June/July Mums - check in thread

Oh Amy i'm so sorry your grandad past away. Must be horrible not being able to be with the rest of your family.. He'll still see your little girl... He'll be watching! Sending you a big hug...

If the hospital keep you in hope it's because your contractions have started... I'll be logging on tomorrow hoping not to hear from you... fingers crossed you'll be pushing your little girl out...

Good luck

Where's bubble_dreamer?

Have i missed something, i haven't been on for a few days
its ok she has been on tonight!! sorry for intruding!! :roll:

I'm still here now one week overdue, baby was monitored this morning all was fine.......got back from thwe hospital and was bleeding alot, so went back up there.......and they said i've had my show!!!!!!!!!! Yay-i'm pleased things are starting to happen......still hoping she will arrive before Thursday otherwise i'm booked in to be induced at 5pm.

How is everyone else feeling......it's just soooo hot isnt it-again my ankles are huge!

Amy xx
Sorry to hear about your grandad amy! :hug: Hope he will be watching down and proud when you have this LO!! God knows you have grown her for long enough!! hehe

Im sorry about your grandad too Amy!

Glad to hear that you have had your show, you will be holding your little one before you know it!
Sorry about your Grandad too Amy... :hug:

Great that you've had your show though :D :D hopefully something will happen for you soon!!

i cant believe i only have 7 days to go now!! quite scary really!! im starting to get really nervous now... been having a lot of pains over the weekend so something might be happening soon... though im not really sure... he's pretty stubborn haha :lol:

the health visitor rang today, she is coming to see me on friday... didnt think she would until i had had the baby but apparently she's coming to tell me what she will do for me and the baby and stuff... she seems nice enough anyway!

the heat is driving me mad today... its like 32 degrees and its too hot to sit outside but its also too hot inside lol i have a heat rash on my hands and my hands have swollen... feel huge today, think he got bigger over night!! my MW told me that when you get to 36 weeks babies put on 1/2 pound a week :shock: lol

hope everyone is ok :D

well your offically full term now hayley so u could go any time!! hehe

I am picking my buggy up on sat so that when the extra effort will be put in to get my baby here quicker.... although sat I watch the match sitting on my birthing ball bouncing away and trying to get my waters to break!! haha :lol:

I am soooo excited now and just HOPE HOPE HOPING I will not go to far over!! xxx
omg yeh :shock: i am full term now :shock: quite weird lmao

i dont think you'll go far over... if at all!! ill have to stay in hospital about 5 days, untill friday 14th so you better not have him while im there lol i dont think ill be able to get on the comp :( i dont no what ill do without the forum lol :lol:

well ive got a busy weekend coming up... on friday morning im going to the hospital for all my pre- op stuff & to see the aneathetist (sp??) going at 10, will be there about 2 hours :shock: then ive got the health visitor coming at 2 in the afternoon, she said she will be here about 45 mins... then on saturday im going to see where we're moving to, its about 2 hours away and not really looking forward to it :? then on sunday at 6pm im going into hospital where i will stay until the friday (hopefully they wont make me stay any longer!!) am all packed now and have everything so totally ready :D

is a health visitor coming to see you keely?? i thought it was quite weird that one was coming :think:

wow its all happening so quick hayley!!

Cant believe we will not hear from you till 5 days after your baby boy is here!!!! can you teach your brother how to use the forum so he can post the name, weight, piccys and if you are ok??!!!! :wink:

I havent been told anything about health visitors maybe its cos you r not in england??!!

r u breastfeeding hayley?? i forgot? if so you will have loads of help if your in hospital for 5 days xxxxx
yeh i no its all happening so quickly... its not all sunk in yet but i no ill cry on sunday :lol: i keep getting upset about everything cuz im really worried!! but im sure everything will be ok!!

well im going to text sarah the details when ive had him and shes going to post everything on here!! il be on as soon as i can be when ive got home lol will post all details and of course some piccies!! :D

yeh maybe its cuz im not in england... quite weird really...!!

yeh im hoping to breastfeed... not sure if ill be comfortable with it though so im going to get formula milk in aswell just incase i need it. i really want to do it and hope i can for quite a while!!

how are you feeling keely?? xxxx
good luck hayley17... i'm sure everything will go perfect... must be so exciting knowing when your going to be holding your little man...

keely what week is classes as full term? is it 37 or 38?

I agree this heat is a killer.... I'm having to wear knee length suport socks in black to keep my feet and ankles swelling.. they get so sore i can't walk.. Not good as i'm still in work.. sdo i'm sitting here with these bloody socks on - sweating to death! but at least i can walk...

Last week in work - and i'm so ready to finish! the drive home is the worst... i was wet through last nite when i finally got home 1 1/2 hours later.... i'm in work now with 2 fans on me....

I think i've had an hour sleep last nite... how hot was it..... i wanted to get down onto the wooden floor hoping it would be cooler but don't think my back could take it... baby seems to like the heat... hasn't stopped playing, kicking, hick uping.....

Come on babies - time to make a move!!!!! get out.

Amy - glad something is happening for you... i'm dying for a show... good luck...

Hi everyone,

Well im 39 weeks today! Only 1 week left untill im due! Didnt think was ever going to reach this stage its been such a long journey!

Like everyone else the heat is really getting to me too, my feet anckles, legs and hands are like balloons! My feet also really ache and i seem to get a lot of cramp in my legs through the night!

I keep waking up every morning wondering when its going to happen! I think ill be going over due now :( !

Im just praying that i will have some kind of sign soon!

Hope everyone ios feeling ok
Hi girlies

Hayley17 and sarah ... make sure you post ASAP cos I am soooo excited for you, sorry to hear you keep getting worried! I know you will be fine hun!

Hayley ... god them socks sound like a KILLER!! and VERY attractive!! hehe. Full term is 37 weeks if I am not mistaken. I was thinking the other day though you never REALLY know what your dates are cos you dont know when u ovulated! well i dont.. I have a 31 day cycle and 10 day periods so I dont think my dates will be anywhere near right??!!

Kelly .... 39 weeks!!!! exciting! I am not far behind you, its like a race now!! haha

Amy .... WHERE ARE YOU TODAY???? R U HAVING LO!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Oh picked up buggy and carseat today so I am ready for my little boy to come any time now, also double checked labour bag.... so LO you have permission from mummy to come NOW!! hehe xxxxx
Hi girls i was just wondering is there any news from Amy she hasnt posted since monday!

Hope your holding your little one Amy!
yeh sarah we've only just found out, ill email u about it! was going to tell u on msn but we dont seem to be on at same time lol not moving back to england yet though :( my little sister has 2 years left at school so we're staying and saving money till then :( we're moving about 3 hours away... last week in august which is also my 18th birthday so not really looking forward to it!!

my mum is going to send sarah some pics of when he is first born and ill text her so she can tell you most of the details on monday/ tuesday time!! got really upset last night, really scared about everything but today im feeling better and really excited... only 5 days :D :D

its so hot here and i hate it lol i cant get comfortable anymore, if my hands and fingers get any fatter i wont be able to pick things up haha :lol: my feet are also quite swollen... hating it :( got my last appointment with the MW tomorrow morning!! its weird but kinda cool :D

has amy not posted yet?? ooo im sooo excited for her... wonder if she is holding her LO :D

hayley them socks sound v. sexy lol :lol: ive got to wear things like that after ive had my cesarean apparently lol there will be no pictures of them lol

last night i woke up every 2hours to go to the toilet :( im exhausted!! hoping to be able to get a sleep this afternoon!! im getting so excited... 5 days and ill be holding my little man :D :D

hope everyone is ok :D xxxx
hi girls, im Becca, Amy's(Prickleyfairy) sister in law. Just to let you know that she had baby Mia Rose at 00:20 yesterday. She had no pain relief and did amazingly well, we're all so proud of her! She's coming home tomorrow lunch time so Im sure you'll hear from her soon and she'll post pics of Mia who is absolutely perfect!
Good luck with all of your little ones!

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