*** July mummies to be ***

Exciting, Salisbury! Bounce that bugger out!

Oh yeah, it's just a cold, I'm as unsick as a person can be while still definitely being sick :D
Hubby did feeds last night I slept all the way through and feel amazing today not going anywhere just sat on the couch only downside is my boobs are engorged and hurt so bad baby is helping xxx
I think this child is going to be in me forever. She doesn't even feel properly engaged.

If anything the birthing ball is bouncing her UP not down.

I've got intense pain running along the underside of my bump, not low enough to be labour but fucking uncomfortable.

I just know I'm going to spend all day in pain, sleep, then wake up and do the whole bloody thing again.
Just a quick update from my end. Baby Alana arrived via planned section at 11:53 on 14/07 weighing in at 7lb 3oz and sporting an amazing head of thick black curls. Got home yesterday and battling through this pain. Currently trying to do a poop and it's horrendous. How did I forget this pain from last time.

Hope everyone is doing good and that babies don't keep you waiting too long
Congratulations Meggi and Shayton!!

Oh July, that sounds awful! Hope you feel better soon!

Violet you are not giving me much hope on the recovery side of things. I knew it was major surgery but this is just something else. I can't even walk from the car to the shop to the car again without suffering badly that evening! You definitely need to stay in and rest!
Oo sounds like we are all suffering!!

I'm still suffering with horrendous headaches.. throwing back the painkillers and battling through.. the only thing they will offer is another blood patch as the first one failed but I really don't want to go through that again so I'm really hoping it begins to settle on its own..

Oo and my boobies.. OUCH!! They are rock solid and so tender plus leaking constantly..

Also constipated, I'm on iron tablets and codein so very bunged up! Have taken something to hopefully get things moving so we'll see!!

My down belows are very tender, I had a episiotomy so assuming it will take some healing!.. thankfully I'm not getting much pain when peeing but as I said above struggling with the no2!

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Julybug sorry your still un pain. Really hope it does settle on its own.

Abs how are you? Hope you've had baby and enjoying baby snuggles atm.
Oh lord, this baby had better stay in me until this cold is gone. There's no way I've got the energy to get to the hospital, let alone push. Let alone recover while looking after a baby!

JulyBug, I am very glad that you at least are able to pee pain-free. It sounds like we need to take the small victories where we can...tell me it's all worth it though, right?!
Feels like I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER!!

Reflexology massage tomorrow and a breakfast out with my man.

Plus a dog walk and NO SCHOOL RUN!!

Got to get things moving along, surely??!!
Orange juice Hun it'll help I hate codiene for the fact it bungs you up but iron tablets make me go the toilet a lot so I can't win haha xxx
Fingers crossed she turns up today Salisbury, if only so she has a really awesome birth date. I'm going to hold on for the 27th now :D
Oh its definitely worth it CNM but I'm almost certain I won't be having anymore!!..

Feeling a bit better today, hoping things are improving!

Was up most the night last night, think little man was hot, struggled to get him to settle again.. very very tired today!

******* cats. I had just settled down to do my perineum massage (one of my least favourite things) when ******* Cat 1 decides he wants bump cuddles, making it impossible/just plain weird to get going. ******* Cat 2 then sticks her paw in my water glass. I get up to replace it, cough, wet myself, and discover that both ******* Cats have covered my bed in hair.

CNM- ha ha could have been your waters ;-)

July- Thea seems to sleep brilliantly during the day and a bit restless and fidgety at night so I'm with you on the tiredness :nap:
Hi everyone.

Well I had reflexology today, nice breakfast out with husband, had a walk and some sex (which was hilarious) and STILL not convinced this baby is coming anytime soon.

Definite increase in Braxton Hicks, lots of pressure on cervix and some sort of weird popping thing that's happened a couple of times in my pelvis.

Cool I managed to wet myself last night and then today I spilled my dinner all over the couch :( gutted

But am struggling by. Just hoping for some action soon
Quick update ladies!

Gave birth to my own little lady 9 days late on 14/07/17 at 7:14am! Was a slow labour to begin with, spent the day before with mild contractions that amounted to nothing! Went to bed, woke at 2am and everything had stopped. Went back to sleep and then woke at 3am to contractions every 3mins. Got to hospital at around 5am and was "a good 4cm", contractions were thick and fast at 2-3mins by then. Got into the pool to try and relax, then she was here by 7:14am!! Only used gas and air. Most amazing experience of my life! Well and truly in love!

Hope everything goes well for you ladies and you all recover well!

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