I didn't get the ring of fire either?! I kept waiting for that part but it never seemed to come, not that i'm complaining!!
I do remember the head being born and having this massive feeling of relief, it was like everything had just stopped and the mw said to wait for the next contraction then baby would be here. That contraction seemed to take forever, I was just lying there thinking 'i feel great' and the mw asking if i had a contraction yet, 'nope, not yet!' then when it finally came, one more push and baby was here!! Most amazing feeling in the world
I do remember the head being born and having this massive feeling of relief, it was like everything had just stopped and the mw said to wait for the next contraction then baby would be here. That contraction seemed to take forever, I was just lying there thinking 'i feel great' and the mw asking if i had a contraction yet, 'nope, not yet!' then when it finally came, one more push and baby was here!! Most amazing feeling in the world