June/July Mums - check in thread

Hi Amy,

I feel a bit crappy today, having a lot of period type pains in my lower back and stomach! Baby is stuck in my ribs so feeling very uncomfortable!

How are you feeling?
very fat and large!! haha

but all in all good, been to midwife today and she was a new one and really nice, she was more excited about the fact that i was having a baby rather then my last midwife who just acted like it was her job and that it!

she was poking the baby when we was listening to his heart beat and it was going faster, she said this is cos he is really active and trying to fight us back!! haha (like his mummy!!)

his head is still 4/5, but my only bad news is the birthing pool at my hospital STILL is not fixed and she said that there is not really enough midwifes at my hospital to cover water births as you need one on one attention and there is only 6 midwifes to the 10 rooms :(

I started and nearly finished my labour bag today, just need to wash the babies clothes and i'll be ready to go in!

and my nursery furniture was delivered this morning, but I am not fitting it together till next week when my new carpets are fitted!!

hope everyone else is well xxxxx
Hi girls........

How is everyone feeling today?? Glad it's Friday!!!!

Kelly i know what you mean about the rib pain, i also feel like i've been kicked to bits and my right rib feels really sore and brusied. How are the period type pains today, have they eased off??

Keely.......exciting that your nursery furniture has arrived,, i bet you can't wait to put it all togeather!!

I must get a nursery pic posted, and an updated bump pic.......although i don't think she's grown much, think shes ran out of room.lol

11 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy xx
Hi Amy,

They have been coming and going all day they are in my lower back and stomach, think they must be braxton hicks or something as nothing seems to happen lol! Also get sharp pains down below every so often, quite painful!

Not long now for you Amy, are you ready for your little girls arrival?
Evening everyone,

How are you all??

Kelly not long for me now, and i'm ready for her arrival.....can't wait to meet my little girl and see what she looks like. I'm getting impatient, and everyday hoping something may happen, but no nothing as yet.

Having sleepless nights now, worrying myself over the thought of labour, i am really scared....but hey ho...i'm going to be brave!!!!

Hope your all having a nice weekend!!!!!!! Enjoy

Amy xx
missed a few days as i've been away with DH...

kelly - good news that baby has turned at last and is putting on weight... 6. 15 already - thats a good weight!

keely how did the house move go? take some pictures of your nursery as soon as you've put it all together... did you go for furniture similar to me white trimmed in wood?

Amy not long. I bet the waiting is the worst... i'm so impatient i'm going to hate the last 2 weeks. Everyone says it feels like the whole 9 months over again.. good luck - keep us posted!

well i finished my nursery at last... took dad and my uncle 2 1/2 days to put it all together... instructions where crap aparently... i've taken a few pictures so i'll post them tomorrow when i get to work. I've had a lovely week off relaxing! back in tomorrow then only 3 weeks till i start my maternity leave! I think the baby has just turned - about 10 mins ago! been breech since 20 week scan! my stamch went all dis-figured and pointy... saw a hand nearly come out my belly button!!! the pressure down below was awful.. it brought tears to my eyes... lasted about 15 seconds then settled back down again... the presure i've been feeling down below has totally gone now!... would this happen if the baby was the right around (head down)? i was carrying quite low with the bum pressing down! hope the head is down now! been worrying me.. apart from this everything has been fine!
Hi Hayley,

not sure if this is any help but since our little girl has been head down i have had a lot of pressure down below and a lot of pushing! Very painful and uncomfortable!
Hey how is everyone feeling? Its a little quiet in here so i thought id come and say hi!

Well i am feeling totally crap, cant walk far without baby pushing down and leaving me in agony, feel like i constantly need to pee and also having lots of sharp pains down there :oops: ! I have also reached the not being able to sleep at all stage, everytime i dozed off last night Brooke woke up with ear ache bless her so not a good night at all! Poor DF isnt sleeping either as i am constantly up and down!

Was just reading through this thread and realised that Bex didnt come back after her appointment, she must be holding her baby by now!
Hi ladies,

Haven't been on in a while.

Amy - how's it all going (tick tock) and Kelly - still pains me dear?

Last Monday I had a bit of a bleed but no pain and then diarrhoea for about 5 days.....thought something must be about to happen but it's all died off! Sunday (yesterday) I was very uncomfortable and was certain that something was going to happen. Slept fine and nothing new today - boo hoo! Hurry up!

Midwife tomorrow morning - I'm hoping my waters break or I have some sort of show because I really don't want to wait for just contractions and also I really don't know what they're going to feel like. I've had some period type cramping and lower back ache but nothing that I'm overly concerned about.......friend's keep telling me to ring the labour ward if I'm uncertain but I know for a fact they'll not do anything and just tell me to wait......I can't wait but it just feels like I've been pregnant forever and will be for a while longer. If I go overdue, I'm going to die!

Hi Sass,

I feel the same, i had a lot of period pains too, some quite painful and i didnt want to ring the labour ward as i waasnt sure if they where for real or not, and it turns out i was right!

I hope that when it does happen that my waters just go because then at least i will know its is happening and that it isnt just a practice!

Not long for us now!
Hey all,

sorry to hear none of our babies want to come out.......i'm getting very impatient now!!

Had midwife appointment this morning, baby still in good position......if the baby dosent come on due date-nxt mon then i have to go to hospital, hopefully not to be induced just for a check.

Sorry to hear your all having pains but nothing else.......come on girls lets try the natural methods and get theses babies out!!!!!

Off for a cup of tea now

Take care

Amy xx
Hi Girls

Seems we all feel the same at the min (strange)

My toilet trips in the night have uped to every 3 hrs (but I can go all day without one!!! :evil: ) They are being caused by brackton hicks, everytime I wake up nearly wetting myself cos of them.

I am really down today so tearful, just been sitting around all day crying.... I had a bath and left the phones in the bathroom and fell asleep upstairs, in the meantime my OH was trying to call and get really worried cos last time he spoke to me I was in the bath and now not answering so he called my mum, who drove from hers (15min drive) to mine and started hammering on the door! Scared the life out of me and havent stopped crying since that!

I am so sick of not being Keely but being Keely & Bump! If I was normal Keely everyone would not be fussing about if I didnt answer the phone they would just think i was busy, but cos I am pregnant everyone thinks the worst!!! or if you see a friend or someone in the street, they say HI hows the baby, not how are you or what have YOU been doing, its all baby baby then they run out of things to say!!! :shock: I used to be a person not just a baby carrier!!

Sorry for going on, like I said I am really down :cry:

oh keely hon.. your feeling right down in the dumps today... its just your OH feeling helpless at the moment... he wants to wrap you up in cotton wool because he doesn't know how else to help... men!

I'm not feeling emotional at the moment... had my emotional week last week.. today i was back at work! was really busy so the day went quite quick... kind of enjoyed being with the girls again... although now i' totally knackered... got home and decided to cook the tea for tonight and tomorrow nite... when i finally sat down i hardly had the energy to eat... my bump seems so low... i look strange from the side.. by bump is sticking out so much low down... and kick!!! i think this baby is kicking it's way out... there is no letting up! i woke up so many times last nite and baby was still moving like mad... must have been at it all nite... all day today has been the same.. i'm getting a foot or hand poping out from my belly button and a foot or hand popping out from down below... hope the baby has turned and is now head down because i really do feel ready... i can feel my rib cage again under my boobs.. so i'm sure baby has dropped down.. all movements are below my belly button... do you think it's just wishful thinking... i have an anti natal appointment wednesday...

Hi all

I've not been on here lately mainly cause I don't have the energy to do anything at the moment! I'm feeling like crap at the moment too! Just so down and fed up and yet I have so much to look forward to with the house move and baby etc. Am still a bit worried about my scan this week but i'm looking forward to seeing little one again. And you never know, they may decide to start me off early and I can meet her earlier than planned! Have got ANC on Weds so will see if she's grown since last week by the MW's measurements too. She's been really active the last couple of days and DH could hear her heartbeat when he put his head on my tummy earlier! She was pushing him off too!

Have got really bad indigestion again at the moment so I know she's not moved down anymore although she is the right way round! Also been getting funny twinges on one side - bit like the ovulation pains I used to get if you know what I mean. Not sure what this is put just put it down to stretching pains etc. Also just had an explosive bout of diahorrea :oops: which wasn't nice!

I don't feel like i've grown much still. Will try and post another pic soon so you can all see.

Anyway, hope everyone starts to feel better soon and Amy or someone - start off the labour chain soon!!! Take care all.

Tan x
Morning girls,

Well i had a crappy night's kip last night......was just too hot and kept getting braxton hicks i was soooo uncomfortable.

Well my sister-in-law is here with me this week, so we are having a nice girly week.....today we are off for lunch at a new wok restaurant-lots of spicy food for me to try and get this little one out!!!

Hope your all feeling ok, not too many pains......i had a few when walking the dog this morning-thought this could be it, but nothing since i've been back.

Wishing you luck Tan for when you have your scan-i'm sure all will be fine-is it tomorrow??

Hayley-hope baby has dropped and is in good position!

Keely-how you feeling today hun-hopefully better just think not too long to wait till your back to your old self!!!!

Kelly, how are things.....do you have your scan tomorrow?

sawssa-how did you get on at the midwifes yesterday??

Have i missed anyone?? Bex-how are things with you?? Fran any news??

Have a good day everyone, enjoy the sun if it's shining!!!

Amy xx
Hi everyone,

Feel really crap today, so tired cant sleep same old story! Feeling fed up too, i constantly ache, i feel im ready to meet our little one now and im getting rather impatient!

I just cant wait untill i can be comfortable again!

Keely i feel the same as you, its always how are is the baby, how log have you got left, or i dont envy you being oregnant in this heat! I just feel like screamimg at them all, i dont need them to state the obvious :evil: !

Amy my scan was last week, baby is growing fine and they say there is no reason for me not to continue to 41 weeks, bloody 41 weeks i dont want to goto 40 weeks lol! They will see me on the 19th July if nothin has happened for an induction date! Which knowing our luck i will be attending!

Anyway my moan is over for now, hope everyone is feeling better soon and also hope some starts off the labour chain soon!
Hi all

I've just had my 36 wk ANC and my labour chat and now i'm feeling nervous but also very impatient! I'm moving house this time next week as well so i'm just sitting here waiting for things to happen that are out of my control and I hate it!

Anyway. feeling pretty good today. Couldn't sleep last night and had really bad indigestion lately but *touch wood* all is good today. LO still doesn't appear to have grown much but I did remember to ask the MW about the scan and the sex of the baby and how accurate it is. She said thats its unlikely it would be wrong and if the sonographer wasn't sure, she wouldn't have said so my mind is at ease a bit more now! Now i'm looking forward to seeing my little girl on Friday at my growth scan and i'm going to see if they can check that she is a girl for certain just to make doubley sure (if she's not too big to see or in the wrong position etc!)

Great news on your c-section date Hayley17 although i'm jealous that you are likely to have yours before me!

Keely and Kelly - I am also sick of baby talk etc and want to be me again! (am naughty I know but can't wait to have a proper drink!)

Amy - Hope you enjoyed your spicy food yesterday - has it worked in bringing on labour yet?!

Hayley - how was your ANC today?

Sasswa - any news?

Fran - how is everything?

Anyone else i've missed? Am guessing Bex is busy with LO as she's not been on for ages?

Anyway, take care everyone and i'm off to try and take bump pics with my mobile again!

Tan x
Hi Everyone,

Feeling fed up again today, all i seem to do is want to cry and i dont even know why! Im so fed up of feeling tired and run down, i feel like im on the waiting game now just waiting for something to happen, if im feeling like this now with 3 weeks to go how will i feel if i go over due? The fact that i have had 2 shows and still nothing is making things worse!

Not knowing when, where or how its going to happen is really getting me down! Whats making it worse is the fact i didnt get this far with Brooke and i keep thinking to my self, well last time i was in labour at this stage, or last time i was holding our baby! I keep comparing everything to when i had Brooke and i dont really know why because things have been so different this time!

I have gone on a mad cleaning spree this morning, i want everything nice for when she does arrive, Df keeps telling me off for doing too much but if i just sit around it makes things worse!

Tan, the scan will be amazing, when we had ours last week you could see everything so clearly, our sonographer was great he went through it really slowly and explained everything! Im pretty sure they will be able to confirm the sex is if she is in the right posistion!

Hope everything goes well for you, just think you could be holding your baby sooner than you think! Let us know how you get on as soon as you get the chance! Good Luck!
Hi Girls,

No news here......had lots of spicy food yesterday, plus excitment from the match-but no baby.....lots of braxton hicks again last night and this morning, pretty uncomfortable, am hoping they will soon be intense and the start of labour!!!??

Sorry to hear we are all feeling fed up- at least we can all have a moan togeather.....and it's nice to know we are not the only ones!!

Have a good day, i'm off for some sun, trying to get my bump a little bronzed!!!

Love Amy xx
Hi girls

Oh Kelly poor you, you sound like me on monday! The down days are the WORST!

I washed all the babies clothes yesterday he has about 24 baby grows 0-3 months and none yet for 3-6 haha!! Hope he aint too big! Its not all me that has bought them before you think I have a fetish half of them were presents. He also only has 3 long sleeve sleep suits so I hope the weather is warm when he gets here!

Also sorted out some new carpets for my house today and they are being fitted monday :dance: ... so all in all I am pretty happy today!

Baby is sooooo wiggly at the min and I am sure he is trying to break one of my ribs.... makes me think he must be big cos he is engaged but still giving me rib ache, I thought he was meant to drop ?? :?

Amy - come on girl, get that baby out! I wanna see some new pics!! hehe

Hope everyone else is well

Keely xxxxxx

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