*March mummies Tri 3!*

Loopylou, I've not had any scans but I'm pretty certain mine spends a lot of time lying transverse, judging from where I feel kicks and pokes. Saying that it clearly moves around well, I think it's too early to worry about the position. Sitting on a birth ball is supposed to help though.

I've got two cats and a German Shepherd dog, not sure that any of them have noticed although the cats do glare at me if they get kicked when they're on my knee :) The dog seems completely oblivious, so much for animal instincts!
Girls my cat (almost 7 years old) changed completely. He became so jealous. Followed me everywhere! Was asking for food all the time. I could not even get myself a snack, he was next to me asking for snack too.

Eventually he started peeing everywhere. On the carpet, on the floor, on my chair. I took him to vets and they did not find anything. Tried Feliway and more food. Nothing. He started peeing even more. Someone told me its his jealousy, that he does not get as much attention as before.

So on Saturday he peed on my Glasswells sofa! And then I decided to give up on him. I was cleaning after him for 6 months and just could not do it anymore. Took the cushion cover to dry cleaners.

I found him new home, its very sad but I could not cope with his attitude. He lives now with my OHs sister. She alreay has 3 cats and was happy to help my cat too. He is part of well behaving cats and should learn from them.

I never thought cats can change like this!
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That's really sad you gave up your cat but glad he went to a good home and you can still see him. My bunnies (2 dwarf lops) live indoors and they have started being really naughty!! I think animals sense things. However they are also very happy jumping all over the place too. They're brilliant with my 2 year old as well. He loves them to bits.
Girls my cat (almost 7 years old) changed completely. He became so jealous. Followed me everywhere! Was asking for food all the time. I could not even get myself a snack, he was next to me asking for snack too.

Eventually he started peeing everywhere. On the carpet, on the floor, on my chair. I took him to vets and they did not find anything. Tried Feliway and more food. Nothing. He started peeing even more. Someone told me its his jealousy, that he does not get as much attention as before.

So on Saturday he peed on my Glasswells sofa! And then I decided to give up on him. I was cleaning after him for 6 months and just could not do it anymore. Took the cushion cover to dry cleaners.

I found him new home, its very sad but I could not cope with his attitude. He lives now with my OHs sister. She alreay has 3 cats and was happy to help my cat too. He is part of well behaving cats and should learn from them.

I never thought cats can change like this!

Oh Charlotte thats really sad, My cat just turned 12 years old i couldnt imagine giving up on her, The sort of attitude my cat has had is picking i had her claws trimmed right back to stop her & it seems to have done the trick, It would drive me potty too cleaning up after a cat for 6 months as well so i totally respect your decision has you cant be having that once the baby gets here & the behaviour would have only got worse so youve done the right thing, Hopefully he will be happy in his new home & hes still with family so not like youll never see him again X
Loopy, house feels a bit empty without my kitty. But I tried everything I could for 6 months and nothing worked. He peed on the sofa and that scared me.

He is slowly settling in a new house. Growling and still hissing but he will be fine.

Girls, have you already purchased everything for your baby?
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Thats a shame about your cat Charlotte but you did the right thing.

No I still have quite a bit to get! Im waiting til after christmas and going to do a list once I have everything pulled out and laid out in front of me. Hoping to get stuff in Jan sales also.
Loopy, house feels a bit empty without my kitty. But I tried everything I could for 6 months and nothing worked. He peed on the sofa and that scared me.

He is slowly settling in a new house. Growling and still hissing but he will be fine.

Girls, have you already purchased everything for your baby?

Yeah i know what you mean about the house feeling empty without him, You`ve done the right thing he will soon settle in

No !!! I still have quite alot to buy i`am waiting to see what i can pick up in the January sales, I know what i want to buy just hoping it will come down in price, I would like the Uppababy Vista Double tandam travel system its going to set us back £1200 at the moment if i could get that price down abit i would be so happy, Ive also got to sort out upstairs of our house to make space before buying anything too as ive nowhere to put anything, My daughter moved out recently & shes left everything she doesnt want for me to get rid off so that`ll free up alot of space to start with
Girls do you feel like your bump hasnt got bigger in a few weeks and stayed the same size? I feel like bump has been the same for the past few weeks and dh said the same this morning. Or maybe just getting used to it? I have been pretty big since 20 weeks and now near 30! Midwife did say some people 'even out'.
Not overly concerned and seeing midwife on monday anyway for measurements etc.
Lovandpeace, I know what you mean about the bump. I would not worry too much about it. I think 30+ is when bump will grow fast! If you are fit then bump should not be huge.

Can you feel baby kicking???

Ljd401, wow your bunnies can sense the change too?

Loopy, Uppababy Vista Double tandam travel system is very nice :)

I am waiting for Jan sales and will get baby stuff then. :)

I saw this baby rocker in Mothercare and I love it. Its called Nuna Leaf. Swings from side to side like a leaf with just one push.

You can add "wind" to it and it will swing non stop. Is it worth getting it? Or not worth it, price tag £ 200. Ive heard than once babies are 6+ they don't really want to stay in seats by themselves. Since I have no experience not sure what Im doing. Was just looking for a natural rocker rather than those electric ones.


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Loopy, house feels a bit empty without my kitty. But I tried everything I could for 6 months and nothing worked. He peed on the sofa and that scared me.

He is slowly settling in a new house. Growling and still hissing but he will be fine.

Girls, have you already purchased everything for your baby?

I've only bought the pricey stuff ie pushchair, cot bed, mamaroo etc. There's still ALOT to buy. Looks like we'll have to set up the cot bed in our room as our is only 2 bed and we've already got the boys in the other room. I feel claustrophobic right now
We've bought/been given pretty much everything, need to get all the clothes out and see if there are any gaps in the basics but other than that we're ok. Not gone crazy on extras though, we've got clothes, sleep bags, Moses basket, pram, cot, sling, a few toys and I'm making blankets. I figured any non-immediate essentials eg playmat, bouncer will turn up as presents (I've put them on an amazon list!)

Charlotte- I've seen that rocker and thought it looks good. But...my sister's youngest had something similar bought for her and she HATED it - it was given away and replaced by a standard, non-moving bouncer chair that she loved :) Just having seen that I'd be wary of spending that much unless you know it will be used!
Sky8, claustrophobic? I know what you mean. I like to see no clutter, thats why before I buy anything I think do I really need it or not. Ha ha

Thank you Merry.

I did look around a bit more yesterday and decided to go with Babybjorn bouncer. Its lights and portable. Can be used upstairs and downstairs. So Im going with that.

Im going to order everything in Jan. House will be full again, so nice :)

I keep waking up at night cause my legs hurt. Legs feel so tired, like I have been for a long walk. Not sure what it is. Restless legs or something?
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Had midwife appointment this morning and on the 90th centile and a little bit above average growth so looking like a nice big healthy baby.
Bless DH, he insisted on buying me a pregnancy pillow yesterday, he's seen how uncomfortable I am getting in bed and the struggle to sleep. I told him there wasnt much point in buying one with 10 weeks or so left but he really wanted to get me one if it meant being that bit more comfortable at night when really needed sleep. So last night was bliss! It did make a difference and really helped.

I finish work today for 2 weeks off over Christmas, looking forward to the break. Although we have painters coming to the house tomorrow and they will be there all week so there wont be much resting and I will be getting out of the house to avoid the fumes.

I havent looked into boucers yet so good to hear what others have an eye on. I have heard some babies dont like bouncers so I am wary of spending too much money on them as well.
I am more looking into playmats and playgyms for sensory and tummy time but I know they wont really need this as a newborn much.

Also looking into the baby wraps for swaddling. Most Mums Ive spoke with highly recommend it for the first few weeks.

Hope you all have a lovely relaxing week in the lead up to Christmas. xx
Loveandpeace, I am 29 weeks today. Its going a bit quicker now. :)

So nice of your OH to offer a pregnancy pillow. I haven't got one. I just use a regular pillow.

Im off as of Friday until 2nd Jan :). HR is asking me to give the dates I go on maternity and Im not sure what to put. End of February? Is that too crazy?

Speaking about the bouncers. At first I thought I will go with NUNA Leaf, but its very heavy and not portable. So its a no. But then I found Babybjorn bouncer and its amazing! Light and portable. So I will go with that.
Loveandpeace - I've become addicted to my pregnancy pillow, going to miss it when we're away over Christmas! Don't fancy lugging it around on the train though :)

Charlotte - go with whatever you feel comfortable with for maternity dates, you know how you feel and at the end of the day you can always change it if you need to :) I'm officially starting on 19th Feb (due on the 27th Feb) but will actually end work on the 9th as it's the start of half term. The way I feel at the moment it should be ok but I've had lots of comments along the lines of it being too late.

I'm 30 weeks now and my bump feels so tight! When the baby turns around it feels like it's pushing against every organ possible on the way, and some of the movements are getting very visible on the outside now. Finished work for 2 weeks today, I'll only have another month at work when I go back!
Merry Christmas girls!!!

Hope you all had a lovely time and got lots of presents.

I had really good time and got many presents, so happy.

I am 30 weeks today. I think its going a bit quicker now.

Found a few bargains online, still think that real discounts will be in Jan :)
Merry Christmas girls!!!

Hope you all had a lovely time and got lots of presents.

I had really good time and got many presents, so happy.

I am 30 weeks today. I think its going a bit quicker now.

Found a few bargains online, still think that real discounts will be in Jan :)

Merry belated Christmas to you Charlotte. I did a bit of window shopping today but only got a few items. Spent about £20. I was with my hubby who kept on reminding me that I said I'd wait for the January sales. He's really tight with money lol. I'm glad he was there though coz I would've gone overboard
Hi girls hope everyone is having a relaxing Christmas!
I got a present Christmas night when I took my bra off and noticed very small light yellowy stains from where my nipples were! My boobs had been fairly sore all day. Nothing yesterday but now the same today,very very slight stain on my bra but not enough so that its wet to touch.
I assume this is fairly normal? Will it be like this for the rest of the pregnancy? I havent bought any breast pads so thinking I may have to go buy some tomorrow,although not sure its enough leakage to warrant a pad?! Any one have any advice?
Ive been so tired over Christmas although think its probably just being more lazy in general and staying at in laws for a few days so dont think Im sleeping as well as I would my own bed. Feel like I have ballooned in size too,as everyone does at Christmas!
A lot of my family saying they think I will go early which has made me panic a little because I am in no way prepared so Im not in full mode to have everything ready and bag packed.....just in case! Knowing my luck I'll go over.
Yikes less than 9 weeks til due date!!xx
Loveandpeace, I think its nothing to worry. Leaking breasts are very common. I haven't noticed anything. My nipples are a bit sore to touch.

GP rang me last week and said my iron levels are low and prescribed 600mg iron a day. That explained why I felt very tired before. Now feels a lot better.

We have purchased a pram at last. Took as a while to choose.

Since we both like sporty stuff then we went for Baby Jogger City Elite. Now I need to order carrycot and put it together.

Still haven't chosen a cot. Thinking about cotbed with a drawer for extra space.

How are you girls doing?
Loveandpeace, I think its nothing to worry. Leaking breasts are very common. I haven't noticed anything. My nipples are a bit sore to touch.

GP rang me last week and said my iron levels are low and prescribed 600mg iron a day. That explained why I felt very tired before. Now feels a lot better.

We have purchased a pram at last. Took as a while to choose.

Since we both like sporty stuff then we went for Baby Jogger City Elite. Now I need to order carrycot and put it together.

Still haven't chosen a cot. Thinking about cotbed with a drawer for extra space.

How are you girls doing?

I got this set when my son was born its beautiful


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