*March mummies Tri 3!*

Lovepeace, I know waiting is very hard. But not much longer. Soon you will meet your baby. Babies choose their time themselves.

Girls, did you have baby blues? Midwife kept asking me how I felt. Well I was crying a few days after birth for no reason. Now not crying anymore. Did I get baby blues? May be a little.

My little man did not sleep well last night. Did not like his new dummy. Not sure which ones to try. The only dummy he likes is a freebie from Amazon baby box. I can't find it anywhere in the shops.

Sorry to cut in but I know them as ‘3day baby blues’ although I got mine on day 5. Just don’t want to talk to anyone, cry over everything, everything is just too much to handle (so more crying) it’s more likely when your milk comes in too and hormones are flying everywhere.

Obviously if it’s lasting for weeks that’s different x
Just checking if any more babies have arrived. Not long now girls.

I bought MAM dummies and my little one did not like it. I tried Nuk and he absolutely hated it. So I tried MAM again and finally he took it. So I will buy more of the same.

I have noticed that water gets into the dummy? I steralise it with Milton tablets in water. I squeeze the water out. Is there anyway to stop water coming in? Or shall I steralise them in microwave? Not sure how to do it.

We registered our baby today. My little man is official now.
Hey everyone,
Before my sweep appointment this morning my waters started leaking ,went to hospital and they confirmed it. Got checked over and alls ok so sent me home for the night to see if labour & contractions progress. If not then im back in at 10.30am to get pessary. So looks like we will meet our baby soon!
Getting very mild contractions & sore lower back.
Keep u posted!x
Ooh how exciting! Lots of luck coming your way! Hope things start naturally for you x
Just checking if any more babies have arrived. Not long now girls.

I bought MAM dummies and my little one did not like it. I tried Nuk and he absolutely hated it. So I tried MAM again and finally he took it. So I will buy more of the same.

I have noticed that water gets into the dummy? I steralise it with Milton tablets in water. I squeeze the water out. Is there anyway to stop water coming in? Or shall I steralise them in microwave? Not sure how to do it.

We registered our baby today. My little man is official now.

I just sterilise the dummies by putting them in a jug, and then pouring plain boiled water on them. I think it says this in the instructions? That's what i've always done anyway.
Very exciting l&p, fingers crossed that everything moves on smoothly! You'll meet your baby soon!
Loveandpeace, great news! So happy for you! Not long and you will meet your baby :)
Just checking if any more babies have arrived. Not long now girls.

I bought MAM dummies and my little one did not like it. I tried Nuk and he absolutely hated it. So I tried MAM again and finally he took it. So I will buy more of the same.

I have noticed that water gets into the dummy? I steralise it with Milton tablets in water. I squeeze the water out. Is there anyway to stop water coming in? Or shall I steralise them in microwave? Not sure how to do it.

We registered our baby today. My little man is official now.

I just sterilise the dummies by putting them in a jug, and then pouring plain boiled water on them. I think it says this in the instructions? That's what i've always done anyway.

Thank you for advice. I bought MAM dummies and they come in steralising box to be used in microwave. So I use them now. If not milton tablets is alternative.
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Just checking if any more babies have arrived. Not long now girls.

I bought MAM dummies and my little one did not like it. I tried Nuk and he absolutely hated it. So I tried MAM again and finally he took it. So I will buy more of the same.

I have noticed that water gets into the dummy? I steralise it with Milton tablets in water. I squeeze the water out. Is there anyway to stop water coming in? Or shall I steralise them in microwave? Not sure how to do it.

We registered our baby today. My little man is official now.

I just sterilise the dummies by putting them in a jug, and then pouring plain boiled water on them. I think it says this in the instructions? That's what i've always done anyway.

Thank you for advice. I bought MAM dummies and they come in steralising box to be used in microwave. So I use them now. If not milton tablets is alternative.

If you put them.in the bottle steriliser and squeeze the water out by pressing the teet. Worked for dd she loves her dummies lol x
Good luck for today L&P thinking of you and looking forward to update later xx
Hopefully the silence means things are going well for loveandpeace!

How's everyone else getting on? It's weird, I've sort of forgotten already what it was like to be pregnant, hoping those of you who are still waiting for baby are doing ok. Make the most of any sleep you can get :)

Annoyingly we've woken up this morning to heavy snow again - we only had one clear day! Luckily I took Adeline out for a walk yesterday as it looks like we won't be going anywhere again today!
I’m hoping the silence means that too :)

I have another growth scan today and I have an awful feeling they’re going to tell me the baby is huge, she was on the smaller side at my last scan but I feel HUGE! Just have to wait and see I suppose. Not until 3.30 so long day waiting.

We’ve missed the snow thankfully but it’s been so annoying! Glad you made it out yesterday at least, hope it passes soon for you so you can get out again. I’m sooooo looking forward to getting my body back now, I just feel like dead weight now
Hayli I feel exactly the same, it’s a 5/10 min walk to my sons nursery and struggling with that now! My bump was bigger than with my son and he was 10lbs so expecting another big baby though it’s still within “normal” range and growing at right the rate according to bump.

Last night was worst night sleep in quite a while felt like I was weeing every 45 mins. 37+5 today so still potentially another few weeks to go.

What is the reason for the growth scan? Do you think they might move your section date forward of measuring big?? From what I hear the growth scans only give an indication as not overly accurate.

Finishing sorting out some baby stuff in the house today as miserable weather then going to try and brave town tomorrow for some shopping if I’ve got the energy.

Hope all you ladies enjoying your newborns and all going well xx
It’s awful isn’t it Summertime. My body is not my own and it’s taking its toll.
I have gestational diabetes so that’s the reason, I had one in January too but she was small. My first was only 7lb 12 and she was a week late, I’m booked in for a section at 39 weeks with this one but if she’s big today I am concerned they’ll bring it forward. Although I’ve never heard of a growth scan being accurate for anyone haha. Think they just assume that because I’m bigger (size 18ish) that I will have big babies which of course isn’t the case. And because of the GD I’ve not been eating bad etc in order to make a big baby. Only put Just over a stone on which I’m pleased about :)
Let us know how the scan goes, I was offered a growth scan due to my baby first time but as I’m not opting for a section didn’t see any point as doctor said could be 1lb out either way!

My hubby is 6”6 so I’m guessing it’s the height that makes our babies heavy but definitely takes it’s toll, I’ve been leaking wee aswell and dreading what sort of state my pelvic floor is going to be in - but still wouldn’t have it any other way just can’t wait to meet our baby now and will all be worth it.

I’ve gained about 3.5 stone so far, more than recommended but if so have a 10lb’er I don’t think it’s too bad, I managed to lose baby weight with my son was just the last stone that really tough.

No appointments this week which think made time drag, got midwife and health visitor next week.

Who is due next??x
It’s awful isn’t it Summertime. My body is not my own and it’s taking its toll.
I have gestational diabetes so that’s the reason, I had one in January too but she was small. My first was only 7lb 12 and she was a week late, I’m booked in for a section at 39 weeks with this one but if she’s big today I am concerned they’ll bring it forward. Although I’ve never heard of a growth scan being accurate for anyone haha. Think they just assume that because I’m bigger (size 18ish) that I will have big babies which of course isn’t the case. And because of the GD I’ve not been eating bad etc in order to make a big baby. Only put Just over a stone on which I’m pleased about :)

Ugh i hate when they scare woman like this. I was pretifed they said my baby was 8lbs at 36 weeks and will bw having a baby thats probably 10+lbs i was panicking loads. I had GD to and on the larger side also size 16/18. She came at 38 weeks 8lbs 7oz. Ugh dont let them worry you like that.
Well my scan was interesting. She’s actually dropped in size on the centile chart (still within average so no worries) currently estimated 6lb 2 but she’s extended breach! So that’ll be why I feel like she’s huge cause she’s basically laid straight out top to bottom leaving me no room to move etc. My fluid was also only just within the guidelines so they’ve told me to keep an eye on any “leaking” as it’s borderline low already.
So they sent me for a CTG to check the baby’s heart rate and all was fine. My BP was higher than usual so got to get that checked every week now which is actually only 1 extra apt so not too bad.
Got my pre op booked in for 23rd and strict instructions to go straight to the hospital if I show any signs of labour due to the breach position. So all is fine but had a fair bit checked out today........ which I’m fine with! I’d have it all checked every day if I could haha.
Haylian - glad scam and checks were all ok, blag least you know it’s not going to be a big baby with only a few weeks to go.

I’ve pulled something very low in my groin today and now I’m a world of discomfort, don’t like to moan as grateful to be pregnant but really want this baby out. Got stuck on the floor bathing my son and couldn’t get up., had to crawl to stairs and use railings to drag myself up. My mum arrives this evening so will be so relieved to have someone here whilst hubby at work.

Keep checking for L&P baby news, just seen on the other thread an April baby has arrived, not long for us now!xx
Oh no Summertime hope whatever you’ve pulled heals quickly. I too can’t get up off the floor anymore without some sort of aid haha! It’s so hard not to moan isn’t it cause like you say, it’s such a privilege to be pregnant in the first place. But then with so much pressure on our bodies and feeling so heavy it’s difficult not to moan.
I almost went back to the hospital yesterday as baby was really quiet. If she’s quiet again today then I’ll be ringing them. They were very clear that I should be ringing them to be checked if anything changes, and movement is apparently a big one when it comes to GD so they keep a much closer eye on it. I just feel like I’m in a constant state of panic, 16 days to go and counting every one!!
Summertime, hope you are feeling better. Final weeks are the hardest. Just take it slow.

Haylian, if baby does is not moving as much as before then definitely ring the hospital and they will check everything. I rang everytime I was concerned.

Stay strong girls soon you will meet your babies.
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