*March mummies Tri 3!*

Hope you're ok summertime - take it easy, maybe have a bath with lavender to soothe your muscles. Put your feet up!

Haylian - the scan sounds interesting! The movement thing is tricky isn't it- if you're worried definitely ring someone. I had this a few times, little madam had a pattern throughout the pregnancy of having a few days of being super active followed by a day of being really quiet. Turns out that was just her thing, but it made me nervous. Every time I decided i should ring someone she'd wake up and kick furiously:)
Been at the hospital again today as she got quieter and quieter!
Had high BP and traces of protein in my urine, they’ve done some bloods and sent them off and my BP came down again so they let me go home. Baby kick started again as soon as the monitor was put on of course and she had a good healthy heartbeat so they were comfortable she was fine.
Had enough of the panic feeling now and just on major countdown!!
Haylian, babies don't like those monitors on the bump. Apparently they can feel the "signal". When I was in labour and had those things on me baby was kicking very hard to get them off and midwife told me they don't like them :)

Wonder who is going to have baby next :)
Glad everything ok Haylian, it’s definitely better to call if your ever unsure on movements, I think i was in about 6 or 7 times with my son and the midwifes would rather you go in than risk anything.

No baby news to share but I have nursery pics! My Dad has been this weekend and finished off the bits and bobs, now just need the baby to go in it!


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They don’t do they Charlotte. I remember last time Violet hated it, this one didn’t seem too bothered just moved to the other side haha.

Summertime that’s so lovely and colourful :) are you team yellow or do you know what you’re having?

Happy Mother’s Day to you all! Hope all the new/current mummies got a nice lie in this morning and those still waiting got lots of treats too.

I’ve had a lovely day and been to my favourite restaurant for my dinner, shame I still can’t taste much from this lingering cold!!

Hope all is going ok with you L & P, I’m aching for baby news here!
We are team yellow, we didn’t find out with my son so all of our nursery stuff was neutral first time around, I’m expecting a boy to pop out so will be pleasantly surprised if it’s a girl!

Thankfully pelvic pain has eased over weekend, my mum is here and helping so ableto take it easy.

Have really swollen feet over weekend, quite painful to walk, not concerned at the moment but keeping an eye for any other symptoms after having PreE with my son. Got midwife on Thursday for a BP check.

Also keep checking for news from L&P hopefully she is enjoying mother’s day with a newborn
I’m on the look out for symptoms too, my feet have grown in this pregnancy :( hope they go back again! I was a size 6 before my daughter and now I’m a 7, I can’t be an 8 after this one surely haha!

Glad your mum is there helping you now, must be nice to have the extra help.

You any more certain on names yet?
Glad you're feeling a bit better summertime, Haylian sounds like a good day!

My first mother's day :) Adeline is being a bit of a limpet at the moment, won't sleep in her basket or anywhere but on my or husband's chest, which is making life slightly tricky! He did give me the gift of an uninterrupted hour to have a long bath - not only did I wash my hair but even shaved my legs and moisturised!
Happy mother's day to you all. Hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing day.
Glad you're feeling a bit better summertime, Haylian sounds like a good day!

My first mother's day :) Adeline is being a bit of a limpet at the moment, won't sleep in her basket or anywhere but on my or husband's chest, which is making life slightly tricky! He did give me the gift of an uninterrupted hour to have a long bath - not only did I wash my hair but even shaved my legs and moisturised!

What a treat Merry! And for your husband too...... shaved legs :) haha!

Violet was just like that, would only sleep on us for around the first 10 weeks. We managed to get a couple of hours in the crib at night time but she was very clingy overall!
Merry that sounds like a nice treat, I can’t shave my legs as my bump is too big and husband refusing to help! He has agreed to cut my toe nails but that’s his limit!!

We are set on Jonah for a boy and Fox as his middle name, Ink ow it won’t be to everyone’s taste - especially my conservative in laws but we love it and that’s all that matters! For a girl still not certain, so convinced it’s a boy struggling to think!

Have you got a name Haylian?

Sk8erez - how are you feeling now?

I’m 38+ 1 and tomorrow I will be able to say I’m due “next week”!!!
I’ve been a bit quiet as I’ve been busy organising things. My section has been moved forward. As I live so far from the hospital, I have to head away tomorrow. So tonight is my last night with my lo! It feels really weird. I’m excited to find out what we are having and maybe finally get a name!!! Do we have a Facebook group? We had and still have one with the group of mums from my first and I found it invaluable! Still do, to be honest!
Ahh that’s a lovely name Summertime, I know someone who called their little girl Fox so it’s out there :)

We’re calling her April Blossom, ours isn’t to everyone taste either but our daughter has chosen the middle name and I like it as it’s a spring baby.

Ooh Lozza this must be very strange knowing it’s your last night, when is your section booked? Still 2 weeks for me!
We don’t have a Facebook group no but I’m similar to yu, I’m still in a group from my first and it’s lovely! I’m happy to be added if we get one going :)
Lozza - what day is your section? Tuesday? Exciting to find out what is team yellow Mummies are having! Look forward to your update.

I love the name April and it’s lovely your little girl has helped with the middle name, we had a short list then let my son pick his favourite.

I’m onboard with a Facebook group would love to hear everyone’s post birth updates - though right now feels like I’m going to be pregnant forever - 12 days to go!!
14 days for me, still feels like so long.

I’ll set up a Facebook group, I think I need to be friends with one of you to get it set up, don’t want to add a random person.

My name is Hayley Lattimore if someone wants to add me? Profile pic is me, husband and daughter with a pink hat on.
Happy Mother's day girls! I got my first card yesterday! :) Oh put it in the cot to surprise me.

Beautiful nursery Summertime! Fox is a beautiful name. Our friends have named their daughter River. I like unique names.

Haylian, feet will go back to normal after birth. Don't worry.

Merry, have you tried putting your own shirt in the basket, the smell of you will comfort your baby. I put muslin cloths in the cot so he can smell me and milk.

Lozza, when is your C section?

Rae rae, how are you getting on?

Our son Thomas is 1 month old today! We are going to the shop to get a small cake for him :)
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Wow Charlotte so can’t believe your little by is a month already!! How is he doing, is the feeding still going well?!

Glad you enjoyed your first mother’s day it’s very special x
Wow Charlotte a month already! That seems to have gone so fast.

Glad you enjoyed your first Mother’s Day!

I’ve set up the Facebook group, it’s called March babies - pregnancy forum

It’ll be nice to put some faces to you all :)
Thank you girls. I can't believe how quickly time flies. I guess its because how busy I am now.

Still breastfeeding. Some days I think omg my boobs are so sore but then I carry on and boobs feel better the next day and I'm happy again.

Are you all girls going to breastfeed?

I tried to find this group on Facebook but nothing comes up in search?

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