*March mummies Tri 3!*

Loveandpeace, I feel BH sometimes during the day. Drink plenty of water that helps for sure.

I found hospital bag checklist online. The only thing I'm not sure is my own clothing. It says bring old t shirt or a night dress. Does it mean hospital won't give me a gown?

There will be a gown available at the hospital for you however they are awful all open at the back, They give you the option to bring your own night dress for when your in labour for your own comfort, I brought a cheap dark nightie from primark i still use it now lol
I meant to add that I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks which I never had with my first. Anyone else getting them? I’m 31 weeks today xx
I meant to add that I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks which I never had with my first. Anyone else getting them? I’m 31 weeks today xx

Hiya i never had braxton hicks with my first baby but with my second i was having them regulary once i reached the Third Tri, I havent had any with this baby yet i`am almost 32 weeks X
Yes I've just started getting them in the last week, never had them with my son so shocked me a bit, bump goes so hard! Thought it was hiccups to start with but last longer.

I didn't feel any movement until 25 weeks due to placenta at the front so just please to be feeling movement!

I hated the hospital gown, also had an oversized nightshirt from primark that unbuttoned for feeding xx
I get BH at least 2x a day. It's very uncomfortable. I have to freeze and wait till it stops.

Recaro car seat arrived today and carry cot too. So it's now small items left to buy. Still waiting for cot to arrive mid Jan.

I will get darker colour night dress to wear in the hospital as I remember gowns are with open backs and not very nice. Worn by someone else.
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I've not had any BHs, that I've been aware of anyway (32 weeks). I'm assuming everyone gets them at some point?

I have noticed that baby is moving much more powerfully in recent days - I've just been playing with the foot that is permanently under my ribs or propped against my side. When I push it gently it pushes back, it's weird but nice to have some interaction!
I get BH a cpuple of times in the night and they are actually very uncomfortable!

ST I adore the name Jonah! I know a baby Jonah and think its a lovely name.

Merry glad all went well woth growth scan. Baby movements for me have ramped up a gear too, I just love the feeling so much.

I have all day tomorrow free to sort out baby stuff in the spare room soon to be nursery and redo our list, as well and sort hospital bag. Also to start cleaning/sorting house in general out.

How are everyones hormones? Ive been feeling quite edgy and weepy all week. Missing my Mum a lot too :-(.
Snapped at DH earlier he has been getting on my tits for a few days now and my patience ran out! Went to bed earlier for a bit of a cry then fell asleep for 2 hours!

I get BH a cpuple of times in the night and they are actually very uncomfortable!

ST I adore the name Jonah! I know a baby Jonah and think its a lovely name.

Merry glad all went well woth growth scan. Baby movements for me have ramped up a gear too, I just love the feeling so much.

I have all day tomorrow free to sort out baby stuff in the spare room soon to be nursery and redo our list, as well and sort hospital bag. Also to start cleaning/sorting house in general out.

How are everyones hormones? Ive been feeling quite edgy and weepy all week. Missing my Mum a lot too :-(.
Snapped at DH earlier he has been getting on my tits for a few days now and my patience ran out! Went to bed earlier for a bit of a cry then fell asleep for 2 hours!


Aw, hope you're feeling better now! My hormones haven't been an issue really, but the increasing tiredness is, I keep waking up around 2am and lying awake for hours and it's starting to make me feel drained 24/7.

Anyone want to share bump pics? I've been rubbish at taking them but want to try and record these last few weeks!
Here's my latest bump pic, at 32+5 (just realised the mirror needs cleaning!)


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I have really popped, so much that people are saying things like “you must be due any day” and surprised I’m still at work etc. I just smile now and know it’s meant in a nice way! Pic at end of T2 and at 29 weeks. Just at my parents this weekend so got all baby clothes that stored in their loft, excited to get it home and sort through. Starting to feel very real!


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Ah lovely bump pics ladies and you're both very neat!

Thanks Merry im feeling better today. Hormones havent really been too bad in the pregnancy but its probably more grieving for Mum.

I'll attempt to share one tomorrow after my growth scan. Trying not to be too nervous about it and actually just excited to see baby again.xx
Beautiful bumps girls! :)

I haven't got any recent photos but will try and take some. :)

A large mirror would be nice at home but I haven't got one. Not sure why. Only a small one. Ha ha.

Hormones? Yap same here. My oh does not react like before he agrees to everything I say, cause he knows I will get upset.

Loveandpeace, its very emotional and very hard without mum. And hormones are not helping to deal with emotions either. Stay strong.
Those are some lovely bumps! I feel terrible as I’ve not taken 1 yet and started at 19 weeks with my first! I must make an effort to start taking some now.
I’ve been a bit more hormonal this time I think but I’ve been having an awful time at work. So much so that I’m going to the Drs tomorrow to be signed off as I can’t work in such a hostile environment! My whole working life I’ve never had more than a couple of days off so it’s not been an easy decision to make but continued stress can impact the baby so I need to put her first. I have my first growth scan tomorrow too since being diagnosed with GD so slightly apprehensive about that. Even though I’m not as big as I was last time and I’ve only gained 4lbs.

We started clearing our spare room today too so we’ll be getting more organised. I have 10 bags of clothes in the loft which I’ll be sorting through too while I’m off. Getting more real by the day :)
Haylian, what did you do for living?

Hope scans go well this week.

Amazon is offering free baby box at the moment. Mine is arriving tomorrow. Its small but there are a few nice bits in there. Have you claimed yours?


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Those are some lovely bumps! I feel terrible as I’ve not taken 1 yet and started at 19 weeks with my first! I must make an effort to start taking some now.
I’ve been a bit more hormonal this time I think but I’ve been having an awful time at work. So much so that I’m going to the Drs tomorrow to be signed off as I can’t work in such a hostile environment! My whole working life I’ve never had more than a couple of days off so it’s not been an easy decision to make but continued stress can impact the baby so I need to put her first. I have my first growth scan tomorrow too since being diagnosed with GD so slightly apprehensive about that. Even though I’m not as big as I was last time and I’ve only gained 4lbs.

We started clearing our spare room today too so we’ll be getting more organised. I have 10 bags of clothes in the loft which I’ll be sorting through too while I’m off. Getting more real by the day :)

You are quite right to get signed off work Haylian if it is causing stress. I had to take a few weeks last October because of work related stress. I was very reluctant to because I just didnt want to go down that route, but the midwife encouraged me to. She explained about how the stress hormone cortisol can affect the baby. Put yourself and your baby first and avoid all stress where possible.
Had growth scan yesterday and baby is measuring perfectly within the normal range for 33 weeks. Fluid around is all normal too and within range. The Dr said bumps and everyones anatomy come in all shapes and sizes but if measurements fall below or go above the centile they take you in for a can to be on the safe side. Really feeling glad and well looked after by the NHS!
So I dont have GD, had myself convinced I might have because I have had lots of thirst, but urine was clear on Friday so was just worrying myself over nothing!
So she reckons baby is 5lbs or thereabouts and on course to have a healthy weight baby at full term of around 8lbs.
Was so tempted to find out the sex but managed to hold back, have made it this far without asking!
Next midwife appointment is 29th Jan. Attending an active birth workshop on 24th Jan and a breastfeeding workshop on 31st Jan. Its all becoming extremely real now!
Had growth scan yesterday and baby is measuring perfectly within the normal range for 33 weeks. Fluid around is all normal too and within range. The Dr said bumps and everyones anatomy come in all shapes and sizes but if measurements fall below or go above the centile they take you in for a can to be on the safe side. Really feeling glad and well looked after by the NHS!
So I dont have GD, had myself convinced I might have because I have had lots of thirst, but urine was clear on Friday so was just worrying myself over nothing!
So she reckons baby is 5lbs or thereabouts and on course to have a healthy weight baby at full term of around 8lbs.
Was so tempted to find out the sex but managed to hold back, have made it this far without asking!
Next midwife appointment is 29th Jan. Attending an active birth workshop on 24th Jan and a breastfeeding workshop on 31st Jan. Its all becoming extremely real now!

Really glad all is well. A good sized baby! Like you, I feel like I've been looked after so well by the NHS; being sent for a growth scan was worrying but it happened so quickly and efficiently!

I've got my next midwife appointment a week tomorrow at 34 weeks, it's a home visit to discuss homebirth details! I think I've only just fully realised that a) I'm actually going to give birth, it's not a hypothetical thing, and b) it's not very long until that happens!

Charlotte, has your amazon box arrived yet? Curious to know what it's like!
I’m a scheduling Analyst Charlotte.
Thanks L+P it feels strange to not be at Work! But got to say, I could get used to it haha. Glad your scan went well and you don’t have GD, that’s great news.

My growth scan went well yesterday too, infact baby is below average size, still between guidelines but on the smaller side so that’s good. I also found out that my first was on the smaller side of my “expected size” too which I never knew. She was 7lb 12 at 41 weeks so hopefully this one will be similar as she’s coming a week early.
Glad to hear your scan went well L&P.

I'm feeling more relaxed about my bigger than average bump now as the reality is the baby is likely to be 10lbs+ this time as my first was 10lbs so it would be strange if my bump wasn't huge!! Midwife going to decide at next appointment if I need a growth scan - I'm having bi-weekly appointments so confident they are keeping an eye on it.

Hayli - How long are you signed off for? I was originally going to start mat leave at 38 weeks but decided to finish at 34 in 4 weeks time as horribly stressful and long hours and I just can't be doing with it. I#m using 2 days annual leave a week over the next month so only working Weds-Fri which makes it a lot better!

OMG got all my babyb clothes out of my loft and from my parents have - I have over 50 sleepsuits in 0-3!! A lot never worn as my son outgrew 0-3fairly quickly. But crazy as it sound I still couldnt resist buying a few new ones in the next sale - just a couple of unisex multipacks to take to hospital.

I think next step is going to be hospital bag and my sons suitcase for when his grandparents come to pick him up so I don't need to worry about that - oh and plastic sheet on the bed incase my waters break!! We've just had a new king size bed and matress so would rather be safe than sorry.
Those are some lovely bumps! I feel terrible as I’ve not taken 1 yet and started at 19 weeks with my first! I must make an effort to start taking some now.
I’ve been a bit more hormonal this time I think but I’ve been having an awful time at work. So much so that I’m going to the Drs tomorrow to be signed off as I can’t work in such a hostile environment! My whole working life I’ve never had more than a couple of days off so it’s not been an easy decision to make but continued stress can impact the baby so I need to put her first. I have my first growth scan tomorrow too since being diagnosed with GD so slightly apprehensive about that. Even though I’m not as big as I was last time and I’ve only gained 4lbs.

We started clearing our spare room today too so we’ll be getting more organised. I have 10 bags of clothes in the loft which I’ll be sorting through too while I’m off. Getting more real by the day :)

Haylian - sounds like you are in the same boat with the clothes! It made me emotinoal seeing my sons newborn baby growing and rembering how small he once was. Think will take me a few days once I finish to get it washed and sorted into sizes as bit of a mishmash.

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