very little!
Got a Moses basket from my sister and already got the cot and changer etc from last time. So it’s coming on but I do feel like I’m not very organised.
Honestly I’m just counting down to finish work, had an awful year with a tricky colleague who thankfully has recently been “let go” but it’s been so strained it’s unbearable! So 58 day countdown begins now! 28th Feb is my last day!! Can not wait
Lol wow thats a lot of clothes! Oh well its good to have lots of choice!
Newborn, 0-3 and 3-6. Was £40 so i expected much less. I think I got super lucky.

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Happy New Year girls :)

Wow what a bargain ha ha. Well done Ts.

Haylian, I'm off the same time as you. Thinking 26th of Feb. It's less than 2 months. I feel ok at home. But really heavy and tired at work. But if I stay means more time with my little boy. :)

We have a pram, ordered cot. Need to buy the rest now. I have chosen pretty much everything even a sleeping bag.

Not sure what to pack in hospital bag. Stuff for me and my baby and also ohs stuff and snacks and extra coffee. He get hungry quickly.
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I have made a start on my hospital bag but its looking like I will need a bigger bag! So much stuff to pack!

I only have 4 weeks and 2 days left to work, decided to take off 3 weeks before due date (2 weeks of which are annual leave). Fed up with work plus 3 weeks is more than enough to rest, get any last minute bits and maybe meet some friends for lunch or whatever.

Is anyone else experiencing Braxton hicks? I am not sure if its that or not but often (mostly during the night) I am having sudden mild pain around my tummy area, it does feel like a tightening muscle spasm. It doesnt last for long. Just wondering if this is braxton hicks?

Also any cravings I had are all but gone and just really thirsty a lot. Trying not to read into it too much and worrying I have GD.
Loveandpeace, I feel BH sometimes during the day. Drink plenty of water that helps for sure.

I found hospital bag checklist online. The only thing I'm not sure is my own clothing. It says bring old t shirt or a night dress. Does it mean hospital won't give me a gown?
Lol wow thats a lot of clothes! Oh well its good to have lots of choice!
Newborn, 0-3 and 3-6. Was £40 so i expected much less. I think I got super lucky.

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Wow! What a bargain!
Did you just search "bundles" on eBay? I wanna check it out.
Yes. I searched baby clothes bundles. Gumtree also has a ton for me locally.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Loveandpeace, I feel BH sometimes during the day. Drink plenty of water that helps for sure.

I found hospital bag checklist online. The only thing I'm not sure is my own clothing. It says bring old t shirt or a night dress. Does it mean hospital won't give me a gown?

I am quite bad at making the effort to drink more water so I really must try harder!

Oh yes good point actually about a hospital gown! Surely they would provide this when in labour? I am aiming for a water birth so will be naked or have my tankini top for this, but if Im not in the water I'd want to have something on top I think.
I have bought loose bottoms to wear leaving the hospital and the days following the labour in the probability of having a sore whoo haa.
Hi Ladies,

I've not been on in a while with Christmas mayhem, vsiting families etc etc, back to work and normality today. 28 + 4, exciting to be posting on the Tri 3 board. Had my GTT before Christmas but haven't heard anything so guessing I don't have it, my bump is measuring big so seeing midwife every 2 weeks now and if doesn't slow down going to be having a growth scan.

Not really suprised after my son was 10lbs just hoping this one isn't too much bigger. my back is starting to ache from the weight of the bump.

Over the Christmas break been discussing names and think we have decided on Jonah for a boy, haven't thought of it before I was quite set on Jacob but me and the hubby both really like it. No such luck on the girls name don't have any potentials on the list!

Sounds like everyone is getting organised with baby gear, I haven't got my sons stuff out of the loft yet, nursery is half finished then will be able to unpack all the clothes etc in there.

Finsihing work on the 9th of Feb at 34 weeks so not too much longer to go, real struggle as long hours and stressful so can't wait to finish and have some quality time with my son before the baby arrives.
Hello all, happy new year! Not been on here in ages, hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas. Now we're into 2018 it's feeling like there's not long to go!

I've had 24 hours of minor panic - had a midwife appointment yesterday (32 weeks) at which it seemed baby's growth had slowed down based on bump measurements, so I was booked in for a growth scan this afternoon. Seeing as I have been feeling lots of strong movements and the heartbeat was fine I managed to reason with myself that it was probably nothing, but there's still that little niggle that maybe gut instinct isn't right... Anyway, we had a scan and everything is 'perfect' in the words of the midwife, measuring bang on the 50th centile and a very healthy baby. We got another peek at baby :) and I got a bonus day off work, so all is good!

Currently got a washing machine full of newborn clothes and Moses basket bedding to go into the new wardrobe I built yesterday, getting organised now!
Summertime, it's not easy to pick a name. I think every name associates with somebody I know ha ha.

Merry, what a stressful time. So glad all is good!

I have also booked a scan to check if placenta has moved up. It's end of Jan.

I am full of cold. Sore throat and blocked nose. Drinking tea with honey and lemon. I guess that's all I can have.

Been looking for new baby clothing. I prefer kimono style bodysuits easier to put on. Rather than over the head ones.

Will order some nappies ha ha for myself. Is there anything better than tena super pants? I can't stand pads. They are so uncomfortable. Will put them into my hospital bag.
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Hello girls,

Happy new year to you all and hope you all had a lovely Christmas .
Sorry for being quiet recently. Christmas was very nice. Have now taken down all the decorations and have been busy sorting through myson’s baby clothes to see what we can use. Hubby also bought some new bits which I’m very excited about!
Had my GTT a couple of weeks ago but never heard anything so hoping I don’t have diabetes this time around.

Saw my consultant about my c section but still don’t have a date. Seeing him again next week so hoping I’ll find out then xx

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