*** July mummies to be ***

Wtf? No your sex life is private!! Me and hubby have never talked about it with anyone I certainly would flip if he'd been talking to a female co worker about sex toys to try? Seriously the hell? And he then flips on you? I don't think you're being prudish at all I think he's been way too open xxx
Urgh men!! Seriously.. sometimes they can be so insensitive.. they really have no idea!

I've been super emotional these last couple of days.. I think it's a mixture of everything, the shock of having a newborn to look after, the fact my house looks like a bombs hit it and the fact I haven't felt like 'me' for a very long time.. I'm so fed up with feeling crap, just when I thought I was over it I feel sick and headachy again.. the lack of sleep really isn't helping..

LO is doing quite well though, he has he last feed at 10 then wake up about half 1 for a feed then sleeps through till 6-7 but sometimes its a right pain to get back to sleep! I've been very good at letting him self settle and not cuddling him to sleep..
he naps brilliantly during the day which allows me to get a few bits done but all I want to do is sleep!!

Hope your bubbas make an appearance soon!!

I've been niggly since 3am but can't see how it means anything. I'm completely dejected.

I don't see how this baby is ever coming out
I'm finding it all really funny now, especially seeing as he is still baffled as to why I am not ok with him discussing such personal things with random girls at work! Sigh.

July, it sounds like you're doing brilliantly! Fuck the housework, wait until it's really truly uninhabitable and then pay someone to clean it. Totally worth it.

Salisbury, forgive me for this, but whyvdo you want the baby to come so badly? I reckon mine's way easier to look after while he's inside me :D
Indigo was born at 17.17... She's perfect!! Wants to feed CONSTANTLY though!!

Birth story to follow tomorrow
Congratulations!! So excited for you. Can't wait to here your story xx
Urk, I'm bored and too knackered to do anything fun. What did you guys do to pass the time while you were waiting? I can fill my days fine, but husband is out a lot in the evenings at the minute, enjoying his freedom while he can, and I'm booooored. I've watched loads of tv, I've played loads of video games...I kind of wish I could knit or something. I'm tempted to bake, but then I'll just eat it all...
Urgh I'd give anything to feel bored now!.. my days are non stop, I'm exhausted!

Try and enjoy it CNM, even if your just chilling watching crap tv, you really will miss it when LO is here.

Well I had a 4 hour labour in the end!!!

Midwives were called at 15.00, got here at 15.30, Liam filled the birthing pool, I had some gas n air, bit of sushi and cake and tea Inbetween contractions.

Indigo was born at 17.17, I had a shower, got into bed to establish breast feeding and the midwives left at 18.30.

Just popping in from the September mummies thread to say I've been lurking a little with less than 6 weeks to go for me now, and wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to those whose babies are here, and massive good luck and love to those still waiting!

You got this, ladies! x
Salisbury, that sounds delightful. I'll have one of those please.
Christ I need a poo...

It's Not Happening though :(

Baby is still on 1.5 hourly feeds through through the night.... Is torturous
Happy due day CNM!

Urgh Salisbury, that does sound like torture! My little lad goes 3/4 hours so not so bad but is a pain to get back to sleep sometimes!

I'm struggling a bit emotionally just coming to terms with it all, I've had a pretty crazy few weeks and I had a pretty bad birth experience so it's no surprise.. I feel all out of sorts, hopefully things will start to settle down now.

I'm feeling a bit out of sorts too :(

But have the coolest baby!!


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Beautiful! Ok, I'm ready for mine now.

I had a definite gush a few hours ago so I phoned triage. If nothing has happened by tomorrow morning I'll go in for some antibiotics. Hoping he turns up within 24 hours, but whatever happens, happens...
My waters didn't break until she was coming out!!! They literally all came out together!!

No plug really either, just contracted until ready then pushed waters/plug/baby out all at once

Placenta took another hour to come.

Hate birthing the placenta

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