**March 2012 Babies**

Hi Girls, had my appointment at the hospital today to check the blood clot on my lung and got the all clear :) sooooo pleased! No more injecting myself! Just hoping the next few weeks go smoothly now! hope you're all ok xx
ah thats great news wannab such a relief for you x

all good this end, just d usual shattered tired n full of aches n pains and some nausea again

2 weeks left in work and counting the hours :)

have my 36 week app tmrw so hope all is well as was measuring smalllast time n had to go hosp cos hb was too fast
all good here, wriggly baby. still got the pelvis pain and its not got any worse really. had my baby care class today. basic stuff and not too long. passed my last I.T. exam today so one less thing i have to do. ive told baby she can come anytime in the next 2 weeks if she wants as im off college til then cos of half term. full moon tomorrow night ladies, lets see how many ppl pop lol
Not long now Esperanza! Just wait for that relief you're going to feel when you can start having those lie ins and relax during the day - it's bliss! I'm so glad I took my maternity leave when I did, because sleep at night is becoming so difficult, I'd never manage the early wake up calls and long days!

Well done with the exam Bev! Can't believe you and Hugsy are 36 weeks! Where has the time gone :shock:
Then again I'm not far behind you both
Wbm: that's great to hear! Hope you get yo relax now!!

Bevg: congratulations on your exam!!

Good luck today hugsy!!
I have bought some nursing tops and nursing bras. Has anyone else bought nursing clothes??
ive got a nursing t shirt and 2 nursing bras. i also have a dress that i could nurse in too and some other tops that are easy access lol.

hey rachel time is flying isnt it. lol i hope mine flies a lil faster cos today i feel terrible, ive been sick a couple of times too and im fed up of my hips and foof and pelvis hurting. tmi too but im also fed up of sitting on the loo lol. i hope all goes well at the hospital for you
Iv got 7 days left in work, can not wait to finish im so tired

Great new Bev passing ur Exam, one less thing to worry about :)

MW said its fairly normal to get nauseous agin at the end if you had a lot of sickness troughout , doesnt make feelin crap any better though lol

Been sleeping very bad still so hopefully will get some nap time during maternity

So are we all getting nervous or excited now??
im so excited, sore tho and cant wait for it to be over mostly lol. i wouldnt mind if it was just nausea like i had before but ive been fine since that went at 23 weeks now today im just literally upchucking with hardly any warning. gross lol. got too much cleaning to do as well to just mope around feeling crappy.
saying that tho me and my OH have still managed to dtd yesterday and this morning even if i do feel crappy, took my mind off the sickness lol!
wow you really are a trooper bev! my and OH have hardly managed to dtd recently as i'm getting too lazy and its getting uncomfy! my poor OH :)
Wow Bev where d ya get d energy, we only done it twice r something sicke gettin PG, bless him lol, instead of counting the days till due day he's counting the due date + 6 weeks which is when they say you can dtd after lol

Oh no are u chucking up too, im just nauseous this time thank god although have vomited into my mouth a few times this week lol, was bad enough vomiting for 28 weeks couldnt cope with another 4 lol
lol i figure im in pain regardless and it is like distraction therapy lol. cleaning the loo now since i noticed its minging due to having my head down it today lol
Girls... Looks like Rachel is going to be our first march mummy to pop!! I am so excited!! Makes it all feel more real when babies from our group start being born! Good luck Rach, we are all thinking of you xxxx
im so excited!!! i do hope everything goes well for her. cant believe shes beating most of the feb mummies to it lol
on another note the rate im going today i feel like im gonna join her lol.
cleaning frenzy and been the loo 3 times today for no2's (tmi i know) wriggly baby ahoy!!!!!
Oh have i missed her labour tread what happened ?

now now girls one i can deal with but if use all start going early il not be a happy preggers woman lol, cant believe its almost our month thought its crazy
lol hugs shes got pre eclampsia so theyre inducing her asap. i dunno whats going on with me, normally im lazy as hell but i cant get comfy, i feel restless and if im sat down im not happy about it lol. got a bit of a odd ache in my back but its upper back right side so i think its a foot lol. my nails have gone back to being easily chipped and shorter than they usually get from all the recent breakages which is weird cos they have been really strong all thru preg and got stupidly long so i had to file them down. i feel sick but im starving too until i eat something then i feel queasy which is annoying.
i wish i could find my float so i could finish tiling the bathroom lol
Yeah seen the post after i hope shes ok
ohhh maybe you are gettin ready to go.... , im not able for anythingbut sitting at the mo im so tired

been having crazy nightmares last few nights, like propper horror film blood n flesh body peices in a bath with a phyco overed in peoples skin n dragged me in n mixed me up in it all, yuck lol no idea where there coming frm , is it true that can be a sign ur gettin ready??? girls in work said it was but i think its just a pregnancy thing maybe not specific to labour?
i know crazy dreams are a preg thing but dunno about them indicating your close lol. i havent had any crazy dreams for a while but then again i cant sleep for more than an hour or 2 at a time so maybe i cant get to the dreaming stage. i dunno about me ive just gone mental i reckon, been on here inbetween bouts of cleaning.
today ive hung up all the washed 3-6 month baby clothes
washed and hung up all my laundry and the remaining blankets
brushed and mopped the hall floor
cleaned the toilet so it sparkles
sorted out my arts n craft supplies so theyre in neat stacker tubs in my library
brushed and hoovered the stairs.

having a break now for a bounce on my ball and a pot of rlt and then i think i'll do the OH's black washing before OBEM. i have totally gone crazy lol. still got the dishes to do, the kitchen to clean floor and counters and the bathroom to tile and clean. then to sort out the small amount of stuff that the OH has put in the babys room to store so its not there anymore lol. out to the caravan it will go. and if he dont get a move on then his last few boxes from moving in will be out too so i can make my library pretty and tidy again.

hey dee, grats on being 32 weeks. isnt there an April mummies thread yet?
When my hormones are messing with me I need to dtd, so we've done it a lot...lol! But lately not every day cause I'm tired and hubby's tired from work!! But like bevg says, it's a good distraction;)

I can't believe Rachel is being induced! It makes me Think that it could have been me and that I should probably start washing some baby clothes soon!!

Bevg: sounds like you might be next;) Fx!!!

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