June/July Mums - check in thread

Keep us posted girls

Thanks for all your well wishes girls! She's still hangin on in there - sorry been busy with inlaws!!

Getting induced tomorrow at 3pm - so so scared!!!! But at least I know there will be my little baby at the end of it!!

S. xx

P.S. Will get my hubby to post something if anything happens!! And good luck to the rest of you!!
keely&bump said:
i've been in agony the past 2 nights..i get really strong pains like period pains up the back and front that last for about 30 secs and then go..feels like someones twisting a knife round inside me! but its gone by morning i just get it on and off during the day..is this braxton hicks? coz i dread to think what real contractions are like!! is this what you've been having keely??

YEP they started friday night ..... now i am bent over my birthing ball timing the same feelings at the min ..... i dont know if i am in labour but it has been all morning and i will be shocked if it is not "EARLY" labour!! ... they are getting more painful in the last 30 mins xxxxxx[/quote:37waowfd]

ACK i'm scared coz me and Keely were having the same sort of thing except hers started on friday mine started sunday night, every night they get worse! and now keelys in labour as far as we know....i want to have my baby but i'm terrified aswell!!

GOOD LUCK 2MO SARAH i'll be thinking of you xxxxx :cheer:
Thought I'd come on before I leave for hospital - I've to be there for 3pm.

I'm walking around the house as tho I'm lost!! I'm so so nervous!! It's wierd I'm not nervous about the labour it's the inducing and then the placenta!!

I've had twinges all night and had the dreaded diroreha (does anyone actually know how to spell that!!) but I don't know if it's baby or nerves!! :oops:

My inlaws took me out for dinner last night and I was honestly in agony with the pains but didnt want to say!! They kept asking if I was alright as apparently I was white - and I did feel like I was sweating bucket loads (sorry tmi :oops: )

Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh so scary!!! I'm alot happier than I was as I've read my notes again and it's the gel I'm getting to induce me - I kept getting sick thinking about the drip as they can NEVER find a vain on my to take blood let alone to stick a drip in!!!

Well, I wont be on for a bit so best of luck for all of you that are due soon!! I'll be thinking of you all!!

Amy, just saw your ticker - can't beleive it's over a week already since your little Mia was born!!

S. xx
best of luck hun..your on the way to meeting your baby :) :)
just remember its one day out of your life and then you'll have the baby and you'll forget all about it!!

:cheer: you'll get your body back aswell...remember what it feels like to lie on your stomach? see your feet? get up off the sofa in less than 30 seconds? hehe

Fran i also had these pains a couple of nights before so maybe it is a good sign!

Good luck girls
Kelly S said:
Fran i also had these pains a couple of nights before so maybe it is a good sign!

Good luck girls

ahhh its scary but exciting..i hope it is a good sign! xx
good luck fran... it's getting exciting!!! :dance:

Good luck Sarah... you should be in full blown labour by now! maybe even holding your baby.. hope it went smooth for you!

I have a few days left yet... so i'm getting excited for eveyone else!!!

been getting pain full sharp twinges down below and mild period pains.. so maybe baby is moving in the right direction...

who is left?

im still here too hayley,

was getting bad period type pains for most of yesterday they went last night though :( actually managed to get a good nights sleep for once though :dance:

my hormones are all over the place now more than they ever have been throughout any of my pregnancies :oops: lost my temper last night and said im not having this baby now :oops: OH looked at me and laughed and asked me if i was gonna keep it where it is forever :lol: im crying constantly for no reason at all and its driving me mad :cry:

am i the only one that feels like they have had enough now?
your not alone in the hormonal mood swings.. luckily i've been feeling okay the past few weeks but i know what it's like to get all teary for no reason... the best thing to do is let it out.. have a bloody good cry!

i think quite a few started off with period type pains before they stated in labour.. so fingers crossed for you... even if you have them for a few days i suppose it means your cervix is softening... good luck.. could be any time really...

after reading about hayley17 going in for her C section, keely giving birth to her little man, sarah going in to be induced and fran having similar pains to keely (just before she went into labour) i'm getting really jealous now! i want to be holding my baby... good luck girls!

hayley, i've still got my pains and nothing seems to be happening..my back hurts so much! you can have my pains hun...i give them to you!! lol

this is getting v frustrating..i want my baby!!
now my latest fear is that my babys gonna go back to back and i'm gonna have to have an assisted delivery..god talk about hormones gone awry i'm starting to get paranoid fears!!

how you feeling today hayley? still getting the twinges? they are horrible esp when you think your about to wet yourself in mothercare or something..lol!!
Fran you only have one week and one day left... but by the sounds of it you could go earlier... i don't envy you with the back ache thou! i hate back pain... it's one of those pains you just can't rub better. So you can keep those - thank you! :talkhand:

I'm still getting those sharp twinges down below... just wish they'd turn into something now! I'm still sleeping okay. Some nites i don't get up at all for the loo...

Keep checking the new arrivals for news from sarah.. also dying to read keelys birth story. Saw the pictures her mum put on - her little man is gorgeous... haven't heard from Hayley17 either - wonder if they're keeping her in a little longer...

Been quiet on here today...

yeah it has been v quiet on here today..ok i'll keep my pains and hope they amount to something v soon! that would be good :)

yeah i've been checking for news from sarahH i hope everythings ok..i think her womb was way too comfy and baby wanted to stay!
and Keelys birth story..mind you in that pic of keely and her gorgeous baby she looked really well didnt she! i hope i look that good after giving birth!
Hi Girls

Oh sarah i am sooo sorry you had to wait for the induction date, hope all is going well for you.

Fran hows the pains today, do you think it might be the start?

Hayley, getting closer now bet you are TOO excited.

Bubble, thanks for posting to let all the girls know i was ok, i was thinking about weather to stay in hospital the extra night or get back to the internet!! haha only joking.

Anyone I missed sorry, hope you are well, blame the no sleep for 3 days for my forgetfulness.

Keely and Ellis xxxxx
hey keely and ellis....god i bet you are exhausted i couldnt believe it when you had little ellis the next day after we were chatting to you and you were in labour. its scary! so pleased for you though..love the pics..baby is gorgeous!

still getting the same pains on and off...got a bit of discharge but no blood so dont think its my show..(sorry tmi) backs been killing all day but i dont think its the start :( ah well it will be soon enough!

glad your well...i bet you cant take your eyes off the new arrival to sleep! bless xxx

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