*March mummies Tri 3!*

Oh my goodness 2 labours, and early ones! Massive luck to you both, I’m quite honestly giddy sat here now at the thought of finally seeing some babies making their appearances. How far are you Charlotte? You’ve not finished work yet have you? Well you have now haha

Wow so excited now after seeing two labours have began!! Eekk cant wait to hear more!
Good luck Merry & Charlotte! Yeah Charlotte I think you had 2 weeks left of work? Lol not now!
Did either of you do anything which nay have started labour?
Lovely bump Haylian!
My wedding and engagement rings are now stuck on my finger after increased swelling these past few days. Usually the swelling goes down but its not now. So trying everything to get them off as theyre starting to dig in and hurt a little. Have sausage feet to match the fingers lol.

Look forward to hearing of these babies arriving!x
Wow good luck Charlotte and Merry - think we are going to have our first March baby very soon!!

Thinking of you both and can’t wait to hear the news xx
Think Charlotte 36 weeks and Merry 37, glad Merry classed as term so can hopefully have her planned home birth.

Have to admit I’m a little bit jealous sat here at 34+2 night have 8 weeks to go!! X
Merry how exciting :) Thank you. Yay we are both in labour! Good luck :)

Well I had spicy Chinese food yesterday. And I think it triggered it.

I'm 36+4. Only 1 cm.

Delivery room is really nice. :)

I was suppose to work until 2nd March. Not anymore.
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Quick update :) our little girl was born at home, in the pool, at about half one this morning. Bit hazy on those details! She weighs 6lb 15 and is absolutely gorgeous. So far she's pretty much slept and that's it, had a quick feed last night but prioritising her beauty sleep �� it's all very surreal but I couldn't have asked for a better birth and we're both doing well. Ill post pics at some point! X
Oh wow, it’s all happening isn’t it girls!!

Massive congratulations Merry!!!! Look forward to the pics :)

Charlotte, good luck with everything!!

Will keep checking in for updates :)
Quick update :) our little girl was born at home, in the pool, at about half one this morning. Bit hazy on those details! She weighs 6lb 15 and is absolutely gorgeous. So far she's pretty much slept and that's it, had a quick feed last night but prioritising her beauty sleep �� it's all very surreal but I couldn't have asked for a better birth and we're both doing well. Ill post pics at some point! X

Congratulations Merry!!!! Wow! So happy for you
Merry how exciting :) Thank you. Yay we are both in labour! Good luck :)

Well I had spicy Chinese food yesterday. And I think it triggered it.

I'm 36+4. Only 1 cm.

Delivery room is really nice. :)

I was suppose to work until 2nd March. Not anymore.

Good luck Charlotte eek. Keep us posted.
Congratulations Merry, really pleased you got your home birth :) can’t wait to see pics of your little lady x

Hope things are going well for you Charlotte!
Congratulation Merry!! So pleased you got your home birth in the pool!

Good luck Charlotte hoping no news means the baby is still on it’s way xx
My first day of maternity today met friend for lunch then decided to look around shops and got some washing powder on offer in Poundland, didn’t factor in how heavy it is and on bus not car, so back in agony now not a good move, never been so pleased to get home and see the sofa! Not adjusted to quite how massive and heavy my bump is.


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OH wow!! Congratulations Merry. So pleased you got the home birth you wanted.

Good luck Charlotte. Hope you’re progressing well. I know how hard an induction can be so hope it’s all going well.

Lovely bump ST ��

Hope the rest of you girls are well xxx
Eeekkk awwww huge congratulations on the birth of your baby girl Merry and so pleased to hear the home birth went so well! Cant wait to see pics & name. Fab news!
Charlotte thinking about you too and hope all is well.
ST you & bump look great ��. I think its easy to think we're used to our bumps and can overdo it at times......then pay for it later!
Had my last midwife appt & antenatal workshop class this morning (38 weeks today). Bump growth normal & babys head is 1 fifth engaged. So if they dont make an arrival before 26th Feb then I have an appointment on 1st March (my original due date) to see what happens next.
That’s a lovely bump ST, hope your back is feeling better now and you’ve had a rest
Congratulations Merry! Great news. :) Well done! xxx

My baby boy was born today at 9.57 am. 5 lbs 2oz.

Very long and painful labour. Ended up asking for epidural.

I thought I would give up multiple times. Was induced early Sunday morning and gave birth Monday morning. We are still in hospital. Baby is staying in special care just for a few days and they are still checking me.

So looking forward to go home with my baby. :)
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Congratulations Merry! Great news. :) xxx well done giving birth at home! So brave.

My baby boy was born today at 9.57 am. 5 lbs 2oz.

Very long and painful labour. Ended up asking for epidural.

I thought I would give up multiple times. Was induced early Sunday morning and gave birth Monday morning. We are still in hospital and will stay here for a couple of days cause baby arrives a bit early. 36+5.

So looking forward to go home with my baby. :)
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Awww massive congratulations Charlotte! He’s tiny :) but I’m glad you’re both doing well and you have your baby boy x

Can’t wait for the pics and names of the first 2 March babies! X
Hey ladies, Sorry ive been quite its not easy to get on the computer with a 14 month old, Congratulations Charlotte & Merry on the safe arrival of your babies thats such wonderful news, I`am 37+1 today ... I`am possibley going in to be induced next monday due to being dianosed as borderline GD at this very late stage X

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