*March mummies Tri 3!*

Thanks for setting it up Hayli - I’ve joined.

Yes hoping so Charlotte but very bad experience first time so more open minded second time around as don’t want to pressure myself, I struggled last time with a 10lb baby who wanted to feed 24 hours a day - but also I didn’t know where to get support last time, this time I’ve really looked into all the groups etc can go to for help.

Really hope all is well with L&P and baby.

Think Lozza is next, think baby tomorrow??
No problem:)

Charlotte if you can’t find it feel free to add me and I’ll add you to the group.

I will be attempting breastfeeding again but there’s no way I’ll be putting so much pressure on myself again, my milk didn’t come in for 2 weeks last time and Violet wouldn’t even try after the first 3 days. Then I was given some very poor advice and just figured there was no way back when my milk finally came in.

However I have a very healthy and happy 4 year old who was formula fed and I’m also quite happy to go that route with this baby too, but ultimately I would love to breastfeed
I know the feeling with clingy babies! Neither twin will sleep in the crib so currently trying to sleep with both of them on me or next to me at night! Makes for nervous sleeping at night but anything to get some sleep!

Otherwise loving being Mum to twins, they’re just incredible and feel so blessed with them both!

Looking forward to the rest of you girls to have your babies! Won’t be long for you all, and time flies when they’re here!

Will join the Facebook group now!
Thank you Haylian. I will join too. :) My online name has always been Charlotte. I even have a Facebook page and eBay shops using this name but my real name is Anda. Or Panda without P. So if you see Anda please add me to the group. :)

Girls, to be honest I thought breastfeeding is easier. I feed on demand and don't wake up my little one. He is always up every 2-3 hours. I will carry on as long as I can but it's not very easy. My goal is at least 6 months.

Rae Rae. I sometimes think about you at night when I'm feeding. You have 2 to feed. It must be very hard. But you are doing so well with twins!
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Hi ladies, I’m in just now. Just waiting to find out what order I am.

I’ve asked to join the Facebook group. Mine has a picture of a rock with my last name on it!!!

Hopefully I’ll have news for you soon xx
Summertime, love the nursery and the name!

Raerae, I don't know how you do it - sleeping with one baby on me is one thing but two would be interesting! Any updated pics of your little beauties?

Charlotte - I think I've now tried everything with the basket :) it's raised at one end, there's always a hot water bottle to pre-warm it, there's Ewan the sheep, my tshirts... I've now relaxed about it and decided I'm fine with her sleeping on me! I'll happily cosleep but I'd really love to be able to sleep on my side, which I can't do while she sleeps on my chest :)

I'm finding feeding is finally feeling easier, but I'm still recovering from the pain of the early days! It's such a learning curve...but when Adeline is latched on well, gulping away and snuggled right in, it's an amazing feeling :)

Great idea with the Facebook group, it will be good to keep in touch! Going to try that now...
I've asked to join the group, my name is Meredith :)

Lozza, very exciting! Keep us posted!
Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! I still have 1 week and 4 days until my due date! I have a feeling this little man is going to keep us waiting as I am not feeling/seeing any hints of labour happening any time soon! Bump has not dropped, no sign of mucus plug. I think he is too comfortable where he is! I had my last day at work on Saturday so I guess I should really be enjoying the next couple of weeks peace and quiet while I can! But we just feel so ready for him to arrive!
Hope all the babies that have arrived are doing well and mummies are keeping well also!
Has anyone seen the new report out about safe sleeping, warning against the sleeping pods. We just bought a sleepyhead pod last week and I am now worried about using it. But I can't see any harm in using it during the day so he can nap downstairs while I am supervising him, just not through the night, when he will just go in his bedside crib beside me. What are your thoughts on the sleepyhead sleeping pod? Wishing I hadn't taken it out of its packaging as I probably would have just returned it to Mothercare for a refund.
Nice to see a Facebook group has been made, I will go join now!
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Also if anyone uses Instagram add your username if you would like, I love following mummy journeys on there! I am victorialisa_x
Ooh lozza how exciting! Really hope you get in soon and there’s no emergencies that push you down the list.
I can’t help but be jealous of you ha ha!

I’ve accepted all requests into the Facebook group, it’s lovejy to put faces to names finally :).

Victoria I’m on instagram mrsl260610 I’ve followed you. I love Instagram and it’s where I post most of my family pictures(mostly my daughter haha) as I have more control over who sees them which I like
VL - I plan to use sleeper head in the daytime for naps downstairs I think it’s more the positioners that are at an angle rather than the nests? With my first the health visitor suggested using a towel to make a nest which is just the same as a sleepeyhead from what I can tell!!

I’ve had twinges but wonder if all wishful thinking as only 38+ 3.

Merry could tell your profile straight away from the gorgeous pic of Adeline, will need to get my baby fix from the group until ours arrives!

Got my son home today who has endless nursery, he’s back at nursery Weds-Fri so plan to get final bits of washing etc done then x
I’m also on instagram becky__1910!

Can’t wait to see the final babies! You’re all waiting so patiently!
Really hope all is ok with L&P, getting super worried now :(
So am I, I'm really hoping that she's just so busy with baby that she's not been able to post, but really worried something had happened.

Loveandpeace - on the off chance that you are following this, we're all thinking of you and hoping all is well x
Same here... I’ve sent a message to check she’s ok but have t heard anything. Fingers crossed xx
WORried too and keep checking to see if she’s messaged.xx

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