Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

I had a combined delivery with my twins, the first vaginal with episiotomy, the second was transverse with cord prolapse and arm presentation so was an emergency section. The midwife told me that alot of people call an unplanned section an "emergency" but mine was alarms and lights flashing in labour suite, crash team running with me on a trolley to theatre and even though I had an epidural I had to be put under a general really quickly so the anaesthetist had the squeeze my throat tightly (stops reflux when being put out in an emergency). That wasn't my finest moment! x
Sorry hun, don't be scared, I was very unfortunate and some would say poorly managed. Never had a problem with my singletons x
I'm a worrier and always expect the worse :/ lol... Even though I'm sure everything will be fine :)
*fingers crossed* xx
Bloody hell cosmicgirl that sounds scary!!

Everyones different when it comes to contractions, some people barely even feel them! Mine started off like period pains, which I had for weeks but just thought it was my body preparing, then I was fast asleep getting all the rest I could to be induced the next day when I woke up with a pain I can't explain properly but I'll try... It was a bit like the pain you get from food poisoning (right before you're sitting on the toilet emptying your guts while emptying your stomach in the sink!) and I thought oh here we go, they're bad but not as bad as I expected... After about 12 hours I took myself down to hospital to see how far along I was... 1cm so back home for me. 4 hours later I thought I was going to die I was inthat much pain. The hospital told me to wait it out at home and an hour later I was begging Lee to kill me! Got an ambulance to come and pick me up, was 3cm by now and in the space of about 2 hours I was ready to push. There was no consultants free though so they stopped my contractions for 2 hours (my hospital won't let you give birth unless all the emergency team are free in case of problems) so I had a nice relaxing time then. And when they started my contractions back up I was so tired I couldn't even speak, baby's heart rate dropped and I've never been so scared in my life, they had to cut me (CUT ME!!!) and use forceps to get him out quickly, then all the pain vanished and the tears started.

I'm sorry if I've scared anyone, I didn't mean to, I wanted to be honest about my experience cause I wish people had done the same to me, I went in thinking it would be a piece of cake, it's not, it's hard work but it's definitely worth it and you will get through it. Just remember, don't expect it to be easy, don't panic when it gets hard, leave your dignity at home and remember to breathe! I honestly kept forgetting. If you go in relaxed but knowing what's in store I actually think it'll help more as you won't be so tense.

Really really sorry if I've put you all off.
not put me off.... just made me realise the labour is even worse than i thought it was going to be! lol

so glad i'll get a little present at the end of all the hard work :) xx
My friend told me (while I was panickin for the thousandth time about giving birth) every contraction is a step closer to meeting your bubs. That actually helped me, everytime I started panicking I'd think "he's nearly here, it'll all be over" and it calmed me down.

I'd say (from my experience) contractions were the worst part, once you know you've got to push you barely think about the pain you just think here comes my baby.

Honestly you'll be fine, women do it every day, some more than once and there's some girls on here that have done it 4,5,6 times! So that should tell you it's not an impossible task!
Like I said earlier, I'd go through giving birth every day if I didn't have to be pregnant for nine months first, and I'm the biggest wuss ever!
contractions at the end of the labour are definitely the worst part, but I found that as soon as I was told I could push the contraction pain went almost immediately, I felt as though I could use the pain productively iykwim? I found the best way to cope with the pain was to just take myself off somewhere else in my head, I was completely out of it but not from drugs (I didn't have any) just sheer exhaustion and the fact that my mind was taking me somewhere else when the pain got too much. I was talking nonsense and moaning my head off but it did the trick!
Wanted to ask women who have been through it, is there more chance of tearing and episitomy if you are quite "petite" down there? Or does it depend on
1 muscle elasticity
2 size of the baby

I am prepating myself for the worst and want to know if episiotomy is really better than tearing? (that given I have natural birth)
I think it depends on the position of baby and speed of delivery x
I think it depends on the position of baby and speed of delivery x
I got it completely wrong then:roll:. So slower delivery gives muscles a better chance to stretch? I was also thinking of perineum massage, maybe it will make a difference.

Which position is worse then, do you know?
Listen to your body is the best way to prevent tearing (I've never had more than a graze) wen the mw's tell u to stop pushing then stop,but let ur body take over-this time my mw didn't examine me after I was 4cm,she just kept askin me where the pains were and to let her know wen the pains were in my bum,then she was just like 'pushif u want,breathe if u want-just do what feels best'

Oh and pushing feels like having a giant poo! When I had my 1st I was so scared of pooin on the bed that I was insistent that I needed the toilet and kept makin the mw take me but then it clicked that it was the baby comin!!
I think it depends on the position of baby and speed of delivery x
I got it completely wrong then:roll:. So slower delivery gives muscles a better chance to stretch? I was also thinking of perineum massage, maybe it will make a difference.

Which position is worse then, do you know?

The more time you can spend upright (so gravity helps baby come down) and with your hips spread to allow as much room for baby as possible the better.

Baby needs to ideally be facing your bum, with his/her chin tucked to their chest to ensure the top/back of their head is first to come down and put maximum pressure on the top of the birth canal to stimulate the hormone release that aids/causes the contractions (the one they use in the drip to induce you artificially).

When the MW says to stop pushing and pant/breathe after the head is out, it is to allow baby's body to turn slightly and move through more easily as the shoulders are the very widest part to be delivered. You are more likely to tear if this phase is rushed, trust me, I've seen it several times! :oooo:
I am petrified of pooing myself, I know mw have seen it all but would like to have a laxative beforehand or something. I probably wont care though if the pain is bad.
I was terrified of pooimg but honestly once you're in there you really don't care, to this dag I couldn't tell you if I did or not and I'm not bothered lol if you do they dispose of it so quick you don't even realise so don't worry about that!
Lander it must be quite horrible to have seen it from your side, the tearing bit I mean lol. I've been a birthing partner and she ended up having a c section so I didn't get to see down there ;)

Lander it must be quite horrible to have seen it from your side, the tearing bit I mean lol. I've been a birthing partner and she ended up having a c section so I didn't get to see down there ;)

Can't exactly see it happening as it's 'underneath' baby as it were and there's blood from the wound, womb lining coming out with baby/remains of amniotic sac and then more follows with detaching & delivery of placenta so you only see extent of tearing on clean-up, which is pretty swift as they have to limit blood loss of course.

Episiotomy is not fun to watch.... Stitching is oddly fascinating yet unpleasant at the same time!

I witnessed over 20 deliveries during my three months worth of placements, have seen quite a variety of births including several C-sections. No water births though as no one used the pool whilst I was there. Technically I delivered one baby myself :D

I think it would be amazing to see it all, and not being doing it haha. I'm not squeamish either.
The thought of tearing makes my eyes water! X

I think it would be amazing to see it all, and not being doing it haha. I'm not squeamish either.
The thought of tearing makes my eyes water! X

Great grammar - not being doing it lol.


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