**March 2012 Babies**

Been so busy today moving! Can't believe Rachel is being induced hope all is going well! It really is scary! She hasn't text me anything so I'm not sure whether to still do a thread or just wait til she texts?
hmmm...you might just make a thread and than say that you will update it when you get updates from her? I'm not sure either!

Some moaning from me (I apologize in advance): I'm at work now - soooooo demotivated!!!! I want to be at home, knitting, washing baby clothes and read books, not at school :( Moan over! :) (just had to get it out)
BevG I can see your baby being the second one for our group. Mine will probably be the last.
I am like a hippo at the moment!!

I wish I could dtd, but that is the last thing on my mind, I feel really sorry for my DH, as I don't give him any attention in that area. Maybe I should make an effort.
lol well i told her she can come anytime after 37 weeks so ya never know. shes been so wriggly and its epic alien chest burster proportions now to the point where my skin is so thinly stretched over her that sometimes i can see movements i cant even feel! got round 2 of the cleaning to do today and a trip into the local town for a food mat for the cat cos he makes such a mess when eating.
Not long to 37 weeks now bevg:)

How's everyone feeling? I have a cold and feel really tired:S
i feel awful. got sickness back to the point where i feel pukey wether ive eaten or not. everything hurts an im soo tired. moany day for me lol
Ooo...might mean something??? I've been sleeping for some time now and Think I will go back to sleeping soon. Everyone tells me to sleep while I have the opportunity, so will do!!
yeah iv got d sickness back too but not vomititng this time at least

feeling well and truly fed up, im sooo tired n sore n swolen n fat, i had some very strange pains in the top of my bump on friday but not come back since, and think she might have moved out of my pelvis again :-(so guessing my hopes of going early are well gone

also just found out the inlaws are coming over to visit on the 15th so if i go over i might not even have had her by then n didnt want people till a week r so after so not happy about that grrrrr
Hugsy: Can't they stay somewhere else? I totally understanding that you would like some time on your own before receiving visitors!

I've been eating loads of garlick to Get rid of my cold - hope it helps:)
yeah there gonna stay somewhere else but will be down here all the time i know well, dont get me wrong i love them to bits, prob geton better with mil than my own mother but i just want to be left along at the start and not have people telling me do this do that which i know is done out of meaning well but i have different ideas of how i want to look after my daughter to her , think im extra hormonal at the mo too lol

also if i go over they could be here when im in labour n hate that

Have you been having oranges? i had a bad cold and bought 4 cartons of tropicana orange juice, the fresh one not from concentrate , and drank a pint or more a day and sorted me right out :)
Sorry I havent been around in the middle of moving house and been so busy. Moving the final bits tomoz and finally staying in the new place. But this sadly means no internet yet. Will be getting it all sorted Monday....hopefully!

Hope you're all well!
Congrats on the new house a2m!!!:)

Hugsy: did buy some orange juice earlier, but am out of it now. Might have to send hubby somewhere to buy more!! It usually helps yes!!

I've been washing some baby clothes today and I also started to pack my hospital bag. Was really nice :love:
iv been on another nesting spre but ran out of stemso have been in a more directing role with the house work sitting on my ass telling oh what t clean next haha

washed the last few baby bits too just ned to do the cot bed sheets but shes gonna bein the mosses to start so no mad rush on tht

37 weeks tmrw so il be on mission get baby out soon :)
I have been on a mad nesting spree today too. Hospital bag is double checked, babies clothes ironed and folded and everyones washing done. lol. Feeling on edge a bit today a bit unsettled. Got some very low cervix and pubic pain too. x
leannesxb: sounds good!! You're baby is probably going in the right direction! :yay:

hugsy: OMG, already!!?!??? Time flies by!!! Do you have a plan??:)
Hello march mummies!
Literally can't believe I'm not a march mummy, but a feb one instead!! Absolutely crazy, rushed but amazing past few days and wouldn't change anything really!

I haven't had time to log on here much, so I'm waay behind on things! Anyone wanna give me any updates?
I'm still in hospital so I can only access the forum through my mobile!

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haha Espranzy and guess what if your shocked im 37 tmrw you are in 4 days :)

not got any sort of plan whaat so ever so just gonna wing it i guess lol
hey ladies, today i went swimming. got random aches but nothing major. 37 weeks on tues so im right there with ya hugsy but cant really do any more to get her out quicker lol. already do EPO and RLT, me and OH DTD often enough as it is too. i cant stand hot foods and i already eat pinapple quite often but couldnt eat 8 a day no matter how badly i wanted her out so i just have to keep on with what im doin and hope for some results.
i am also now doing loads of RLT and 2epo capsules up the foof at nights!!! plenty of bouncing on my ball and DTD too....come on boo boo xx

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