*March mummies Tri 3!*

Aww Merry little Adeline is a beauty! And her hair is just gorgeous :)

Hope everyone is feeling ok and some of you now enjoying maternity leave!
Hi Charlotte :)

Did you have the blood transfusion due to the anaemia or because you lost a lot of blood during labour? Do you feel better for having it?

What have you called your little boy? So happy for you :)


I lost a lot of blood during labour. And doc said I had to have blood transfusion. I could not even stand up how weak I was. Iron tablets would take a long time to increase the level.

After blood transfusion I instantly felt better and looked better too. Highly recommend.
Just a quick update for you all, had my twin boy and girl on 14th via emergency section! Very traumatic but utterly besotted with them both! Hope your new arrivals make an appearance soon!
Congratulation RaeRae!!! Was it a planned section? Any names yet??

3rd + 4th march babies are here now! Xx
Just a quick update for you all, had my twin boy and girl on 14th via emergency section! Very traumatic but utterly besotted with them both! Hope your new arrivals make an appearance soon!

Congratulations!!!! Great news. Are your little ones identical? Was c section planned?

Take a good care of yourself. It's very hard and tiring in the beginning.
Just a quick update for you all, had my twin boy and girl on 14th via emergency section! Very traumatic but utterly besotted with them both! Hope your new arrivals make an appearance soon!

Congratulations :)
Congratulations Rae Rae, great news!

Can’t wait to hear their names, what did they weigh?
Ah thats fabulous news Raerae!! Congratulations,what a lovely Valentines gift. Hope you are recovering as well as can be. Im daunted at the prospect of one newborn so cant imagine how overwhelming it is with twins!xx
How is everyone else doing now?
I went for a 3 hour walk yesterday. I was in agony last night. But hopefully its helped baby move further down. Im bouncing and rotating on the ball now too. So far spicy food,dates & pineapple aint done anything lol.
UnfortuNtely was an unplanned c-section where I had to be put to sleep �� was induced after attending a scan for no growth and twin two’s heart rate dropped and didn’t recoveR. Twin one was born in a good condition but twin two needed some help. Recovering well but difficult with a wound and two babies!

Twin one is Nancy weighing 4lb 4oz and twin two is Ruben weighing 5lb 4oz. Neither needed neonate time and are both breastfeeding like dreams! In a newborn haze of love, though I may never have time to do house work again!
Congratulations Rae Rae. So sorry you had such a traumatic time though. That’s tough and very hard emotionally. Hope you feel better very soon.
Charlotte am glad the transfusion worked for you. When I had mine it didn’t work so I felt weak and I’ll for a long time afterwards.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I’m so fed up with the heartburn!!
Congratulations RaeRae, it sounds traumatic but I'm so glad both babies are well. I have so much admiration for women with twins, especially now I've got a newborn of my own! Absolutely love the names too, now we just need pictures!

Loveandpeace - hope all your efforts come to something soon! I don't think I did anything that triggered labour (certainly not deliberately!) although I suspect the drop in adrenaline from finishing work may have had something to do with it! I'd keep going with walking, maybe lots of stairs (lots of these at my work, might have helped) but remember to relax too. I honestly think Adeline made her appearance when she thought it was the right time, don't think I had any influence over it :)

So, our little girl is a week old today! I cannot believe how time has flown, it's scary. Overall Adeline has been a little star, she's passed all midwife checks with flying colours - lost just 6% of her birthweight by day 5 which is apparently really good for breastfed babies. Everyone has commented on how wriggly and strong her arms and legs are - I know - I was telling everyone this for months before she was born! Feeding has been interesting. Generally she finds it easy but every now and then she takes against my left boob which is tricky! My milk came in with a rush on Thursday afternoon and that breast became so engorged that she couldn't fit her mouth around it. Obviously the more she fussed about it the worse it got, even with me expressing from it. But we seem to be getting over that (fingers crossed!) and all the midwives have said she's feeding perfectly (obviously she likes performing to an audience!)

It is definitely worth remembering that everything seems worse at night...if you have one bad night it can make you feel like a failure (me on Thursday night!) but when it gets light you realise things aren't as bad as you thought. A good thought to hang on to when nothing stops the screaming and your breasts are too sore to touch! Also, one good night...makes you feel like a superhero :) Adeline slept in her moses basket all last night for two hours at a time, woke up, drained a breast and slept for another two hours. In one night I've slept more than in the past week put together :)
Rae Rae omg sounds traumatic. But it's so worth it. Having a newborn is amazing. Having twins is double of joy.

We are still in hospital. My baby needs "lights" therapy. Apparently jaundice is very common in premature babies. So we are together in the room and he has lights on in his bed. It's a long wait till they check blood results after every treatment. 6 hours lights on. Test. 12 hours lights off waiting to rest.

Milk has come in and looks like real milk. Really enjoy breastfeeding. It's such a beautiful feeling.
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Some pics...


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Aw congratulations Rae Rae! I had an emergency c-section with my son 6years ago and that was very traumatic. I can’t imagine having 2 baby’s to look after whilst recovering from the op, it’s difficult enough with 1! You should be so proud of yourself for getting through it. Look after yourself and try not to overdo things, you’ll be feeling better soon but put the housework at the bottom of the to do list for now!!

Merry, Adeline is a little treasure. You must be so in love 😍

4 days until my planned c-section:shock: We still don’t have a name for her which is a concern, everyone keeps saying that I will see her and know the name but I don’t know if I believe that :lol:
Oh Merry, what a beaut! All that hair as well!




Nancy is the slightly smaller one in the photos but for different gender babies it’s hard to tell sometimes who is who!
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Wow Rae Rae they are absolutely perfect aren’t they, beautiful!
Just loving the baby pics and updates! Such utterly gorgeous babies with names to match.
Merry going to remember your advice about the difficult nights.
Charlotte glad youre recovering well with the blood transfusion amd bonding with your baby. Any name yet?
Rae rae sounds really traumatic what you went through & hope you have lots of support and help at home. Your twins are just perfect!
Dee you must be so excited to meet your little one in 4 days!

Im 39 weeks today and getting more frequent intense BH or contractions but not enough to feel labour coming on .
It would have been my mums 52nd birthday tomorrow & her work are having a memorial tree planting ceremony so im preparing for an emotional day. Then its my birthday on Wednesday so at least I have some distractions. Every nigjt now I go to bed wondering and hoping if I will wake up in labour!
Loving the pictures and names.
Glad you’re feeling better Charlotte and hope you get home soon.

Hope all goes ok tomorrow L&P, I’m sure that will be draining for you. Hopefully labour is just around the corner! Although be prepared to never have a Birthday again if it’s in the next few days :). My daughter was born 2 days before my birthday and I’ve not celebrated my birthday since haha. Wouldn’t have it any other way though, and it works well as her parties have been on my birthday so I’ve seen more people than I normally would have.
Omg cuteness overload on the pics!!

Merry - can’t believe how much hair Adeline has!

I’m 35 + 2 today so although would like my baby now realise might still have another month at least to go so trying to stay patient! Feeling a lot more twinges since I’ve stopped work but think I’m probably just noticing them more as got more time on my hands. I have my son at home Mondays and Tuesday then have Weds-Friday to prepare. Really want to get my hospital bag done this week.

Dee - best of luck for the section - will be March baby # 5 here by the end of the week!!

L&P - hope tomorrow goes ok for you xx
Wow such beautiful babies being born already, Congratulations mummy`s
I`am going into hospital on Wednesday to be induced so hopefully baby will be here by the end of the week X

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