*March mummies Tri 3!*

It’s 26th March Summertime.
Still feels so far away but it’s 3 weeks on Monday. I have things on every weekend now which will hopefully pass the time.
I know the feeling my due date is 24th and feels like forever, but keep reminding myself it’s this month so on final stretch.

I’ve not made plans as keep hoping it’s going to be early ... going to cook in some coffee dates with friends I think to fill some time, weekends generally quite busy taking my son to his activities.

I know there is a small chance my baby won’t be here u TIL April as at my midwife this week she said if I was overdue the earliest they would induce would be 1st April! Unless there was some other factor.
Sorry for the delay...we would like to introduce baby boy Charlie weighing in at 8lb! Big fatty! Not very straight forward unfortunately and have been poorly after losing two litres of blood again. Have had blood transfusion. Being very sick still and feel bloody rough. Placenta was stuck to uterus and was in recovery for hours. Not a very calm c section experience �� Charlie is very chilled though and has only cried once and that was when he was born xx
Ljd - so sorry it was traumatic, you must feel horrific after that. Take care and take your time, hopefully you'll feel a lot better soon. And congratulations! X
Congratulations ldj and welcome to the world Charlie. Lovely weight too :)
Sorry it wasn’t straight forward, hopefully you’ll start to feel human again soon
Congratulations Ljd - our first official March baby born in March! Hope you are getting lots of rest. X
Congratulations Ljd. Beautiful name Charlie.

Hope you recover soon. Take is slow.

I still remember I fell asleep right after giving birth and when I opened my eyes delivery room looked like a war zone. This picture still haunts me. Don't know why. I guess I was expecting to see my baby next to me and oh too. But they both were in recovery area for babies.
Congratulations Ljd on your baby son & Charlie is an adorable name!
Hope you recover ok from the c section,sounds traumatic.
So nice to hear how all the new mammas are doing.
Haylian hope you feel well for your baby shower tomorrow,let us know how it goes.
Im still pregnant. 48 hours since the sweep so looks like it didnt work. Yesterday & today I used my breast pump for 15 mins either side. Even if it doesnt start labour,its good to get the hang of the feeling/sensation. Sore at first but then got used to it. Wondering if baby feeding will be much different?
Felt like a caged animal these past few days being stuck in the house so dh braved the roads & we went shopping and out for lunch which was nice. I did a lot of walking & stairs.
Had a bath and then on the ball for almost 30 mins. Been getting occassional shooting pains in my vagina.
The waiting continues!xx
Loveandpeace, not long now and you will meet your baby.

I think breast pump is less painful than actual feeding. Cause sometimes baby takes time to latch properly and that makes nipples very sensitive.

Nipple cream is a must have! I love it. Heals nipples within a few hours.

What's the next step for you? Will they offer you another sweep?

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I have had to use nipple cream already for pump and amazed how quickly it heals dry & cracked nipples.

Im booked in for another sweep on Tuesday morning. However Ive also booked myself in for acupuncture on Monday to see if that may help things along. If baby is still staying put by Thursday I have to get pessary in at the hospital then they allow me to have it at home for up to 24 hours to start labour process. Failing that and the very last resort would be to go to hospital on Friday and get the drip in for induction.
I was sure something would happen through the night as I was getting strong contractions all evening. Now nothing!x
Loveandpeace, hope things start to move for you before they put you on drip. I had a drip and it was very painful and long.

Try spicy Chinese food and dates. These worked for me within hours my waters broke.
Thanks Charlotte Im really hoping it doesnt come to being induced by IV!
Im eating about 6-7 dates a day (starting to gag now everytime I force them into me) and ate spicy chinese/stir fries/chilli/thai all this week! Except for last night as im so sick of it,and I love my spicy food! We're having an Indian curry this evening. Ill probabky have another bath with clary sage oil.
Done nothing but clean all day & now going to walk to the shop before resting up. If I can be bothered Ill try the breast pump again. Had a bit of an emotional meltdown an hour ago so think I need to stop thinking/obsessing so much.xx
L&p - my midwife recommended a massage with clary sage, think she said something like 6 drops in a tablespoon of carrier oil eg olive oil? Get your partner to massage your shoulders, back and feet :)
Hi ladies. How's everyone doing? I see we have a few little ones who've made their debut. Congrats to all the new mums. I've had a hard time with depression and my son with ASD, it's been a nightmare. Good luck to all of us who are still waiting xx
Lovepeace, I know waiting is very hard. But not much longer. Soon you will meet your baby. Babies choose their time themselves.

Girls, did you have baby blues? Midwife kept asking me how I felt. Well I was crying a few days after birth for no reason. Now not crying anymore. Did I get baby blues? May be a little.

My little man did not sleep well last night. Did not like his new dummy. Not sure which ones to try. The only dummy he likes is a freebie from Amazon baby box. I can't find it anywhere in the shops.
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Charlotte - Sounds like you had a touch of the baby blues, but as long as you're feeling ok now that's normal. I didn't have it, I've had a couple of moments of feeling overwhelmed but i think that's normal and understandable too:)

As for sleep... We had a few nights of Adeline sleeping really well, and now had a few with very little sleep. It's partly that she's struggling with wind/colic, so lying on her back in the Moses basket is too uncomfortable, but i think also that she's going through a growth spurt so is feeding lots, and also just wanting a cuddle! Typical that your little boy only wants the dummy you can't find though ;) we're just trying to remember that she is only tiny still and still learning how to do everything, and it's completely normal and right that she doesn't sleep for hours at a time!

Our little girl is three weeks old today!
L&P something happens soon, so they will put pessery in once you are 41 weeks? It’s 41 + 3 which seems late would much rather 41 weeks.

Did midwife say if your cervix was favourable when she did the sweep?? I had 2 sweeps with my little boy and did t start labour but got it on right track so when Had the pessery in it started proper labour within 12 hours, getting induced not ideal but might not be as bad as you think.

Charlotte - I did last time but hazy memory after 4 years,mine was mainly linked to feeding problem, really pleased most ladies are getting on well with feeding on here.

Sk8er - sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time, not too long to go now.

37+2 here, starting to get baby stuff sorted out my mum arrives on Saturday until the baby arrives will be a relief to know childcare is covered.

How are all the newborns doing? Hope you’ve all been enjoying this precious time xx
Well Im 41 weeks today so if I have to get pessary on Thur I will be 41 + 3. Im having a second sweep tomorrow.
However my midwife did say that she felt my original due date of 1st March shouldnt have changed and looking back at my dates I think she is right and my correct due date is 1st March instead of 26th Feb. So i guess in theory I will be 41 weeks when (or IF) i get pepssary in. She said everything was a healthy environment,placenta blood flow etc all good.
She said my cervix was thinning out & was posterior,2cm long and 1cm dilated. Is this favourable?! I should have asked more questions. I am hoping all the walking & ball bouncing & grinding has helped and will ask at tomorrows sweep.
Im having acupuncture in a few hours.
Merry i might try that massage later,i havent much clary sage oil left!
Charlotte I heard MAM dummies are best for newborns who are also BF.
Yes good to hear the feeding is going well! Has anyone started pumping yet to see if baby will go from boob to bottle? Im aiming to combine the two with breast milk but unsure when to start or how to go about it.

Sk8er hugs to you,heart goes out to you battling depression on top of the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy. As well as caring for your son. Are you getting enough support or able to speak to someone?
Just read my notes and its not looking like my cervix is favourable enough yet
Dilation 1-2
Length 2-3
Station -3
Consistency soft & posterior.
I have Bishops score of 4. Well hopefully more now since Thursday.
Feel so deflated!
Soft cervix is good and 1cm defo means things are happening, albeit slow! It’s so awful when you go over due :( the waiting is just too much to bear. Really hope things move soon, I know a few women who’s waters have broken when scrubbing the floor haha, worth a try? :)

Charlotte I don’t think you have baby blues I think you’ve had the huge drop in hormones that happens after you e had the baby. I cried every time I spoke after my first, no reason and I didn’t feel sad etc just couldn’t keep control of my emotions haha. Baby blues are a bit more serious, struggling, feeling really low, not wanting to socialise or go out etc. If that’s what’s happen8mh then speak to your Dr as they like to monitor in case of PND. But it sounds like you’re happy and enjoying it so to me that means it’s just your hormones balancing out again, which can have a big impact as there’s so many :).
In regards to dummies, Violet ended up with the cherry ones as the special dental ones she just spat out. She’s never had problems with her teeth etc so no damage done.

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