first of all... congratulations amy

was thinking about you... havent been on for a few days and i missed it lol
im still here... feel like im getting fatter by the day lol had my pre- op stuff today, was so boring and i was just waiting around on uncomfortable chairs for ages!! i feel HUGE... its so irratating but getting nervous now!! its weird thinking that this is my last friday of having him inside me

next friday he will be here

lol got weighed aswell... ive put on 2 1/2 stone altogether... was so shocked and nearly cried lmao but im ok with it now and not really bothered now!!
pretty similar to everyone else im uncomfortable and have swollen hands and feet... my bowels are having yet another clear out lol its soooo annoying!! feeling ok about the section though

really excited and the doctor who is doing it is really lovely!! i saw her when i was about 7 weeks pregnant and shes done a few of my scans and she remembers me so i am really happy shes doing it!!
saw my health visitor today... shes lovely too!! prefer her to my midwife and she lives a couple of houses away from me

she gave me loads of information and stuff, was really nice and reassuring!! got no more appointments now, just got to go to hospital on sunday night and thats me

im so excited

how is everyone else feeling??