June/July Mums - check in thread

heya everyone :D

havent posted in here so thought i would lol well ive got an exact date for my cesarean (because he doesnt want to turn lol) and i dont think its really hit me yet!! im just getting on as normal and its not affecting me... dont think its sunk in :think:

my mum thinks it may happen sooner though... ive been getting, what i think are bad braxton hicks, for days now. they are like period pains and tightenings in my stomach. i havent had many braxton hicks so im only guessing that is what they are!! also my bowels have been having a clear out for quite a few days (soz if tmi!) :oops:

im still really high up and people cant believe im 36 weeks lol they think i am only like 30 and still waiting for him to drop :lol: all ive got left to get is new pjs for the hospital and then im all ready :shock: quite scary really!!

hope everyone is ok :D

hayley xx
Hi Girls,

Think we all must be going through it today! My bowels have also been having a good clear out for the past couple of days :oops: , not getting my hopes up tho as my nephew has had it so im thinking its probably a bug going around!

Hayley i also have noticed the period pains and sharp pains in my bits :oops: since babys head has been down so i agree it must be due to our little ones pushing down!

Keely a lazy day sounds great to me thats just what im going to be having, i would also keep my PJ's on all day but i had to get out of bed to take brooke to school so im just slobbing about in a track suit!

Amy, you are finally past your due date how you feeling? cant begin to imagine what it is like for you! Hope you are hold your little one soon!

Hope some1 posts soon with a birth story!
Hey girls,

Still nothing from me, and like the rest of you i've had a good clear out this morning....and i've only had my breakfast lol.

I'm feeling ok, i little fed-up though......i really thought i would be early, and i'm scared at the thought of being induced.

Been for a walk this morning with the dog, and went the long route and it nearly killed me but have been getting really bad groin pain since ....i think it is the baby pushing down more.....hopefully she will be ready to pop soon (fingers crossed)!

Hope everyone else is ok, apart from the pains and aches........not long to go for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!YAY

Enjoy having a lazy day, thats what i'm planning to do!!!

Amy xx
just ordered 2 excercise DVD's for when baby has arrived... got to start some where... need to go and dig my reebok step out now! hope DH hasn't thrown it out...

here's my plan...

1. going to do my egg white diet
2. walk as mch as poss with baby
3. work out a few times a week
4. buy myself a gorgeous outfit as my target...

Hayley.......i'm the same as you, i've put on 2 stone and desperate to get back into shape and lose the weight after.

Now it's summer i too am going to walk everywhere with baby, stick to my salad and fruit diet, no naughty things to eat and keep up with my swimming.

Lets hope we can both do this and shift the weight??!!

By the way whats the egg white diet??

Amy xx
the egg white diet is brilliant.. i did it for my wedding.. you never feel hungry.. egg whites are full of protein. NO FAT!!! you can do so much with them too... hard boiled for breakfast with a piece of toast (just throw away the middles)... egg white omlette is nice too... you can use one yoke if you like! 3 egg whites.. throw anything in to make it into a meal... veg, bit of chicken.... low fat cheese, peppers.... mmmmm

God Hayley I bet you have trouble going a poo!! haha ... I thought more then one egg a day bunged you up?? :lol: xxxx

How is everyone this morning.......i'm tired, woke up at 5 for a wee, and just could'nt get back to sleep, kept running over in my mind weather i had everything packed in my hospital bag, if i had everything for baby and then was thinking about the whole labour thing-i can't seem to stop worrying.

Went for a long walk again last night, had a few pains-but nothing still.

Anyway enough of me rambling on, how is everyone else.......any progress???

Amy xx
Hey Amy... really hope something happens soon 4 you!! How long overdue are you?? I'm feeling fed up now so god knows how you're feeling!!

I'm feeling ok... really thought something might be happening yesterday but sadly not :( my bowels have been having a major clear out for a few days now (soz if tmi!) :oops: and ive been getting quite bad braxton hicks and back ache... but hes still in there...!! Don't think he will make an appearance before my c- section... but ive only got to wait 12 days :dance:

I'm not feeling too tired right now... but will be later!! I get up to go to the toilet about 3/4 times a night and it takes ages to get back to sleep after so i havent had much sleep!!

Really hope something happens for you soon :D

Hayley xx
Hi Girls

Had dream last night that i had baby so today i really want him here!! fell bad for whinging, what with Amy being so patient and Sarah nearly there too!

I think I might start some baby moving stuff today, can anyone remember any more then eating pineapple, long walk, curry (YUK!!) and sex!! (YUK haha) xxxxx
it all sounds positive... i think theres gonna be quite a few babies coming over the enxt few days...

Seems like a lot of us are having a good bowel clear out.. mine has stopped now! thank god..

keely you can eat as many egg whites as you want.. you shouldn't eat the yellow part thou! it's full of fat... also i don't think you shoudl eat more than about 4 egg yokes a week.... I think the yoke gives you high colestrol.... (i think!!!!!)

i'm off work again today - i always feel guilty for being off even though i've only taken 1 day off before (during this pregnancy) I was off yesterday with my bowels.. today i just don't feel right! had awful back ache last nite which ran down one leg... really worried me! but its vanished today. I'll probably go in tomorrow if i don't get any more pains. Only another week left I finish 7th July. I'm really ready for it now!

Packed my bag. Packed the babies bag. Have a bag full of drinks and snacks for my DH and mum which i'm leaving in DH car... Nursery finished. Towels and baby clothes washed.... just need LO now.

My bowel clear out still hasnt stopped... been like that since about saturday i think :shock: seeing the midwife tomorrow so ill mention it and see what she says!!

hayley you're more prepared than me!! havent washed LOs clothes or blankets yet :? and havent finished my hospital bag!! i only have to do one bag, the germans supply everything for the baby!! :D

i think ima have a curry tonight... really fancy one!! :D

Well i'm still waiting.....i was due on Monday Hayley so only a few days over due.......but it seems like forever.

Don't feel bad for whinging keely.......we are all in the same boat, and all want our babies.......i'm going to send you all lots of labour vibes!!!! Hoping all babies will arrive over the weekend!!

Like Hayley said seems like we are all having a good clear out-i thought it was only me.

I keep going to peek at the nursery, i'm so excited-still feels so sureal though!!!!

Not sure what to do now, i'm board, and today seems to be really dragging.....whats everyone else up to??

Amy xx
I no what you mean about it feeling like its taking forever!! ive only got 12 days and i just feel like its dragging so you must be feeling worse!! Really hope something happens for you soon!! Am sure it will!!

I keep going into the nursery too and just sit there and look at everything :D It's weird to think that in a few weeks my little man will be using the stuff!!

Im bored today too... got nothing to do... done all the tidying up and now just sat on here with living tv2 on the tv, think baby baby is on! not got anything to do today, might go out for a long walk with my doggy!!

Amy..that was my plan for 2 weeks time..have some sex, eat a curry go for a long walk come back have some more sex then eat a whole pineapple...lol.
you must be so fed up now hun i really feel for you esp with the heat in spain! i've got my fingers, legs and toes crossed for you hopefully todays the day!!!
you've obviously made a lovely comfy home for LO in your womb. i hope things get moving for you xx
Hey :D Just a quick note to say that we had our lovely baby girl at 8.49pm on sat 24th June. We have called her Sophie. She weighed a healthy 7lbs 9oz. Just trying to cope with feeding, changing nappies and try to get a bit of sleep at the moment :D :D

Will post a pic once I work out how to :shock:
Here is two pictures of baby sophie....hope they work :dance:



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