Well its hard to say for sure what is going on because I never stopped having bleeding and spotting on and off but I think af started yesterday. I was discouraged at first when it started because I though my bleeding was finally ending and here it was redder and heavier again but then I realised it is the day I would expect af if my positive OPKs were right. It feels and looks like af, a bit different than any bleeding I've had the last couple of weeks, and its the right day for it to start so I'm now pretty sure thats what it is. It means I'm not pregnant by mistake, which is a little disapointing, but a good thing really as I really need to get my anemia sorted still. It is good to think my cycles might be getting back to normal though. I'm hoping it will carry on like this for some more days and then stop. I'm so ready to be done with bleeding, lol.
I had blood tests yesterday and my betta hcg was 1.2 so officially BFN. I was expecting that because I was finally getting BFNs on hpts but good that it is official. Anyway I guess that makes yesterday a good day for me my BFN and first af!