***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Huge congratulations Pearl & Sjenkins!!!! Sounds like you both had super quick labours.

Seems i need to look into getting a Ewan sheep;-)

Good luck for tomo Love87!
Blueclass, any news after your sweep??
Nope afraid not iv had 3 now! I'm having a lot more of a bloody show still.
Good luck for tomorrow love87. Not heard from overthemoon so hope she is ok and having cuddles x
I love my ewan sheep, although it is frustrating it only plays for a short time but it has been great for both James and Alfie xx
Hi ladies, not been on for a few days! Congrats to all the new mummies!
Been in for reduced movements again on Saturday and another scan today, all seems ok, but the reduced movements are really stressful... I'm getting to a point where I just want her here....

Good luck blue class, hopefully things will get moving for u soon... Xx
I was in the other night again for the same. I just want her here so I stop panicking but I don't want to be induced lol. I have a scan tomorrow so will talk to the doctors and ask if I can have extra monitoring or something. Iv been told they should move as much but it's a different movement. Can I ask what everyone else is feeling? Sometimes all I feel is pressure but not really a movement..

Good luck today love 87 I hope it goes well and really hope you or overthemoon update soon to help me make up my own mind. Part if me things just do it and have her here the other says go naturally. Hopefully overthemoon is just too busy having cuddles and that will be you later aswell.

I was so tired last night I went to bed around 12 and been up a lot needing a wee so why is it I feel wide awake now! I'm finally not at work and I can't sleep. My belly is is itchy it's driving me mad and it's not really dropped so uterus is still right under my chest which is really uncomfortable. Sorry needed to have a small rant lol. Xx
Mine varies at the moment. Some days they move around a lot but other days, especially if I'm busy, I barely feel anything all day (which does upset me and I tend to end up glugging a coke and lying on the sofa waiting for them to wake up). It's mainly a pushing movement now as baby hasn't got much space for rolling and kicking anymore, although we do still get a few full belly wobbles. We get hiccups from time to time too and I swear they headbutt me in the cervix for fun! I feel more with this baby than I did with my first as then I had an anterior placenta absorbing a lot of it.
Just popping over from May mummies to wish all the June mummies lots of good luck and positive labour vibes.

I also have a Ewan and love it, I play the white noise (press back right leg) and Logan is always sound asleep by the time it finishes xx
Mine's definitely changed in the last couple of weeks too, I assume because of limited space - tends to be a knee and foot sticking out slowly mainly, but not so much kicks or violent moves. There's times when I can't feel anything internally, but for some reason can feel slow movement with my hand on my belly. Sometimes there's a bit of wriggling and pushing down, and hiccups heheh
Sometimes worries me too that it has gotten less, but sometimes it responds to me and partner having a conversation :-) Always better to be safe than sorry though - probably many times when I should have gone in rather than waiting this pregnancy!
Thanks emmam! Been keeping having a peek over in may babies - many congrats on Logan and well done! X

Forgot to say... happy June, June mums! ;-)
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This is it ladies!! June is here...yay!!

I get jabs in my stomach rather than kicks, she has days where she goes absolutely crazy and I'm left in pain with bruises, but then she'll not move at all the next day...and that's the scariest...she obviously tired herself out, but I can't take the risk so have to get her checked, and she'll only start moving after they've given my stomach a good poke abt!
Having a weird one this morning - had a short spell of flashing light in front of my eyes, and gradually got numbness and pins and needles in my right hand and in the right side of my mouth and face too, which has slowly gone away after about half an hour lying down. Couldn't read for a bit too when trying to look up the symptoms. Baby is moving about fine and I think I've gone back to normal too - anybody had anything like that lately? My blood pressure has always been absolutely fine to the mw at appointments... 2 years ago I had a similar problem due too some sort of meningitis and ended up in hospital unable to speak or write for a while, so I'm worried now!
I just don't want anything to get in the way a natural birth if I can, without much monitoring... :-(
Not experienced this and completely get you want to keep as much as possible to a natural birth, trust me I want that to. I really didn't want to go to hospital the other night as I was worried they would put me under consultant but I wanted to make sure I and baby was ok. They will only put you on consultant if it's absolutely necessary. It sounds scary what your explaining esp if you have had something similar. I would definitely get it checked if not now if it happened again. Hope your ok x
Thanks - I've sort of convinced myself that it might just be a migraine coming on, but I've spoken to the mw and can see her this afternoon for some tests. If things get worse, she said to get to hospital, hopefully can just get away with seeing her. I suppose I'd rather it was just a big migraine, but not looking forward to that if it is! I had things I wanted to do today... damn... x
Hopefully it is nothing to worry about Yorkslass x
I don't have my own mw, I see a different one each time. Hopefully your be ok and it's just a horrible migraine. I hate them i used to suffer from them and it's not nice. Let us know how you get on. X
I was gonna say sounds like a migraine to me Yorkslass as I get something similar, however, it does say to contact MW/Hospital in the green book if you experience such things after 28 weeks , so probably doing the right thing letting them know. :)

Can't believe it's June 1st today! :shock:

Not sleeping very well atm, I'm propped up with the wedge pillow under bump as lying down flat on my side is getting uncomfortable. It's even starting to ache sleeping on my left and I feel like she has shoulders jabbing me in my pelvis. Her head seems to be in the middle as well because I can feel her head move when she hiccups. Still getting little kicks in my right side and can feel her moving around although I don't think she has much room left! I also keep hearing little clicks coming from where I think her feet are - I just put it down to she hasn't much room so is clicking her little joints. :)

Still got bits of mucus coming out too but isn't bloody, which at antenatal classes they said the colour can vary anyway... Still no BH or anything either... :eh:
Blueclass, this is the mw who's supposed to be my assigned mw, but I've only seen her twice at appointments - she's never there lol - good that she got straight on the case when I called though, she happens to be in the surgery today!

Alrm, sucks to not be able to sleep properly. I've been propping myself up higher and higher on pillows as the heartburn gets worse lol - I may as well hang from the ceiling like a bat for the good it does haha
Keep propping up the bump on a pillow - that seems to make it a little more comfy for me, takes the weight off ;-)
I can't lay on my sides at all it hurts not to sure why. I sleep sat up with a pillow under my legs between my bump and knees if that makes sense. I don't really get heart burn anymore which is a relief as I had it terribly the other week.
I have a mw at my doctors but she only the on a Tues.
Back from 38 weeks appointment, baby has shot from 26th percentile to 95th! but it was a student midwife taking the measurement. Currently back to back so its too the birthing ball and on all fours for the next week and I have to go back at 39.

Am surprised at her percentile as even the midwife thinks I'm carrying small however they know the baby is engage but have definitely still got a foot under my boobs so she might be tall.
I think heartburn has struck me at nearly 36 weeks - darn thought i had got away with it. Burning pain at the back of my throat which is terrible with any hot fluids so thats the tea having to stop! Still 2 weeks to go at work aswell - feeling knackered today :-( xx

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