lol i swear it is, endorphins and distraction techniques work wonders for me. aww hugsy i felt really crappy yesterday evening after the mw and college. crampy today and keep gettin niggly pains down low. the stabby cervix ones. had a lil bit o snotty stuff this morning myself but only a bit, looked like i'd stuffed a bogey on the tissue lol.
thats just what mine looked like. Told OH it looked like I had had a bad cold from my foof instead of my nose. lol. Sexy!!!!!!!!!!!! pmsl
Hello ladies!
It seems there is lots of plug shedding going on in here. I can add to that, lost a teeny tiny bit last week but nothing else.
I am feeling DREADFUL today, I have a headache and a temperature and my belly is really really itchy.I just want to stay in bed for a long time.
Tor are you still working?
Is anyone else still working xx