Summertime, love the nursery and the name!
Raerae, I don't know how you do it - sleeping with one baby on me is one thing but two would be interesting! Any updated pics of your little beauties?
Charlotte - I think I've now tried everything with the basket

it's raised at one end, there's always a hot water bottle to pre-warm it, there's Ewan the sheep, my tshirts... I've now relaxed about it and decided I'm fine with her sleeping on me! I'll happily cosleep but I'd really love to be able to sleep on my side, which I can't do while she sleeps on my chest
I'm finding feeding is finally feeling easier, but I'm still recovering from the pain of the early days! It's such a learning curve...but when Adeline is latched on well, gulping away and snuggled right in, it's an amazing feeling
Great idea with the Facebook group, it will be good to keep in touch! Going to try that now...