June/July Mums - check in thread

AW Hun, you sound just like me when i was in slow labour! just think all these pains are things happening!!

I didn't have blood in my show, it was just like discharge but a bit thicker, not a blob or anything.
yeah thats what i have..and the pains..like period cramps but stronger and in my back aswell. i cant describe it! i hope it is slow labour that would be brill but i'm just washing the blankets and still trying to sort out my maternity allowance coz my work wont pay me, so hope he holds out a bit longer! lol
The period pains are your cervix opening, hense the reason you get period pains on your period cos thats your cervix opening to to let the blood out.

Its all good!! it may not seem it but its going in the right direction!

When is your next midwife appointment?
erm its on wednesday (19th) thats my last one coz my due date is 22nd!
I would ask her to check you, tell her you have been having pains over the last few days and say you think you are in slow labour.

I say this because my midwife wouldn't check me until i said to her wink wink...... "i think i'm in labour" apparently they are not allowed to check you unless you say that.

not sure why? maybe cos we are wierd round here
thanks hun!
lol..ok i'll say the magic words if i make it till then! baby is more than welcome to come as soon as i sort my maternity allowance...and i've hung up the blankets! lol

god just when you think you've done everything and your totally ready something else comes along eh!!
keely&bump said:
Bubble, thanks for posting to let all the girls know i was ok, i was thinking about weather to stay in hospital the extra night or get back to the internet!! haha only joking.

No worries babe, i knew you had, had him as soon as your mum popped up on messenger and i got all excited for you :rotfl: Huge Congrats he is absolutly adorable! :hug:

Period type pains are getting worse in front and back now :wall: OH keeps panicking and trying to drag me up the hospital :roll: fran il try not to go before u do ur due before me so wouldnt be very fair now would it :lol:
aw dont worry hun...i have a feeling everyone will go before me! lol
i know how you feel my pains are getting strong again now, also baby seems to be trying to escape..hes become very active!
i had that earlier fran she got so active but everytime she moved i was doubled over in pain where she has no room to move :(

Yvonne im not to sure tbh! :lol: i have been trying to ignore them while getting the kids ready for bed etc :lol: gonna start timing them from the next one though they are definatly coming and going and not there constantly though :think:
feel really constipated at the mo (tmi sorry :oops: ) OH keeps telling me to take some laxatives though im sure i read somewhere it does something but i cant remember what :think:
any ideas?
i'm not sure about laxatives, just drink some apple or prune juice..or eat loads of fruit it'll do the same thing naturally!

let us know about your pains hun! this is what happened to keely we were saying we had the same pains, then hers got worse and the next day she'd had her baby!
i have done already, half a pineapple 3 bananas and a pot of strawberries so far this evening :oops: thats why i cant understand why im like this :lol: just been googling it and it said

When you become uncomfortable with constipation, then there are laxatives you can consider. There are some which are too strong and which could potentially stimulate the muscles of the uterus, which you certainly do not want. Taking something like Fybogel, however, or any of the gentler types of laxatives would be perfectly safe and effective and your midwife or doctor can advise you on which one would be suitable

so i think i may try it :think:
Well to be honest i used lactulose.... which i was prescibed by the midwife, you can buy it over the counter. it can bring on labour cos it stimulates the uterus!
ok but after eating so much fruit be careful not to take too much..coz it might have the opposite effect! thats another thing that really scares me about my labour..pushing out something other than a baby! i realise this is common and midwives see it everyday etc..but my OH doesnt and i'd be mortified tbh!
i have just taken 15ml of lactulose solution so il see what happens!

fran you wouldnt even know if u did or not ;) been there done that one and didnt know nothing about it :oops: not until i read it in my notes after anyway :rotfl:
oh good..i know its pathetic on the scale of things..i jst keep getting irrational fears!
fran_23 said:
oh good..i know its pathetic on the scale of things..i jst keep getting irrational fears!

thats all perfectly normal hun! dont worry ;)

i realised earlier i dont have a birth plan done (not that i did with either of my other 2 but thought id do one this time) :lol:
only packed my hospital bag this morning too :lol:
still need to put all the covers back on the moses basket and car seat etc :wall:
i am sooooo unprepared :lol:
me too because i got the wrong wardrobes delivered they still havent sent me the proper ones, i havent been able to wash all the babys clothes coz got no wardrobe to put them away in! and they are all still in bags in the cot. i've only washed the ones for my hospital bag. just washing the moses basket blankets now! and my work messed up my maternity pay so i have to wait for my matb1 back so i can go to jobcentre i basically thought i had it all sorted and its all come undone!

i'm soo not ready now i think about it!!
thank god fran i thought it was just me :lol: makes me feel a bit better now i know im not the only unprepared one :rotfl:

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