June/July Mums - check in thread

Ahhhhhhhh i want my baby now!!!!

How is everyone feeling today?? I've had no twinges-nothing, so don't think it's going to happen for me today.

It's really hot here today....so i'm going to go and get some sunbathing in, i know i wont get much of a chance when little one arrives!

Amy xx
Aww Amy, i feel for you.

Just to let you know i had no twinges what so ever with Jack, my waters just broke out of the blue with no warning. You never know- Go for a long walk!!
Do a bit of dancing and squatting down is good, it gives baby chance to move down. :wink:

Sorry i have just jibbered
Heya :D am still here too :( really dont think anything will happen 4 me and ill just have to wait 11 days lol not long really so i shouldnt be moaning!!

It's really hot here today, tried sitting outside but was too hot :( was at the midwife this morning, she didnt really say much. just asked how ive been feeling and said that i didnt have to take anymore iron tablets after i finish my current ones 2moz :dance: woohoo lol ive been on them for 8 weeks now :shock: my iron levels were 9.3 8 weeks ago and now they are 10.4 i think so they havent gone up much but she said i could stop takign them :D yey :lol:

just eating ice cream and strawberries... its yummy lol feeling a bit tired out today so i am just going to relax... :D whats everyone else getting up to??

arrr she is stunning little girl!! Congratulations.

Still hanging in there amy!! :x well suppose it just means your a good comfy home! hehe :lol:

Midwife today confirm i CANT have my water birth :cry: they are not fixing the pool at my hospital, midwife excuse is it cost to much but I know its cos they are short staffed, starting to wish i was having a home birth!! maybe next time.

feeling a "LITTLE" bit of nesting today, just general tidying, hoovering (which i havent done since i got preg as my hoover is too heavy and everyone does it for me!! hehe) OH started paining the front room last night and we are starting the nursery furniture tomorrow :dance: cant wait to post some pics for everyone.

Hayley - are you back at work? how is it?

Hayley17 - how you feeling sweety only 11 days :shock:

All others - hope you are all ok xxxxxx
aww hun that sux that you cant have a water birth. i was interested in having one of them but decided against it.

i think ive been nesting for weeks lol i have this thing with dirt... sounds silly i no but if something is dirty i feel really funny :? my dad thinks i have OCD lol i just say its nesting :lol:

looking forward to seeing your nursery :D mine still isnt finished but we're moving in august so im going to bother doing it, will just start it and make it look nice when we move :D

im feeling ok thanks :D i no i cant believe it ... only 11 days :shock: happy that i dont have to take anymore iron tablets though :dance: hehe the midwife told me today that hes quite big :shock: having nightmares now of him not fitting into any of his clothes lol my mum just says he might feel big because im only small... hopefully shes right lol i cant believe its a week on monday that i will have him :shock:

how are you feeling keely ??

oh I am so jealous you have a date hayley! sorry its a c section but I am sure you will be fine. I just have this feeling now I am going to go 2 weeks over.

OH keeps telling me he thinks i will be early but I dont think i am so lucky and I am HATING the thought of sitting her 42 weeks pregnant!! :(

Other then that i am getting so excited about meeting him! I am off to eat some pineapple now!! hehe xxxx
lol yeh its great i have a date but it seems to be going really slowly :( i sometimes feel really down about it though because i feel like i want to go in labour and stuff... might sound silly :?

i hope your little man will come soon :D am sure you wont still be sat here 42 weeks pregnant and getting even more frustrated :D

im excited about meeting my LO too... really cant wait :D i dont like pineapple but i tried to eat some yesterday... made me feel really sick :( but been going for long walks and having a curry 2moz... hoping he wants to come soon :D feel silly for moaning though, i no that if he doesnt come before the 10th then he will defo be here then... but you have no idea... i should be happy really :think: but i just keep moaning :lol:


How is everyone?? Soooooo glad it's Friday-looking forwards to spending some time with hubbie, watching match tomorrow-hoping baby will arrive with all the excitment!!!!??

Amy xx
lol yeh me too amy!! last night i had a few twinges... kept getting really sharp pains at the bottom of my belly... dont no if it was anything cuz they arent really coming today :(

i was up 6 times in the night going to the toilet... am soooo tired now!! thankfully my bowel movements have calmed down alot and im not going as often now :lol:

its really hot here today so might try getting some sunbathing done!! only 10 days 2 go now :dance: cant believe it!!

hopefully your LO will come soon amy :D are you doing anything today??

Hayley.........it's really hot here today too, i sat in the pool reading my book this morning, but got to warm and had to get out.

Going out round the shops for a wander this afternoon with my friend and her 7 month old boy-he's sooo cute and makes me really broody!!!

Tonight once it's cooler.......going to go for a longggggggg walk with the dog, a couple of my friends have said there contractions had started after they had been for a long walk....so going to give it another go!!!!

Amy xx
Hi everyone,

how is everyone feeling? Im feeling very run down today, i ache from hip to toe, and my head really hurts too! didn't sleep much at all last night! Really fed up now! DF has just gone to work, brooke was at my mums for the night last night and i am sat here and all i feel like doing is crying and i dont even know why!

I just want our baby now! Brooke has now started asking how mny more sleeps till my sister is here mummy? so i think she know's that its getting close now!

I just wish i knew an exact date she will come lol every ache or pain i get i think oh is this it, then it just disapears, its drivin me mad! Poor DF just hears me moaning or snapping all the time!

Any i dont think it will happening very soon for us, had a M/W appoint yest! Everything was fine, she said baby is still head down and that she is getting ready but she doesn't think it will be just yet! What ever that means! She then went on to say well it is your 2nd and with your 2nd it can just happen out of the blue :shock: !

Anyway moan over now?

Keely your pretty close to me how are you feeling?

Any news from Amy?
Kelly S said:
Brooke has now started asking how mny more sleeps till my sister is here mummy? so i think she know's that its getting close now!

Oh Kelly this just nearly made me cry, its so sweet, Brooke going to have a little sister!! arrr

I am feeling pretty crap to, hormones are ALL over the place, high, low etc etc!!

I dont wanna leave the house cos I am so achey and its too hot outside, its so cool in my house but everyone thinks I am really boring cos I dont wanna do anything!

I REALLY REALLY dont wanna go over, if they induce me it will be 12 days after my due date and that is the day before my birthday!!!!!!!!!! I sound silly but I dont want to share my birthday! I feel like a really bad mum for saying that too!! PLEASE come early baby!

Hope everyone else is well.... I bet you are not! haha The last weeks are soooo crap! xxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls.........I'm still here.......i really want our baby out now, don't want to be induced on Thursday....hoping she may make an apperarance this afternoon during the match!!!

Have a good day everyone, and enjoy the sun!!!

Amy xx
Oh Amy im so sorry your still waiting! I really hope it happens soon for you! Here's us moaning and you have been waiting longer than us!

Keely i know what you mean about the ache's i had to take some pain killers this morning it was that bad!

Brooke and i went into town earlier, DF and i have been promising her that she can pick a baby an outfit and that she could pick anything she wants, was dreading it really incase she picked something horrible but she didnt she picked a nice little trouser suit from Next and a 2 pack of hats! We got our discount as usual so we was happy all round lol!

DF was on front cover at work handing balloons out to the kids for the match so we ended up with a couple of pink balloons as well! Was really nice to see DF even if it was for a short while!

The fun fair is here this weekend so we are taking Brooke tomoro and there is a firework display tonight that we are going to take her to if she manages to stay awake as its at 9.30 and she is pretty tired today from staying at nanna's last night!

I am feeling a lot better now, a little tired from our trip into town and my feet have swelled up pretty bad but apart from that im fine! Im thinking of going on the ghost train tomoro to try and get things moving a little bit, anything is worth a try lol!

I've just realised how long this post is and that im babbling (forgetting that this is a cheaking in thread lol) so im going to get off now!
hi girls..Amy sorry nothings happened for you yet..still got my fingers crossed!
i'm so tired i just got in..had my antenatal class today, ALL DAY!! it was useful but scary and tiring (the midwife was brutally honest and was saying things like.... labour is the worst pain you'll ever experience...)
i'm knackered and my ankles are like balloons!
hope everyone is ok in the heat..i've got my fans going full pelt :)
Hi all...

amy how do you manage to sit out in the sun? i know your more used to it than us in England but it's still a killer!!! i'm like you Keely - i have to stay in... sat out for an hour yesterday and oh my god!!!! i nearly passed out...

Keely i share my birthday with my mum - makes the day extra special.. hoping you still don't go over thou... and amy preying something happens for you before thursday.. i have these images that i'll wake up in the nite - my waters will have gone, i'll wake up DH, grab my bag and off we'll go - driving 80 miles an hour to hospital, where i'll have baby within an hour of arriving... sounds good!

yep i'm back at work... i'm so tired thou! i'm in bed at 10pm, first toilet call around 12, then every 2 hours after... i'm up at 6am for work... i'm usually wide awake around 5 waiting for the alarm... i start work at 8 but i have over an hour drive to get there... so when i arrive i'm ready for bed again.... by lunch time i'm bearly awake! been drinking coffee and i hate the thing... i leave at 4.30pm but don't usually get home till 6pm... long day.. but only 1 week left now... god know's how i'm gonna do it when i have the baby... luckily the nursery opens at 7 and i can start work at 8.30... leave at 4 and work through lunch...

Hayley17 - if your labour starts naturally will they let you have a natural birth? just with your LO being breech i thought they wouldn't allow that. Good luck any way..

I had a dream last nite my labour started... i was taking parcetamol for the pain... yea right!!! in my dream the hospital was packed and under staffed so they told us all no one could have an epidural... thats my worst nightmare.. i don't want pethidine - i want to see how i last on gas and air, tens if i can't cope i want to go straight for an epi... hope they're not over run when i go in...

i'm feeling really heavy. I'm struggling to walk up stairs or for any amount of time.. babys head feels like its between my legs. Went for a walk early yesterday with DH whilst it was still cool... only did about 2 1/2 miles and i was in agony with a stitch.. thought it was labour pains! had to stop and sit down - DH was going to run and get car! but i managed to make it back...

sorry for the long one! haven't been on here since wed...

I was going to post about you today Hayley as I noticed you hadnt been online since wednesday! Glad you are back!!

But I thought i would give you till the weekend, it is funny this website if someone dont check in for a day everyone panics!! haha xxxxxx
thanks for thinking about me... it's nice to know you care.. i tried to log on thursday but the site wouldn't open - was there any work being done on here? updates etc?

i've just been so tired lately.. the thought of switching the computer on and waiting for it to boot up - i'm asleep!!!!

heya everyone... still here... only 8 days now though :D

had a really hot curry on friday and was getting bad pains like all night but they went by the morning and yesterday went into town to get the rest of stuff for my hospital bag. it was so hot and there was LOADS of people in town waiting for england match to kick off, they had big screens up and bands and stuff... just loads was going on and people kept banging into me... grrr... it makes me mad lol we got home and while i was watching the footie i started getting bad pains again.... but they went again and im getting a few twinges every now and again but nothing really!!

hayley if i go into labour naturally they will do an emergency cesarean they wont let me deliver normally. they think i have a septum and thats why he hasnt turned but i dont no how they find out whether i do or not??

its sooo hot here today its driving me mad!! washed all the babys stuff and its drying so quickly because of the weather!! its weird to think that in a week ill be getting ready to go into hospital!! :D its quite scary!! lol

hope everyone is ok :D


Hope everyone is ok........and having a nice Sunday.......i feel really sad today, my Grandad died this morning, and i feel awfull that i'm unable to be with my mum or nan, and that i can't fly back because i'm still waiting to have my baby. He has been poorly for a while, and it seemed like he was holding on......i just hoped he could of held on a little longer in time for him to see his great grandaughter.

I do feel fed up now, and fat and horrible.......my feet were huge yesterday, and my ankles and legs seemed swollen........so i've been sat in the pool most of today to keep them cool.

I Have hospital appointment tomorrow at 10am......to monitor the baby, they will keep me in if she seems in distress or if i have any contractions......so hoping to be back home and able to post in the afternoon!

How is everyone else feeling??? Any twinges girls??

Sorry to ramble on......

Amy xx

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