Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

I didn't get the ring of fire either?! I kept waiting for that part but it never seemed to come, not that i'm complaining!!
I do remember the head being born and having this massive feeling of relief, it was like everything had just stopped and the mw said to wait for the next contraction then baby would be here. That contraction seemed to take forever, I was just lying there thinking 'i feel great' and the mw asking if i had a contraction yet, 'nope, not yet!' then when it finally came, one more push and baby was here!! Most amazing feeling in the world :)
Tegan was back to back, once id pushed her head out she decided to turn it was the most strangest thing i've ever felt It felt like she was trying to go back up!! i did Poo and as i had a water birth they got a Sieve and scooped it out i was only embarrassed as OH saw it. i really enjoyed the whole experience and would do it all again tomorrow! x
I fell in to a burning ring of fire, I went down down down and the flames went higherrrr and it burns burns burnssss the ring of fire, the ring of fire :rofl: Not a truer word spoken :blush: Just ask Johnny Cash
i remember pushing for a lifetime and she had a look and went ooo, i can almost see her eyebrows! i barely made a sound in labour, but at that point, i think i said something along the lines of "are you fucking kidding me?!" they said then once the eyebrows were out, that was the biggest bit and it wouldnt be much longer! it was true aswell! and i remember the contraction after the head was out taking forever too!

2 things i was just thinking about too, things i remember reading when i was preg 2nd time! 1 - it takes as long to give birth as it does to make a cake! not strictly true, but if you think about it, different cakes take different amounts of time to be fully done and everything, but they'll all be just as lovely!

and 2 - ignore labour until you cant possibly ignore it any longer! with katie, i literally waited around for every contraction right from my first and it fucking dragged! with E, it was like, exceptional circumstances, but i did ignore it as long as possible! might have ignored it a little too long mind, but then you dont expect them to shoot out as quick as she did :lol:
worst bit the ring of fire aka when the head crowns but this is for a very short time and then 1 more push or maybe a few more and your bby will be born

:) This is what my mum told me..She said its the worst bit in her opinion, but then her sister told me she never even felt it xx
Oh ZMD just reminded me about forceps! If they need to use them they need to use them, but I wasn't prepared to feel them going in!!! The pressure went up ten fold as they slid them round his wee head, not sore just eugh. And the relief of pressure when the placenta was delivered. I think that may have been them applying traction to help it out though.
This is a fasinating thread but so so negative.

Not all labours are bad....I had a long one with my son and don't get me wrong it's painful of course it is...but it's nothing that you girls cannot handle. As someone (Emmab I think) said listen to your body - I found this easy due to no pain relief but your body really does know when you should push and when you should pant. I had a minor graze.

Yes you bleed for 6(ish) weeks after....but what do you expect when your body has not cleared out for the past 10 months? IT's your bodys way of cleansing it's self of everything needed to keep baby ok while they are in there.

The best thing you can do is trust in your body and know that it knows what to do.....don't panic as it makes the pain worse and know that at the end of all this you are going to have a beautiful baby and that how baby got here will not make one ounce of difference to you xx
After reading this thread I'm a bit concerned that I'm not frreaked out.......but I'm not :lol: I mean I'm a bit anxious about the birth as I'm sure the majority of women would be but there isn't much I can do, baby has to come out. I don't want to tear and no one wants to be in pain but its got to be worth it!

I may change my mind after going through it and maybe I'm in denial :lol: I like to know the things that could happen though - as they say knowledge is power :)
i loved having my waters broken, it was a relief feeling all that water poring out!
My waters were accidently broken and it was the best feeling ever! I almost cried with relief lol

ok waters being broke felt quite nice kinda like finally getting rid of the fully bladder after that 1st scan haha
tearing not to bad but they had already numbed it as they was about to cut
stiches for tearing not to bad i actually prefered to sit on them it stopped them aching
postpartum bleeding never too much and i dont ever remember it going on for 6 weeks
clots never had 1 bigger than a 50p

dont be scared or worry about this thread too much not every labour is the same and this is my 5th baby and im still looking forward to the labour why wouldnt i i get to meet my baby, hold her, smell her and give her lots of yummy kisses oh and stare at her for hours as she sleeps when i should be sleeping you cant beat meeting your newborn baby for the 1st time no money in the world could be exchanged for that special moment xxx
I think there is a lot of negative things happen around birth for many, but for a lot of people it is very easily forgotten. That's not to say the whole experience was bad! I am really looking forward to getting pregnant again (if we're lucky enough) and going through it all again to see how different it will be and how I can use my experience of giving birth to my advantage for the second. It's one of these things you can never prepare anyone for, it's a truly awesome experience!
I know it's a cliche, but really do make the most of night times!!

Don't stress and worry about the birth beforehand. You can't really plan, and you never know what might happen, so keep an open mind about things.
I always think of contractions as mountains-you climb them,reach the peak then ease down the otherside and each mountain you climb brings you closer to ur final destination-meeting ur baby :) xx
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i get told i'm crazy cos i literally would give birth every day if i could! its painful, yes, but in a good way! and i didnt find the stitches sore at all afterwards! the midwives were all really shocked cos i never had any paracetamol or anything after! the only pain i really felt was the afterpains, whcih i only got 2nd time!
I always think of contractions as mountains-you climb them,reach the peak then ease down the otherside and each mountain you climb brings you closer to ur final destination-meeting ur baby :smile: xx

that's a nice way to think of it :)
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i get told i'm crazy cos i literally would give birth every day if i could! its painful, yes, but in a good way! and i didnt find the stitches sore at all afterwards! the midwives were all really shocked cos i never had any paracetamol or anything after! the only pain i really felt was the afterpains, whcih i only got 2nd time!

My stitches were ok afterwards too, they did sometimes feel a little bit tight but never overly painful. I did have paracetamol for the first couple of days just in case tho :)
umm the things I didnt know would happen...
1) being tied to a machine while induced.
2) you actually dont care how naked you are and who sees you! lmao
3) checking for tears is THE most painful part. My god did it sting. The finger up the bum was a SURPRISE to say the least!
4) when youe waters go they drip LOTS when you walk.
5) Bleeding- looks like texas chainsaw massacre.
6) Pill up your bum after to keep swelling down if you have been stitched.

Thats all I can think of atm.TOTALLY worth it though!! :) mmm that baby smell. Cant wait to do it again!!
I was stitched and so totally did not know about the bum pill until I just read it!!!

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