Congratulations RaeRae, it sounds traumatic but I'm so glad both babies are well. I have so much admiration for women with twins, especially now I've got a newborn of my own! Absolutely love the names too, now we just need pictures!
Loveandpeace - hope all your efforts come to something soon! I don't think I did anything that triggered labour (certainly not deliberately!) although I suspect the drop in adrenaline from finishing work may have had something to do with it! I'd keep going with walking, maybe lots of stairs (lots of these at my work, might have helped) but remember to relax too. I honestly think Adeline made her appearance when she thought it was the right time, don't think I had any influence over it
So, our little girl is a week old today! I cannot believe how time has flown, it's scary. Overall Adeline has been a little star, she's passed all midwife checks with flying colours - lost just 6% of her birthweight by day 5 which is apparently really good for breastfed babies. Everyone has commented on how wriggly and strong her arms and legs are - I know - I was telling everyone this for months before she was born! Feeding has been interesting. Generally she finds it easy but every now and then she takes against my left boob which is tricky! My milk came in with a rush on Thursday afternoon and that breast became so engorged that she couldn't fit her mouth around it. Obviously the more she fussed about it the worse it got, even with me expressing from it. But we seem to be getting over that (fingers crossed!) and all the midwives have said she's feeding perfectly (obviously she likes performing to an audience!)
It is definitely worth remembering that everything seems worse at night...if you have one bad night it can make you feel like a failure (me on Thursday night!) but when it gets light you realise things aren't as bad as you thought. A good thought to hang on to when nothing stops the screaming and your breasts are too sore to touch! Also, one good night...makes you feel like a superhero

Adeline slept in her moses basket all last night for two hours at a time, woke up, drained a breast and slept for another two hours. In one night I've slept more than in the past week put together