*March mummies Tri 3!*

Happy birthday Summertime! Sorry a bit late. X

Merry, beautiful little daughter :) x

How are you girls getting on? Sleepless nights for me. I am breastfeeding and my little one wakes up often.

I got my boy Ewan dream sheep to make him more comfortable in the cot.
I'm also thinking about introducing a dummy at night time.

I'm tired. Despite that I looooove my little one soooo much.

Can't wait for all March babies to arrive.

Sleepless nights here too! Managing to exclusively breastfeeding the twins so far only but seems witching hour is 1am and they don’t settle well at that time! Otherwise they are a dream ��

We’ve too thought of trying a dummy for the night time but need to go out and buy some!

Managing to get outside following my section now but do miss driving! Will feel lost when my husband goes back to work!
Glad you’re enjoying your babies, I remember those sleepless nights and spending what feels like hours holding a baby willing them to go back to sleep haha.
We used a dummy with Violet from about 8 weeks as she had really bad colic. After the first 6 months I switched it to just when she was sleeping which always helped. I’m always surprised how many babies reflect dummies. But I’m all for whatever settles the baby :)
So terrible at remembering to check in and write on here. Congratulations to the mummy’s that already have their babies.. I’m 37+2, feeling a lot of pressure down below for the past 3 weeks or so. Brixton Hicks are getting worse and excited to be close to the finish line. Met with consultant earlier in the week who have suggested I have an induction on my due date if little man isn’t here by then so not long to go before he is on his way! Good luck to the rest of you!
Thanks all, she is beautiful and i spend a lot of time just looking at her!

Charlotte - we also invested in ewan the sheep, not sure how much it helps but it at least feels like you can do something to help them sleep! We had two or three awful nights but things are definitely improving - Adeline will sleep for two hour blocks in between feeds, such is amazing, although it can be close to an hour of feeding in between! She rarely cries at night though which makes a big difference.

Raerae - huge respect and admiration to you, we have just about got feeding sorted to the point of being able to stick her on and let her get on with it, but the first week after my milk came in was hard, especially at night. Having two... Your poor boobs :)

We've been officially signed off by the midwife team now - actually a bit sad as they have all been amazing and I would happily have kept seeing them! It seems no time at all since our booking appointment at 10 weeks pregnant, can't believe how time has flown.

Hope you're all coping with the snow - we have loads but no actual need to leave the house so it's nice to snuggle up in front of the fire and just enjoy it :)
Glad everyone doing well.

I had a false labour all arm on Tuesday night was in a lot of pain, didn’t know what to do with myself was sure was having contractions but short duration and not close together the. On Wednesday morning had a stomach pain so bad had to get on all 4s and rock. Anyway called the hospital and they said could be a big, sure enough about an hour after started vomiting and severe runs for next 24 hrs all day and night.

Feeling a lot better now but dehydrated and starving. Feel a bit silly for calling the hospital now but guess they get this a lot? Got midwife at 10’and going to see what can get to hydrate other than sipping water as can only have a tiny bit at a time.

Anyway on a positive note it’s 1st March.... bring on the March babies!!!
Grown up little girl :)

Charlotte, loopylou, raerae - how are you all getting on?

Hey everybody ... Sorry i havent forgotten the pics i`ll sort that out today, Victoria is getting on just great, I had the midwife over on wednesday to weigh Victoria she had only lost 4.2% of her birth weight which i was so pleased about. We are only getting up for one feed/nappy change in the night & ive been getting to bed about 11pm most nights she settles no problem, I think that because she was born at 38+4 she feels like she needs to sleep as she sleeps pretty much all day as well as night. My mum has gone home now i was so grateful for her help this past week especially with my 15 month old son, Life is great right now i feel great. In myself i have made a great recovery even all the after pains have totally gone, I`am going to the toilet like normal no stinging, no pain, nothing i`am even wiping not daping anymore, i`am walking propley pretty much completely back to normal i would say, Victoria is seven days old this evening its been an amazing 1st week

How`s everybody else doing ?
Oh no ST sounds like you had a bug of some sort & hope youre recovering well. Dont feel silly ringing the hospital,any concerns at all they should be contacted.
Its lovely hearing how all the new Mummies are getting on! Ive heard Ewan the sheep is fab & my friend is getting it for us as a gift.
Well today is my original due date I was given but am 40 + 3. Hospital appointment later for check up but will also be getting a sweep and induction date if nothing happens. Am curious to know how much I may be dilated if at all.
With all the snow thankfully we are only 2 miles from the hospital and main roads not too bad.
FX the sweep works or helps things along. DTD this morning and Im gonna be on the ball today too! One more raspberry teabag left & some pineapple & a bag of dates....once they are all gone Im not buying any more as clearly dont work for me lol.
Be safe in the snow everyone xx
Wow Lou thats amazing,a good wee baby and youve recovered well. And after only 7 days!
Wow! Loopy Lou so glad you’re recovering so well and that Victoria is a good girl.

ST you poor thing �� hope you feel better soon.

L and P hope labour happens soon for you.

C section d day for me tomorrow!! Eeeek!! I’ll update as soon as I can xx
Best of luck for tomorrow ljd, look forward to your news!
Well I had a thorough check up with midwife today and a scan. Baby is estimated at weighing 9lb 3oz!!!! Lol! I may forget about the newborn babygrows! Im only 1cm dilated. So I had a sweep anyway & now fingers crossed. If it doesnt work i can get another sweep on Monday and then if that fails,im booked in for pessary on Thursday.
Midwife said to keep on the ball & use breast pump too. So boob & ball exercises for me tomorrow lol. Although so hoping sweep works.
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Good luck for today Ljd! Look forward to reading update later.

My bug has gone but left feeling weak so hopefully won’t have an early arrival as no energy for labour! Also both our parents wouldn’t be able to make Thor childcare due to bad weather and closed roads.

L&P - do t worry about the weight my son was 9.15 and he came out!! Just keep as active as you can after the sweep and cross your fingers.

Lou - sounds like you’ve settled in really well, I’m hoping with this being my second baby will be able to adjust quicker, I’ve also got my mum coming which will be a god send to help with my four year old. Xx
Hope all of you due at anytime have clear routes to hospitals!
Good luck ljd!

L&p, fingers crossed that the sweep starts things off. Keep active and keep us posted :)

Summertime - glad you're feeling better. Hopefully the snow will have cleared and you'll have had plenty of time to recover better baby arrives!

Lou - glad to hear you've recovered well! I'm the same, i actually couldn't believe how quickly I felt back to normal - I never had any pain or stinging from my stitches which surprised me. Weirdly my bump went down immediately too, I'm still getting used to that and the fact it went so suddenly, I miss my bump!
Merry, Rae rae, hows breastfeeding going? I bought a nursing bra from H and M and its amazing. Soft and comfortable. Nipples are sore but cream really helps.

Summertime, don't hesitate to call hospital if you feel unwell. Glad you are feeling better. You will be amazed what your body can do even if you are tired.

Loopy, Victoria is a beautiful name. Glad your baby sleeps ok at nights. Mine keeps waking up to feed, Id say every 2-3 hours. Getting used to sleepless nights.

Ljd, fingers crossed everything goes well today! Look forward to updates!

Loveandpeace, 9lb 3oz baby. I would not worry too much, they sometimes overestimate the weight. Hope its easy for you.

Haylian, how are you doing?

My bump is getting smaller every day. Can't wait to start exercising. Midwife said I should wait till 6 weeks. So Im just waiting now.
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I’m glad you’re recovering so well Loopy, Victoria sounds like a very happy and settled baby!

Hope all goes well with the section today ldj. Can’t wait for the update.

I’m so fed up now, I’m full of cold which I’ve had over a week, I’m snowed in and going stir crazy and Violet hasn’t been able to go to nursery so being a full time Mummy has taken its toll on me this week! Got my pre section/growth scan next Thursday which I’m nervous about as I’m sure they’ll tell me the baby has quadrupled in size since January, or maybe it’s just me that feels that way haha.

Have my baby shower on Sunday which I’m looking forward to, although may end up being quite small due to the weather :(
And I feel like a massive moaner which I hate haha
Hope all is going well ldj! Take all the drugs they offer after!

Breastfeeding going really well Charlotte! I’ve got some bloomin marvellous nursing bras but feeding two means my boobs have more than doubled and now need bigger sizes! Ruben feeds every three hours however Nancy feeds more reguRky so majority of the time I tandem feed but being woken every hour and a half at night!

How’s everyone else getting on?
Haylian, final weeks are the hardest. They just drag. But not long now and you will meet your baby. :)

Rae Rae, omg feeding two at the same time. My boobs are heavy and full. Little one eats very often. I call this snacking. Ha ha. Are your twins sleeping ok at night?
They do sleep well most of the time but we have trouble around one when they both cluster feed for a good hour or so. Trying to sleep during the day to catch up but with visitors and now snow days don’t ever seem to get the chance! How you sleeping? Breastfeeding going well for you too?
It sounds like oh are all doing amazing with breastfeeding, early weeks definitely the hardest.

Haylian - remind us what date your section is??

L&P - anymore signs? Haven’t seen you post today hopefully that means the sweep worked and you are in labour!

I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow, done 90% of hospital bag now just a few bits to add in.

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