June/July Mums - check in thread

'm in a good mood today - found out baby is now engaged... so i've started my rasberry leaf tablets... i've been getting mild period pains too... trying not to get myself excited - still early days... i told the MW about the sharp pains i've been getting in my lady bits - she said its the pressure of the babies head...

also made an appointment to speak to my GP about my ankles swelling and my hands (pins n needles) he couldn't do any more for the pins n needles (already given me splints to sleep in) but he did give me knee high suport socks... not the sexiest but they work wonders.. my feet feel alive again... my ankles can actually bend without hurting - so i'm happy

kelly - sorry your feeling so down... not long now for you... wish i could wave a magic wand and make it all over for you..

keely - bloody hell 24 baby grows... i thought i had lots.. i've got quite a few vests (short sleeves) got a few packets of 8's... but i only have about 15 - 18 suits with legs... you sound more cheerful today - good!

Amy - let us know if the braxton hicks get any worse.. might just turn into the real thing... i've not had any yet!

Tan - good news about the MW reasuring you about the babies sex... hope your little girl has had a growth spurt - let us know how you get on friday...

My bump has grown 3cm in 2 weeks...


How is everyone?

I slept really well last night, must of been cos i was tired-i only got up once for a wee!

At the moment, i'm not feeling like anything is going to happen.....i think my little girl is quite happy where she is! I don't want to go overdue-but i think i'm heading that way!

Hayley-great news about the head being engaged-although a little uncomfortable.

Anyone been getting any more pains??

Hopefully a baby may come over the weekend??

Amy xx

Just to let you all know that I am going in tomorrow morning to be induced (6 days early!). Can't believe I am finally going to meet my little girl :dance:

The consultant did a membrane sweep yesterday and she said that might be enough to bring me on naturally so she could even make an appearance today..... :shock: Not had any pains yet or even a show so think she is holding off until tomorrow.

I can't believe how excited I feel but I think come tomorrow I might start to be a bit more nervous about the pain :lol:
Oh congrats how exciting i want to see my l/o now!!!
How come they're doing it early bilbo86? Am very jealous but hope all goes ok for you!

Tan x
They are doing it a bit early because I have had high blood pressure since 30 weeks and I am on tablets to control my BP. Have spent the last 9 weeks of my pregnancy visiting the hospital 3 days a week to keep an eye on it and make sure it didn't lead to pre eclampsia.

I am sooooo pleased to be going in early as I have been going crazy sitting around waiting on her appearing plus I have seen enough of that hospital to last me a lifetime :pray:

Hope you all get to meet your little ones soon :D :D :D
Wishing you loads of luck.......i'm feeling jealous too though!

Keep us updated

Amy xx
wow exciting, cant wait to see the pics!! GOOD LUCK!!! :dance:

Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. Just to let you know that my little man has finally arrived!!!! Went in to check babies position on Thurs 15th and it turns out he was breech, they also estimated him to be over 10lb :shock: I was very nervous but they took me straight up that morning and Finlay Alexander was born by c section at 5.03pm weighing 9lb 8oz. He is perfect in evryway and I am loving every min of it.

Look forward to hearing news of you arrivals.

Congratulations Bex! I love the name too, hope you're both well.

Am just off for my scan in a minute and really looking forward to seeing her again! Have got to go on my own unfortunately as DH is really busy at work today but i'm sure i'll be fine!

Had a little panic again last night as started getting lots of backache and Braxton Hicks and also my lovely bowels decided to have a lil old clear out again (TMI :oops: )! Woke up feeling better though although back pains have started again. Think I had a little bit of show last night - pinkish discharge? But don't think it was all of it as was only a little bit and when I had my son I remember it falling out in a blob on the kitchen floor!!!!! :lol:

Anyway, will let you all know how I get on when I get back. Will probably be tonight as i'm taking the MIL shopping after the scan!

Take Care all

Tan x
Tan - nice re the show! Well at least you knew when it happend, do most people find that they know they've had their show or that you've missed it - just a general question.
It sound 'right' nasty!!
congratulations bex!!!! lovely name. r u going to post some pics.

Tan - wow if it was a show, good luck at the scan, let us know when your back .... also what was you doing in your last pregnancy walking round the kitchen with no knickers on!!! :oops: haha :lol:
keely&bump said:
Tan - wow if it was a show, good luck at the scan, let us know when your back .... also what was you doing in your last pregnancy walking round the kitchen with no knickers on!!! :oops: haha :lol:

I used to find it soooo comfy without knickers on! my rear end got that big that knickers used to dig in! :roll:
Yvonne said:
keely&bump said:
Tan - wow if it was a show, good luck at the scan, let us know when your back .... also what was you doing in your last pregnancy walking round the kitchen with no knickers on!!! :oops: haha :lol:

I used to find it soooo comfy without knickers on! my rear end got that big that knickers used to dig in! :roll:

haha LMAO xx
Congrats Bex........i love the name too!!! Can't wait to see pics!!

Great news with regards to the show-Tan- i want one now-will i def know if it happens???

Feeling ok today, although had a crappy nights kip again.

How is everyone else doing??

Amy xx
Hi everyone,

Just thought id pop in to see how everyone is feeling? It.s seemed a little quiet in here!

Well 2 weeks left tomoro untill my due date, knowing my luck i will still be here after that!

Had a few period type pains on sat but nothing to get excited about! Feeling really run down and tired today, also had bad morning sickness this morn, it seemed to settle down a bit but came back this morn!

Anyway thats all for now, im going to go and do some housework, plus my little kitty is walking all over the keyboard wanting a fuss so i cant type lol

Hope to hear some news soon!
It's really hot here today, feeling ok.........i never thought i would make it to my due date, always thought i would be early!!!

Want this baby out now, can't wait to meet her........knowing i've still got to wait, just gives me more time to worry! I've packed and repacked my hospital bag so many times, and it's waiting by the front door-i've got really itchy feet!!!

Going for a long walk later-when it's cooler, hopefully a bit of excercise will get things going??

How is everyone else??

Amy xx
congratulations bex... good weight!

i'm off work today.. felt like crap yesterday! also my bowels seem to be having a clear out... (sorry) i had mild back ache yesterday and have been suffering with very mild period cramps... baby feels so low down! i'm hoping i go naturally soon... i have 5 weeks left but if baby is cooked and ready then i'm happy with that.

sorry to hear you feeling crap hayley, how many weeks you got left at work?

The final weeks of pregnancy have hit me and I am KNACKERED, I cant walk for more then 3 mins, I feel sick and cant eat much. So i am just staying in my PJ's all day and doing little!

I can def be sure I will not be leaving this house much for the next few weeks. xxxx

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