I would like to be in the july thread toobut because of my mcc I am not completely sure when I would ovulate so could you please put me down for the 10th of july? It could be later but then I will keep you updated.thank you so much in advance
hi missj! Could you put me down for the 25th of July? Yes, we're ttc for no.2 but it will probably take time this time as well, so I don't have my hopes up!
Hi MissJ can you also remove me from July please... still not sign of AF on my current cycle (although getting definite BFN's) so the time I test is likely to be early August, thanks x
Have put TTC on the back burner for last 2 months but now ready to try again. I'm CD6 today so will be starting to try this month. AF due 26th/27th July so hope it's ok to join the July testing thread.
So sorry lucia. This happened to me last month and i tested day after af due. Started bleeding 3 days later. I will prob wait a while before testing if af late again. Not sure how good my will power will be for that! Big hugs xx
Hope you are OK Lucia fingers crossed for your sticky bean soon FINALLYarrived for me after keeping me waiting so please can you change my testing date from the 19th to the 26th please !
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