June/July Mums - check in thread

yeh i no its so close now :D :D yey hehe i thought it would drag but it really hasnt!!

eveadel when i first got my date for my section i had about 18 days to wait (i think :think:) and i thought it would take forever but its come round sooo quick and im getting so excited!! i cant wait for sunday now... hehe the doctor said that if im first on the list then i could be having him at 7:30 in the morning :shock: lol thats 6:30 in england!! :shock:

im having an epidural, they dont like to put you to sleep out here unless they really have to. im glad though i dont want to be put to sleep, i want to see him when hes born!! :D

fran im pretty similar with the whole going to the toilet thing!! and in the night im going like every 1 1/2 or 2 hours lol sooo annoying!!

i was wondering about hayley too keely... hope shes ok :D

Lets make it a hatrick then, Bubble, Keely & me have our babies on 27th.

I was thinking about that, hope Hayley is ok??

:o hayley thats come round so quick! :shock:

keeley i dont reckon ul go that long chick ;)

eveadel my real name is Sara :wink:

Fran i am so the same as you i could wee for england at the mo LOL
i'm back... sorry for worrying you all... been dead busy at work and feel too hot and bothered to log onto the computer... i finally finished work today... wow!!!! i can't believe i made it at last... thought this day would never come...

not long for you now Hayley17...

and AMY - omg... congratulations... lovely name! and no drugs - brave girl... can't wait to read your birth story.

Keely only 8 days for you... have you been feeling any twinges? did you go for that jog?

I'm finally getting up through the nite for a pee... though i was going to get away with it... but no...

I'm feeling so relived that i'm not working any more... can spend time getting my kankles down now (or up) they're huge at mo... apart from that i feel pretty good.. had a bad day on wednesday! nearly cried to my midwife.. asked (well begged) to be induced... i'm glad she took no notice of me now... because i feel fine. The heat was getting to me and my bowels where playing a nasty game of constipation then clear out, cold sweats (sorry)

Hi this is kelys Df again!

We had our baby girl Olivia-Grace at 3.23pm yest weighing 7lb 4oz!

She is perfect in every way, We are all home kelly and baby are fine kely is resting at the minute after a difficult brith

she will be on with a birth story and pics very soon

Wow..congratulations kelly and rob!
Welcome to little olivia-grace..thats a lovely name!
hope your resting up and just enjoying your new arrival :)
congrats :hug:

Huge Congratulations to you all!!!!
What a gorgeous name :D
Cant wait to hear your birth story and see some pics Kelly.
Sending you all lots of love and :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Kelly :D :dance:
Olivia- Grace is such a lovely name :D
Cant wait to see piccies and read your birth story :D
Hope you're resting lots :hug:
Hayley xx
Hi girls

Congrats Kelly... one more leaving to group, hopefully will not be too long till i can join you and amy as new mummys!! :pray:

Well today I decided to carry on with the self induction tips and took my lil sis on a long walk .... right down to the park, along the highstreet and back up to the house (BIG HILL!!) I was having contraction pains when i got back, infact OH thought i was in labour!! haha I could just about talk between the panting!! haha

But only having period pains in front and back now... I know i am not in labour so i am just ignoring them!

hows everyone else? I have had a bad day with MIL!!! :twisted: She is being a right bitch and slagging me off to OH .... but lucky OH does not care and said me and baby are his family noW!!!! I am sure that women was running the f**king maraton when she was 39weeks!!! god forbid should i be TIRED!!!!

Anyway!! hehe ... hope everyone else is well ... any news from Sarah??

heya hun,

im feeling ok... getting so excited tonight... will probs just cry tomorrow though lol went to see my new house today and it looks quite nice from the outside but we dont get the keys until 18th august so we cant see inside until we move :? its a nice place to live and everything, really quiet and safe so im happy about that!

sorry about your MIL... good on your OH though... hes right, you and your little boy are his family now :D im tired now and im only like 37 weeks so you must be even worse!! you're allowed to be tired... its not like a bad thing!!

no news from sarah yet though i dont think :think: ooo its so exciting!! am sure your little man will come soon hun :D

cant believe im going into hospital tomorrow night :shock: its so weird... seemed like id have to wait for ages when i found out and now its here!! hehe really excited though :D

oh yeah hayley_17 its your turn 2mo..everyones having there L/O's hopefully sarahH, Keely and me will not be far behind you..oh and Tan i forgot coz shes not online! i'm missing others too..sorry girls theres loads of us due soon!!

Best of luck to you for 2moro sweetie your finally meeting your bundle of joy :hug:

YAY Xxxx
congrats kelly... can't wait to hear your birth story... and you never ended up going over in the end... well done...

Hayley17 thinking about you tomorrow... come back and let s know all details.. name, weight etc...

Oh my god the group is dropping off quick... how many of us are due this month. I think i'm the last of the group - 30th. I bet i go over into August.

Keely ignore MIL... in their time they probbaly popped their babies out then went home to cook a 3 course... take the dog for a walk and iron their husbands shirts for work... well thats what they like to think!

Went into town shopping today with mum mum... walked around town for 4 hours..my feet are killing me.. but i wasn't giving up. Got myself a few bits for after the baby is born to bring my wardrobe up to date.. Got a few nice wooden and gold bangles too... hope i still have the energy when the baby is here to even dress... bought a few pairs of nice PJ's too just incase i want to stay at home for a few days and slob... got to look decent for visitors.

Can't believe how much baby is moving about at the moment... i think its being on here.. when ever i start typing the baby moves! it went from breech to engaged whilst i was on here... must know i'm talking about him/her.

sorry for the long one

Theres not many of us left now is there!

Hopefully with no news from Sarah means that things are happening :pray: :dance:

Keely ignore the MIL what does she know :lol: At least your OH put her in her place!! Good on him! :lol:

Hayley17 i cant believe how quick it has come round! You will be holding your LO before you know it! :dance: Cant wait to see piccies! :dance:

Hayley :pray: you dont go over into August :lol:

Was awake half of the night with really bad period type pains in front and back they decided to stop about 5am got about 3hours sleep before Beth woke up :lol:
Am off to Rainham today to see some friends, as Wobbles is down this way for the weekend with her OH :dance: Should be a good day :D
Morning everyone!!

Well there is not many left so this thread was nearly off the page!! argh!

I have recused it ........

How we all feeling? ... My back is sooooo painful at the min ... its on my right hand side at the back of my ribs and also the front, i am guesing he got himself in a funny position yesterday and likes it there!!! he is not moving for nothing and i am in PAIN!! :shakehead:

The only way i can sit to remove the pain is laying over my birthing ball on the floor!!

I have been having painful BH or practice contrations since friday night, mainly at night but some in the day ... they feel like period pains in my lower belly and back but they come and go! I hope this means he is gettin ready!! I know i will never be lucky enough to have a baby that comes on time!!

Anyone else having any more twinges .... Hope sarah is ok no posts since yesterday morning. xxxxxxx
Hi Kelly,

You still feeling uncomfortable?

Im not having any twinges, just feel like I have a bowling ball between my legs and lots of strangers keep saying 'not long now?'

It seems so real now, as everybody is having their LO's

hey girls, any news from sarah yet? keely any sign of bump? woo you've only got a few days left!

i've been in agony the past 2 nights..i get really strong pains like period pains up the back and front that last for about 30 secs and then go..feels like someones twisting a knife round inside me! but its gone by morning i just get it on and off during the day..is this braxton hicks? coz i dread to think what real contractions are like!! is this what you've been having keely??

and hayley_17 she must be holding her baby by now? i havent read the other posts yet though so i might be missing something..i'll just go read!!
Aha just read the new arrivals section,...
big huge well done to hayley and welcome to baby Owen!! xxx

theres not many of us left now..hope Tan can hold on till she gets
back online!
fran_23 said:
i've been in agony the past 2 nights..i get really strong pains like period pains up the back and front that last for about 30 secs and then go..feels like someones twisting a knife round inside me! but its gone by morning i just get it on and off during the day..is this braxton hicks? coz i dread to think what real contractions are like!! is this what you've been having keely??

YEP they started friday night ..... now i am bent over my birthing ball timing the same feelings at the min ..... i dont know if i am in labour but it has been all morning and i will be shocked if it is not "EARLY" labour!! ... they are getting more painful in the last 30 mins xxxxxx
i know how you feel..i thought i was in labour i started timing the pains and they were coming every ten mins..then every 8! they were getting worse then they eased off...i dont get it!! (sorry to sound like nikki from big brother)

time yours hun and if they keep getting closer maybe ring the midwife just see what she says!!

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