*March mummies Tri 3!*

Glad all is ok Charlotte! Yes, gas and air is fine, and I'm sure you'd be able to get in and out as you want.

L&p, how have you been getting on? I am so ready to stop work, two and a half days left for me! Didn't help that I had a parents evening last night, so an 11 hour day with the last three hours sitting in a very uncomfortable chair! I've realised that mentally I've completely checked out, not the best teaching going on in my lessons this week!

I've been feeling increasingly uncomfortable at points in the last few days, I'm full term now and my body is letting me know! Still not been aware of any Brixton hicks but I have had a few shooting pains across the bottom of my bump, and my back is really aching. I assume this is all part of baby but it's making me a bit paranoid that baby will arrive sooner than I'd planned!
It's so hot at work. And it's not just me. Feels like sauna. Can't wait to finish work on 2nd March. Less than a month to go for me.

I've been eating 6 dates a day and I really like them. :)

Packing my hospital bag on Saturday. Really not sure what to bring for snacks. Don't really like crisps and nuts. I like sausage rolls and pasties but they will be out of date if I purchase some now.

Biscuits and chocolate or even fudge. I love fudge. :)

What snacks are you bringing?
Merry - I'm totally with you on the checked out point - realised I've been sat at my desk looking out the windows to see trams for the last 15 mins!! Been out for a lunch today so doesn't help with the sleepiness. I've got my leaving lunch tomorrow and then will leave a bit ealy on Friday so last 'proper' day today.

For snacks I'm taking jelly babies and dolly mixtures for sugar then some breadsticks. You will get food at mealtimes last time I just requested toast could snack on. Nuts are good if you like those. For drinks will take squash to put in water and Lucozade sport - the one without caffine.

Midwife advised I should take my hospital bag away this weekend - think the chances of anything happening @ 34 weeks are slim but good to be prepared I guess. Or at least have it ready at home, our cottage is only 1.5 hours away so if did start having pains would drive back or at worst case if bag packed my hubby could pick it up.

Off to Antenatal tonight. The one I had at the weekend was a classroom based session at another hospital - tonight is where I'm going to be delivering and in one of the rooms in the midwife led unit - think going to feel a lot more real!

What really shocked me at my class at the weekend is that they said for 2nd time mums aim to discharge straight from delivery suite if no complications at 6 hours post birth - as I was in for a week last time this sounds so early, I'm anxious about feeding so going to stay in as long as I can for extra support.
We've bought in lots of different snacks and treats, not sure what I'll fancy as I tend to go off food whenever I feel off so might be the same in labour. Don't tend to eat crisps but have some pringles, lots of chocolate, dried fruit, ice cream, bananas...lots of fruit juice etc as well.

ST - hope the class goes well, very exciting!

Today I've been feeling a lot more uncomfortable down below, feel like I need a wee as soon as I stand up even if I've just been, and just generally 'full' down there. My bump feels pretty tight all over, baby is clearly running out of room... Think this is baby's head engaged?
I'm not taking snacks. Knowing my luck I won't want anything I take anyway haha. I'm taking cash for the vending machine instead.

37 weeks here. Baby has her head in the right place and has worked out that pushing it down makes mummy dance.... so she's doing it multiple times an hour.

Braxtons are attempting to kill me too. Roll on 39 weeks.

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Ts I’m having really bad Braxton Hicks as well! Never had them last time.

Merry I wish I was finishing tomorrow! I’m working until the 23rd and it can’t ckme soon enough! I’m pretty exhausted and sore just now!
Enjoy your last few days at work merry & ST! Lol I mentally checked out of work months ago. This week has just felt like im on annual leave at work,still sinking in that im on maternity! Ive been quite busy with somewhere to go or something to do everyday. My car failed MOT so i have to get that sorted asap. Cleaned all my windows and finding lots of laundry to do. Tomorrow im stripping the sofa and washing covers! Managed to have a nap yesterday for a while which was good,i dislike daytime sleeping but must have needed it.
Had active labour workshop last night which was quite good. Midwife suggested bringing sugary snacks. Ive got haribos,fruit and mint mentos and a bag of chocolate caramels. Need to get savoury stuff & drinks. DH can nip to nearby supermarket for anything fresh.

Merry ive been feeling the same with pressure & those niggles down below. Midwife told me last week babys head was at the brim so ive been walking a lot to get him/her further down. I would hate to have to be induced if i go over. A lot of people also commenting that I am 'ready to drop' and will go earlier but im trying not to keep hopes up! As baby can be engaged for several weeks.
Going to get DH to blow up the ball soon too.

Does anyone else feel a little isolated? I feel distanced from my friends and paranoid,maybe its just hormones!
I feel isolated too Loveandpeace. Felt very strange yesterday. I keep texting some friends and some didn't even bother answering. One friend sent me text that was meant for someone else. So I sat in the bedroom thinking about it all.

I think its a hormonal thing. I'm so jealous pretty much all of you are on maternity leave. I finish work on 2nd March.

Still not sure if there kettle in the hospital to make hot drinks. Some people say yes there are some say nope.
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Awk thats similar to me Charlotte. Its been on my mind a bit recently. A few friends havent really bothered with me since my Mum died last May and I know I probably havent been as social as I usually am then with being pregnant on top of it all. Oh well.

Hopefully the time flies until 2nd March for you.

You could ring the hospital and find out about the kettle?
Loveandpeace, yap I feel the same as you. When my friend texts me back she does not ask me anything, so its hard to keep the conversation going. Feels like Im forcing her to talk to me.

Oh well I gave up and cleaned the house. Made me feel better. Its very emotional time for all of us. Hormones are up and down. You are missing your mum and its hard to deal with these emotions. Stay strong, a little bundle of joy is very close. :)

I asked someone who just gave birth in the same hospital about the kettle and she said there were no kettles where she stayed. We can always bring hot water in a thermos. :)
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Hi girls,
Not long to go for us now! Where on earth has the time gone?? I literally cannot believe that it’s three weeks until my c section. I had a scan yesterday and baby is measuring very big for my size, especially it’s head!!! It’s on the 95th centile. Consultant said I’ve definitely made the right choice having an elective c section this time. I’m relieved too. My son was also very large for me (bigger than this one) and I had a terrible birth.
How are you ladies doing?xx
Ljd - I feel your main my sons head was on the 105th centile! I've got my consultant appointment in 2 weeks to discuss this birth - had an appointment at 12 weeks but felt way too early to be making any decisions.

I had the active birth workshop on Wednesday and I love the labour sanctury room and the big birthing pools - keeping my options open but think I'm going towards hoping for a natural birth but knowing an emergency c -section might be needed if it goes the same way as last time. It's so hard knowing what the best think to do.

Charlotte - L&P, think those feelings totally normal, you are entering new ground getting ready to become mummies and especially friends with no children can sometime gravitate away but your true friends will all be there for you after the birth.

Today is my last day at work! Been counting down but still feel slightly sad for some reason? Chance will be made redundant whilst on leave and been here 9 years so feels like a bit of an end of an era.

Weekend away then the baby prep starts next Wednesday when my sons at nursery - I've given up trying to do anything whilst he is home on Monday/Tuesday and just enjoying quality mummy/son time.

I know it's on the 3 week countdown for some of you - so exciting the first March babies could be here anytime now with other at 37 weeks already!

Planning to have a bit of a technology detox this weekend and just chill out with my husband so I'll catch up with you ladies next week xx
Just gatecrashing the march thread as I'm getting obsessively interested in labour now ha ha

On the injection for placenta, with my first i didnt have it and i remember the placenta coming out pretty much straight after , or certainly not long after. So for my second my birth plan was not to have it as i had heard horror stories about placentas coming away too fast, haemorraging etc. However my labour was a bit stop start and the midwife said given that, it might be an idea to have it after all so i said ok. But in terms of length of time and how it felt and what happened it was all the same as the first birth. Don't know if that helps anyone at all!

Also i used a tens machine for my second labour where i had a lot of back pain, and it was a lifesaver so ive got one off ebay for this one...
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Looks like a few of us are having friend issues. I think I’m a case of out of sight out of mind at the minute. I’ve heard from a few people but becoming very few and far between now. I’m sure there’ll be a rush of messages when there’s a newborn to cuddle!

L+P I take my hat off to you going through all this so recently after the passing of your mum. I can’t even imagine, it’s a shame your friends have backed off because of it though cause even if it’s because they’re not sure what to do/say it’s nice to at least drop a message here and there saying they’re there if you need them. Hope we can be here for you if you need us for anything.

We’re back from our mini break in Wychnor and it was lovely! Had a nice but very cold day yesterday and got out to the park with Violet an£ they have great grounds for scooting/biking so she had the run of the place as it was so quiet. We went swimming and it was so nice to feel weightless in the pool, but I felt like deadweight when I got out :( it was horrible! And I’ve felt like an island ever since. I’ll put a bump pic on in a minute cause I’m sure I’ve doubled in size the last week.

Nursery prep continues tomorrow and the painting will start, then I’ll be hanging all her things in the wardrobe eeeeek! Then it’s just the cot that needs bringing down from 5he loft. 6 weeks to go.

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend.
Huge bump - no idea if the picture has attached haha232F6F68-61C6-4C0C-A2C0-1F06D30B61C4.jpg
Nice bump Haylian! Mine has grown substantially in the past ten days or so, still not huge but much more uncomfortable!

Finished work on Friday, at 37+3. Was on such a high, one of my colleagues said I looked amazing and not at all like I was full term and exhausted - there's a lot to be said for the powers of adrenaline :) I've been really looking forward to relaxing, nesting, crocheting some baby clothes...

But... I've been having pains in my lower back since Friday evening, at first just aching but gradually becoming stronger. It wasn't until last night that I fully acknowledged the pain isn't constant but comes and goes at fairly regular intervals, lasting for about a minute, and I'm now having to stop, lean over and breathe through them. I've had paracetamol and been using a hot water bottle, which definitely helps. I'm sure it's not full on established labour, but I am a bit concerned that it maybe the start of something and I'm just hoping it all settles down again! Second-timers - any thoughts?!
Merry how exciting it sounds like you are early labour, the latent stage when cervix goes from not dilated to 3cm, after that is established labour!! This is what I was like last time in early labour with back pain.

You need to keep a track and might be worth calling your midwife and updating her just incase for home birth purposes.

My early labour was only about 8 hours but sometime this phase can last for days or more xx
Merry definitely worth calling the hospital.

My waters broke at 5 am and we are in the hospital since 10:15 am.

Got induced 5 hours ago. We are now just waiting. I'm sooo nervous but very excited to meet my little one :)
Ha, all this waiting and then two at once... Definitely in labour. Pressure increased over the day and then i had a bath - when i got out suddenly it's every 3 minutes or so and I've lost my plug. Some red blood as well which i wasn't expecting but midwife didn't seen concerned unless the amount increases. Got my tens on, lavender oil burning, and just a waiting game now i think. All a bit sudden!

Good luck charlotte x
Good luck to you both Charlotte and Merry! Looking forward to the baby pictures!

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