*March mummies Tri 3!*

Yes loving the baby stuff talk for ideas! TK Maxx does have some nice changing bags. Im thinking a changing bag in a rucksack style might be best if we're hoping to babywear mostly too Haylian. So those pacapods look good but will look at ones that DH doesnt mind donning as well! I found a nice bag (Summer Infant Limestone Berry) on Asda website down to only £15 and gets good reviews and looks good as well......agh I just need to make my mind up!

Charlotte glad your little boy is turning and hope he has his head downways soon! My wee one has been head down for quite a while now so I am hoping he/she makes an appearance before due date (wishful thinking)!!

I have got just got 2 brands of nappies so far, I am just going to try different ones and see which ones we like the best. I know Aldi and Lidl ones get good reviews from the likes of Mum & Baby magazine so I have size 1 and size 2 in those. I'll get other brands to try as well such as pampers and other supermarket brands.
Oddly the majority of Mums Ive spoke with dont recommend pampers? Say they leak more. Quite a few girls have swore by the Lidl and Tesco brands.

Enjoy catching up on sleep Haylian.x
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Loveandpeace, summer infant bag looks good. Good price e too.

I would not use pampers cause they are made of plastic. Not sure about Huggies.

Bamboo is very natural. Don't have any info about Lidl and Aldi nappies. I did not know they had nappies :) what are they made of?
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Must check out the Bamboo ones! I think little lamb ones are natural also.
As far as I know both Lidl and Aldi nappies are biodegradable and I know there was a recent article on the Lidl ones being more eco friendly. I dont have a scooby what they're made of though.
Loveandpeace, I will check those nappies out. If they are natural I will buy them too.

I also typed in Amazon search baby nappy changing bags and there are lots of nice looking ones! So I think I will choose one from there. :)
I had nappies from everywhere! Ended up falling in love with huggies but when I went up to size 2 they leaked all the time. From that point on it was Asda little angels all the way. From size 2 to to size 6. Never had any issues at all. My sister didn’t get on with them though and ended up sticking with huggies for her little boy. I also used huggies wipes as they were more durable, the amount of times my fingers ended up going through the pampers wipes, and little angels etc I lost count. Huggies wipes and water wipes by far the best for us and even better now huggies do the pure water based ones too. Although hoping to do the cheeky wipes when baby is a bit older.

Our pram gets delivered on Monday eeeeeek!!
Ooh also, not sure if people use groupon but if you search baby there’s some really good stuff on there at the minute!

I’ve ordered the pram tidy, rear mirror for the car and I’m considering the swing too. Some good buys ����
I just checked LIdl nappies online and they are 0.99p. What are they made of for that price???? Ha ha :)

Im very open to try various brands. Will start with Bamboo and will try other ones too. Shame they don't put anything on the packaging to see what they are made of.
We've bought a few packs of size 1 & 2 nappies from Aldi (they've got very good reviews, the only supermarket in our town and they're cheap!) but planning to switch to reusables when baby gets a bit bigger. Don't like the idea of the 500+ years it takes them to break down in landfill, although there's so many options with cloth ones I'm still struggling to come to any decisions on which to get!

I've had a letter from the local health visitor team today, they've made an appointment to come and see us for a pre-birth visit in a couple of weeks. Anyone else had this and any ideas what they talk about?! I've only come across useless/unpleasant hvs when my sister had her last two, but I'm aware that this probably isn't standard :)
My midwife told me my home visit will be in a few weeks.
Last time they just came and made sure baby had a safe home, somewhere to sleep etc, suitable clothes and nursery. Was a bit patronising to be fair, I know I was a first time mum but some of the questions were a bit ridiculous. But I know in my head that they’re doing it to check baby will be in a safe environment.
I went shopping today. Checked out Aldi nappies, they are made of polyethylene which is basically plastic. But they are very very cheap and reviews are great.

Then I found Naty natural nappies in Tesco. Well I will try Bamboo and Naty first. But would like to use reusable ones later as they can be reused and are so much better.

I thought midwife comes to visit when the baby has arrived? Rather than before.
I went shopping today. Checked out Aldi nappies, they are made of polyethylene which is basically plastic. But they are very very cheap and reviews are great.

Then I found Naty natural nappies in Tesco. Well I will try Bamboo and Naty first. But would like to use reusable ones later as they can be reused and are so much better.

I thought midwife comes to visit when the baby has arrived? Rather than before.

It seems to be a regional thing - apparently in our area they like to make contact before the baby is born. I'm slightly irritated by the letter just because it basically says 'we've already made you an appointment, it's a home visit on x date at x time'. I know it's probably the most efficient way of doing it but it feels a bit much to have some random woman arranging to turn up at your house uninvited :) I think it's because I'm a teacher, we like to be in control !

Charlotte - I've only heard of the naty nappies, but I'm going to pick up a small pack and maybe use them instead of cloth for going out and about later on. Remember that even biodegradable ones don't break down in normal landfill - the conditions aren't right for the bacteria to get to work I think. I've ordered two different types of cloth nappies now, can't wait for them to arrive!

I love cloth nappies. I've looked at them so many times. They are beautiful and so "green". Gentle on babies too.
A pack of 10 would last a long time. The only thing is washing them all the time. I have a tumble dryer which makes things easier. Would like to try them a bit later on. You can also get with detachable pads. Not sure if they whole nappy gets wet or only the pad. Would like to find that out.

Well I find it strange for midwife to come over and check things out before the baby arrives. Surely everyone has either a cot or moses baskets ready.
And we know that pillows should not be used. Not sure what is she going to check at yours.
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I love cloth nappies. I've looked at them so many times. They are beautiful and so "green". Gentle on babies too.
A pack of 10 would last a long time. The only thing is washing them all the time. I have a tumble dryer which makes things easier. Would like to try them a bit later on. You can also get with detachable pads. Not sure if they whole nappy gets wet or only the pad. Would like to find that out.

Well I find it strange for midwife to come over and check things out before the baby arrives. Surely everyone has either a cot or moses baskets ready.
And we know that pillows should not be used. Not sure what is she going to check at yours.

I've got two types to try so far - pocket style and all in ones. Both can be tumble dried and the recommended washing is one load every other day - with various baby clothes I'm sure the washing machine will be on anyway!

I'll let you know what the health visitor says when she arrives - it's not until the of Jan. Until then I'm going to try to keep an open mind!

Anyone else starting to get back ache? The past few days it's been fairly constant, hoping that's not me stuck with it for the next 6weeks!
Morning girls, how are you all?

Sorry for taking ages to reply.

Loveandpeace - how are you doing? It must be so hard for you without your mum. My husband’s mum died 3 months after our son was born and I still miss her dreadfully. She wasn’t even my mum but I think of her often and how she would have been such a fantastic grandparent and I have days where I’m having a hard time with my toddler and just know she would have been there for me. Thinking of you. Pregnancy is very tough emotionally.

I’m now 32 weeks and have been blooked in for my c section (not got a date yet though). Pretty scared about it if I’m honest with you. But then after my ‘natural’ birth I feel I will hopefully recover quicker from the c section.

Been getting lots of Braxton Hicks and the heartburn has been bad! Enjoying the kicks and getting organised for when the baby is here. Need to buy the part for our buggy to make it into a double.

Anyone else finding their toddler really hard work? My son is well and truly going through the terrible twos!cx
I didn’t use cloth nappies so much last time as I found them quite bulky but they’ve come on a long way since then and I’ve read some good things in the last few months about them.
Same with the cheeky wipes, they do a starter kit for around £50 I think and my sister is going to buy me some additional packs of cloths as a gift :).
Our prom has just been delivered eeeek, waiting for hubby and daughter to get home later before I open so we can do it together, no doubt Violet will shove all her babies in it and use it as a toy! But I’m excited to see what it’s like.

Ldj can I ask why you’re having a c section? Was it by choice or have they advised you?

I had an emergency c sec last time after 4 days in labour due to my pelvis so they very strongly advised me to have a c section this time :(

I love cloth nappies. I've looked at them so many times. They are beautiful and so "green". Gentle on babies too.
A pack of 10 would last a long time. The only thing is washing them all the time. I have a tumble dryer which makes things easier. Would like to try them a bit later on. You can also get with detachable pads. Not sure if they whole nappy gets wet or only the pad. Would like to find that out.

Well I find it strange for midwife to come over and check things out before the baby arrives. Surely everyone has either a cot or moses baskets ready.
And we know that pillows should not be used. Not sure what is she going to check at yours.

Dont worry ladies about the health visitor she`s only coming round for a little chat & look around she will be lovely dont worry, Its just a little chat to make sure that you are prepared for the birth of your baby, That there is somewhere suitable & something to sleep in for baby, If you have any smokers in the house they will give you advice on that, General safety for the baby, I think that its really good that they do this because not everybody will be prepared & just having that little bit of support can make a big difference to a new mother,
I didn’t use cloth nappies so much last time as I found them quite bulky but they’ve come on a long way since then and I’ve read some good things in the last few months about them.
Same with the cheeky wipes, they do a starter kit for around £50 I think and my sister is going to buy me some additional packs of cloths as a gift :).
Our prom has just been delivered eeeek, waiting for hubby and daughter to get home later before I open so we can do it together, no doubt Violet will shove all her babies in it and use it as a toy! But I’m excited to see what it’s like.

Ldj can I ask why you’re having a c section? Was it by choice or have they advised you?

I had an emergency c sec last time after 4 days in labour due to my pelvis so they very strongly advised me to have a c section this time :(

Of course. I’m very petite and was induced last time due to gestational diabetes and the labour was very long (4 days). My pushing stage was 4 hours and 45 minutes which then resulted in an emergency trip to theatre for forceps (they thought I’d need a c section). I then lost 2 litres of blood and needed a blood transfusion. I was quite poorly afterwards and it took me a long time to recover. Unfortunately I wasn’t stitched up properly (I tore and had episiotomy) and a few months down the line I experienced a lot of pain down below and needed an operation to repair me. I then developed an abscess on the scar which resulted in another op and I still need my episiotomy completely redone. I don’t want to risk being anymore damaged. My consultant said he was amazed I got my son out as I’m so little and he was a big baby for my size (7lb 5oz).xx
Oh my goodness that sounds traumatic! I see why a c section is the best way this time.
I was a sorry state too, she was stuck in my pelvis so had to go in and push her back up, so I had stitches and a c section. Couldn’t walk properly for about 10 weeks.

Fingers crossed a planned section will be a bit smoother for us both this time.
I am feeling I should make more of an effort to be environmentally friendly and now looking into cloth and natural nappies!

Thank you Ljd I am pretty weepy and emotional, more so than I have been the entire pregnancy. I was hoping after Christmas and New Year it would be easier but struggling a little with feeling down. I have fantastic support from DH and also seeing a midwife who specialises in bereavement counselling. My Mum was only 52 and she would have made a fantastic grandmother. She was to my sisters kids so I do feel sad that our baby is missing out on that. We still have good female family support from DH mother, my grandmother, sister, aunt and Dads wife.

Im sorry about your DH Mum dont know how you coped with just having a wee baby when she passed away, but I guess we have no choice but to cope! If anything the baby gives you hope and eases the pain a little.

Let us know when you get a date for C Section!

Merry yes only these past few days my lower back is getting to be painful and my coccyx/tailbone gets sore from sitting in work too long, even with a new chair. Only 3 more weeks of work!

I'm not even sure what Braxton Hicks is, i thought I was getting them a while ago at night but dont seem to be any more.

34 weeks today, I am finding the third trimester the most difficult so far in terms of side effects. Feeling like a bloated hippo, very fatigued, back/coccyx pain and a lot more emotional/hormonal. First trimester was a breeze!
Dont like moaning because overall I have been extremely lucky to have a healthy pregnancy.

Does anyone have any idea roughly how many maternity pads to pack in their hospital bag? I made a start on my bag last night and wasnt sure how many to put in.
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