******** June 2014 Mummies ********

that's brilliant, bet you can't wait to get in!
mmm pancakes were lovely tonight, had lots of lemon and sugar on mine :)

Well done on the house dani x

Thanks ladies! I'm so bloody excited it's not funny! Just popped out and done some house shopping - spent so bloody much but I don't care...Me and Moo have got the perfect house!

Pancakes were lovely too :) xx
It was really good. I don't think I'd really thought about how far the baby's head has to travel before it starts to come out. Hmmm. There was a lady who is 28 weeks pregnant and only found out 6 weeks ago! And I thought the time had started going fast! xx
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Just wanted to say yay for my v-day today!!

So chuffed for you Dani, bet you can't wait to get the keys!

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Just wanted to say yay for my v-day today!!

So chuffed for you Dani, bet you can't wait to get the keys!


Happy V day Hun - I'm loving all these milestones go whizzing by!

Yep should get the keys on the 14th going to move over that week! Signing the contracts and everything tomorrow, not looking forward to the bank balance looking horrendous but it'll all be worth it! Xx
that was a horrible nights sleep! was worried last night as I kept getting painful bh and regularly plus I had the back cramps I had before going into early labour with ds. baby literally moved all night and has now decided to go to sleep, I was up and down to the loo 6 times as well. i think baby is now in a totally different position so guess it was trying to get comfortable or was having a trampoline session on my bladder! well hope I can function properly today on my 2 hours sleep!
Don't worry about your bank balance Dani, haven't you bought everything already? You are my inspiration to get my ass in gear and go shopping!
Don't worry about your bank balance Dani, haven't you bought everything already? You are my inspiration to get my ass in gear and go shopping!

I've got the big stuff. Beds/sofa/cooker/fridge freezer. I've got everything bar a cot for bubs - but my change pots easily cover that. Just need to get a new washer, mine is shafted so a new one is needed. Just bought nice homely things yesterday new cushions, canvasses etc to make it more like a new home!

On that note would anyone recommend getting a washer/dryer there is no room for a dryer but would I actually need one? Xx
Yeah I think knowing what the baby actually does to get out will help me understand too, think it's less scary if you know what your body's doing, hopefully anyway! How on earth can you not know til 22??? Although that I didn't know I was pregnant programme on sky shows people genuinely don't know sometimes! Everyone could spot my bump at 10/12 weeks!

I have a combi washer/dryer Dani and the dryer is rubbish! Compared to a single dryer anyway, there's no way I could dry half a load of washing in it in 2-3 hours.......it's shocking! I just use it for if something (1-2 items max!) damp needs finishing off that I want to wear and even then it's a good 20-30 mins! My Mum's single one is mega so assume it's cos it's a combi but someone else might have better experience than ours! It's hotpoint but don't know much more than that. I just put things on an airer near a radiator when it's cold and put an airer outside when it's warm x
Poor you Sarah that must've been very scary. Hope you manage to have an easy day (if that's possible with a toddler!) x
I have a combi washer/dryer Dani and the dryer is rubbish! Compared to a single dryer anyway, there's no way I could dry half a load of washing in it in 2-3 hours.......it's shocking! I just use it for if something (1-2 items max!) damp needs finishing off that I want to wear and even then it's a good 20-30 mins! My Mum's single one is mega so assume it's cos it's a combi but someone else might have better experience than ours! It's hotpoint but don't know much more than that. I just put things on an airer near a radiator when it's cold and put an airer outside when it's warm x

I've just asked my mum about it - she's said the same as you :) I'm just going to stick with a standard washer and an airer. She says come the winter I can pop down to hers with towels and bedding to put in her dryer! Sorted then :) xx
Hi everyone. How are you all feeling? I have had my first bad day today - really achy bump, cramps and loads of BH. Prob just baby growing? I'm really tired too so feeling a bit blue tonight :(
I've had an achy bump day too - she's laid in an awful position and no matter where I move to do I feel like I'm either squashing her or squashing myself!

Why don't you try a bath and an early night Frankie? It's usually the best for me :) xx
I'm like that too and very tired at the min x
I've now got really sore boobs and they r itchy but that could be me itching x
My upper back and right hip are getting really sore, especially at the end of the day. Looks like we are all getting closer to the third trimester and all the fun that comes with it :)

Went swimming today though, it's lovely feeling weightless!

Congrats on the house dani x
Thanks for the advice dani and sympathy! Had a bath and now snuggled with the electric blanket. Much better! Baby has been so active today - think baby has worn me out! Goodnight ladies x
argh, another evening of annoying braxton hicks!
Well this my last day in here for 2 weeks as i will be off to barbados tomorrow. By the time i come back we will all mostly be in tri 3, scary and exciting, cant believe how quick it has gone :) xx
Have a lovely holiday Vicky! Don't come back posting photos of by lovely tanned bump - I would only get jealous! Xx

As anyone else because stupidly freaked out by their own nipples? Actually touching them at the minute goes through me! I've not suffered any pain at all with my boobs - no tenderness or anything! My nipples haven't changed either - they are just a tiny bit flaky - but they truly freak me out!

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