*March mummies Tri 3!*

Merry and Charlotte congratulations on your little ones. Can’t wait to hear their names!

Summertime, I know exactly what you mean about the bumps! I keep forgetting I can’t do what I used to do. My bump seems to have exploded in the past week! We are on school holidays which is fab, but I’m back at work on Thursdayuntil the following Friday and I’m wondering if I’ll manage it! I just feel huge!
Congrats Charlotte. I'm soo jealous lol. Can't wait to see pics of the little one
Congratulations Charlotte!! Aww so tiny, after a 10lb baby I can’t kmagine holdin a 5lb newborn, hope baby out of special care soon.

Lozza - not many days of work to get through. Tomorrow will be my first day off May leave when my sons is at nursery as he is keeping his 3 days so need to start organising baby clothes from loft and packing hospital bag but all I want to do is laze around and sleep!

Looking forward to some pics on the new arrivals!
I just had my consultant appointment and am booked in for a section. I can change my mind if I want.
I tore badly last time, have group b strep and the placenta is low lying.
It feels weird having an actual date!
Anyone else had an elective section?
Ooh when is it booked for Lozza?

We’ve been booked in since our 20 week scan, it was very strange putting it in my calendar. I didn’t really want a section and got quite upset about it but 2 consultants very strongly advised me to do it as there was a problem with my pelvis last time which is unlikely to have changed.

I’ve heard good things about elective sections though so hopefully it will go smoothly.
Im jealous of the babies too! I am so ready now for our baby to arrive. I have an appointment for a foot massage and pedicure tomorrow so anytime after that would be great lol! And before my birthday next week. I bought dates (charlotte maybe they helped your labour!) today so im eating them now and will be getting pineapple tomorrow. As tomorrow is Valentines some hanky panky may be in order so that might help things lol.

Im also a wee bit jealous of your booked c sections as at least you have an exact date to aim for that you know you will definitey meet your baby then!

I done quite a bit of walking today and was busy with errands,my feet and ankles are like balloons! Im puffy all over now at this stage and feel like an elephant. Fed up!
I’m thinking of booking in for a foot massage and pedi, feel like they’re puffy and taking a lot of strain at the minute haha. Going to wait a few weeks though so they look nice while I’m in hospital, even though I’ll have those awful stockings on so won’t see much :).

I’ve wanted pineapple for ages but trying not to have it just yet, maybe in a few weeks
Hey girls

We are still in hospital. Had blood transfusion done. This is the first time in my life I've had it.
Starting to breastfeed. It's not easy but does get better with every time I do it.
So looking forward to go home and enjoy our baby. Cuddles and skin to skin time. :)

Not long and you all will have your babies :)
Hi Charlotte :)

Did you have the blood transfusion due to the anaemia or because you lost a lot of blood during labour? Do you feel better for having it?

What have you called your little boy? So happy for you :)
Congratulations Merry! Great news. :) xxx well done giving birth at home! So brave.

My baby boy was born today at 9.57 am. 5 lbs 2oz.

Very long and painful labour. Ended up asking for epidural.

I thought I would give up multiple times. Was induced early Sunday morning and gave birth Monday morning. We are still in hospital and will stay here for a couple of days cause baby arrives a bit early. 36+5.

So looking forward to go home with my baby. :)

Just wanted to say a huge congratulations charlotte! Xx
Hi all, it's amazing how time blurs with a new-born! We're doing well here, breastfeeding is going well although my nipples are killing me... Her latch is pretty good most of the time but during the night she just throws herself on more and it's like having a Dyson hoover attached �� We decided to go with the name we picked out ages ago, so she's Adeline Daisy. Although we really need to start using it, she's just baby girl most of the time! It's still very weird, in a good way �� photo shortly...
Still not managed to take a photo with her eyes open!

By the way, careful with those dates-I ate a handful on Saturday night and that was all it took:oooo: My raspberry leaf tea arrived from Amazon about 8 hours after she was born!


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Oh my goodness Merry, she is just gorgeous ❤️ Loving her name too! xxx
Awww so cute!! Love the name Merry of our bundle is pink that’s going to be one of her names.

Eeek remember the sore nipple stage, they will soon harden up. Are you plastering in the nipple cream? Lanolin is a lifesaver xx
Charlotte - hope you are feeling ok after the transfusion?? Is your little one boy of special care now? Hope your still getting lots of new born cuddles xx
Thank you girls for your kind words! Peanut, thank you!!! You are pregnant with your second one? So quickly ha ha.

Merry! Beautiful baby girl! And beautiful name! Well done! If you nipples hurt try to put on some of your milk to heal them. Have you got lots of milk?

We are still in hospital. I feel better after blood transfusions twice. My levels were 78. That's very low. I could not even stand up. Stiches are painful too.
But at least looks like milk is coming in and I am breastfeeding at last.
Been collecting first milk with a syringe. Ha ha

Girls be careful with dates!!!!! I had 6 a day for a week and baby came early. I did not even have raspberry leaf tea. Stay away from dates. And stay away from spicy food!

We are still thinking about a name.

I wonder who is going to have a baby next! :)
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Thank you girls for your kind words! Peanut, thank you!!! You are pregnant with your second one? So quickly ha ha.

Merry! Beautiful baby girl! And beautiful name! Well done! If you nipples hurt try to put on some of your milk to heal them. Have you got lots of milk?

We are still in hospital. I feel better after blood transfusions twice. My levels were 78. That's very low. I could not even stand up. Stiches are painful too.
But at least looks like milk is coming in and I am breastfeeding at last.
Been collecting first milk with a syringe. Ha ha

Girls be careful with dates!!!!! I had 6 a day for a week and baby came early. I did not even have raspberry leaf tea. Stay away from dates. And stay away from spicy food!

We are still thinking about a name.

I wonder who is going to have a baby next! :)

Sorry dont wanna take over the thread aha. Yes found out when dd was 10 weeks old. So keep in mind it's very easy to get pregnant straight after birth everyone, apparently your cervix is still wider than normal so more sperm can get in! (I breastfeed for 2 weeks aswell which is meant to stop you getting pregnant) Ha tried for 2 years for 1 baby and I get 2 in one year. Crazy. Hope your well and enjoying being a mother! X
Peanut, it is incredible to get pregnant so quickly.

I am enjoying being new mum. Done a few nappy changes. And been feeding often. It's such a good feeling.

I'm so in love with my little man. And my oh has been brilliant. I love him him even more. Such a great man. He saw everything what was happening during labour. We are a lot closer now.
Ah Merry your baby girl Adeline is gorgeous just like her name! Love her dark hair!
Charlotte glad to hear you are recovering as well as can be and hooe you get home soon. Cant wait to hear name.
You both sound on cloud 9 with your little babies!
Well I have ate a handful of dates now these past few days and im going to have some fresh pineapple today. Just after a bowl of spicy noodles too.
last night I had a bath with some clary sage oil then DTD with DH. So Im hoping for something to happen in next few days!
Congrats to those who have their babies!

My csection is 26th so the end is in sight. Not too soon either since my mild spd now feels like I got kicked in the cooch

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