*** July mummies to be ***

Congratulations Abs!

Loving seeing all the beautiful July babies being born

I'm loving being a mummy, it's very hard work and I'm exhausted but just looking at his little face makes it all worth it xx
Alrighty, am freaking out a little. Just tried to show husband where clothes and whatnot are, and he showed no interest. He has no idea what we've got, what babies need etc. He hasn't checked if the carseat will fit in the car because he's sure it will and he hasn't touched the pram or have any idea how it collapses/goes up. His answer to everything is 'oh, I'm sure I'll work it out'. I might kill him. Would that be so wrong?!
My OH was/is exactly the same don't worry! He was very much 'we'll sort it when his here..' he has no idea what baby stuff we have or where any of it is.. which being a very organised person myself drove me mad!!

BUT as soon as LO arrived he took control and really proved me wrong! Trust me, he'll change once he has his little baby in his arms xx
My hubby was like that with out first. He never seemed intrested in anything i even put all the furniture together by myself.
Once Riley was born he was compleatly different wanting to do as much as he could. This time he was way more involved in buy and doing things for baby whilst i was pregnant. He wanted to test drive pushchairs and find a wrap that suited him rather than use my blue floral print one.
Well I woke at 3am in the storm, found it IMPOSSIBLE to get comfy so came down to sit on my ball and watch Greys Anatomy and see if anything was going on.

Got regular Braxton hicks, probably 15mins apart which tapered off completely, ended up being comfortable enough to sleep again by 5.30ish, Liam is off today so has done the school run for me which was a big bonus.

I just feel so rubbish, the house is a tip because I really can't be fucking arsed to deal with it all. There is no clean washing and I can't be bothered to put on anything accept a vest top and pair of pants.

Thought we'd try having a shag again, the last one was an absolute joke, I am massive and have to sort of 'arrange' myself to be accessible and its just awkward.

Well I went up, had a bath, assumed the position and waited for AGES no sign of husband.

So fuck it, what is the point? He rarely wants to have sex with me at the best of times and now I'm a huge whale with no flexibility or mobility. I know its a follow on from how I feel in every day life, but I'm really sad. I am growing our baby and he doesn't want to touch me its so upsetting. He doesn't see the beauty in my body, I know i'm hardly a spring chicken but I've made FOUR babies for this man

Now I've come back downstairs, to my ball and Grey's Anatomy and it just feels like any tightness in my womb or feeling that I have is just going to die back down and I'll be here, like a chump, not in labour and no sign of anything happening

I don't get how it can be SO SORE and lead to nothing. I don't get why I am kept awake in the night by intense pain that just turns into nothing

Its just shitty, shitty shitty day.
Aaaaaaaw Salisbury! I feel this post. The heat is miserable, finding a position to sleep in is a fantasy, and trying to convince the husband to have sex with me is such a demoralising experience...ugh. We're now in separate rooms because my snoring is so bad :D

Aurora and July, thanks for reassurance! My OH is not an emotional person at all, I am really hoping the baby flicks a switch inside his head! I blame his weird parents. His sister went in completely the other direction - is needy and very emotional. A balance of the two of them would be great...

Final thought: WHEN WILL THIS ******* HEATWAVE END?!
Urghhhh hubby had man flu is getting nasty with our toddler because he wants to play so I've told him for the 4th time go to bed and get out of my way so I can do stuff without you whining you're ill. Major surgery and I'm still doing everything! Furious isn't the word. I'm on week 3 of recovering and I've overdone it today and my stomach hurts but he still expects me to be sympathetic when there is nothing really wrong he's got a dodgy tum from dodgy pizza that is it. Sorry I needed to vent xxx
Violet he sounds like a nightmare!!!

My mum is finally here from Oz for 4 weeks, she's cleaned my house for me and she's part-exchanging my little Clio for a massive big VW Touran!!!

I am OVER THE MOON about this!!!

So going to collect tomorrow/Saturday if all goes well.

Plus I got my degree yesterday, a 2:1 in social science!! So so happy, things are falling into place, just need this baby to arrive :P

Sweep booked for Saturday!!
Urgh Violet, what an arse!

My OH has been irritating me too.. he was holding baby last night and told me I needed to take him because he was 'too tired' and was worried he might fall asleep holding him... TOO TIRED?? Is he having a laugh?? Obviously I understand his concern but does he not think I feel like this 24/7? I'm barely keeping my eyes open ATM.
I understand his tired too but I can't bare listening to him complain when I feel exhausted.. is that selfish?

Hope everyone's doing ok xx
My oh had man flu and I was livid he wasn't sick he was just being pathetic we've argued today already so I'm sat down stairs pumping got quiet a lot already but I think my high abdominal muscles have separated it's very sore to sit up and move around xxx
I'm 39+2 and was just offered a sweep by the midwife. Does that not seem odd? I declined, unless she felt there was good reason, and she didn't say anything, just moved on. Seeing as this is my first baby, I was going to happily wait until at least 41 weeks before any of that. Growth is fine, everything is fine, so yeah, I found that a bit weird.

Am disappointed in our collective OHs! Sounds like some of them need a kick up the bum. I'm going to keep telling mine how difficult recovery is, remind him that he'll need to be doing everything around the house. If he manages 50% I'll be ecstatic :D
Oh, and well done, Salisbury! Happy DD for yesterday! You've not posted in over 24hrs...I'm hopig that's good news...
Reading this has made me realise how good my hubby is. Hes currently cleaning the kitchen whilst i cuddle Baby. He cooked dinner aswell.

Hope all is well Salisburymum
Nah I'm still grumpy and waiting!!!

I think it will be days rather than weeks though, I've had a lot of show
Right, what's going on? For the past hour I've been having fairly painful contractions lasting 90 seconds about 8mins apart. Is this real or fake? Only as painful as a bad period.

Have panicked and chucked the last of the baby clothes in the wash, which I could have done at any point today. D'oh.
Labour pains can feel like period pains. Could be that your body is starting to get ready now.
Well, this kid is going nowhere quickly.

Had my sweep, was uncomfortable and she said basically my cervix is high and long and hard.

So fuck knows.

Looks like I'm going to be pregnant for a while longer
So I wake up from a nap, am soggy and trying to decide whether or not my waters have started leaking, when my husband comes in and declares that he's found us the parfect post-birth sex toy.

Glad to hear your priorities are in place, sweetiepie, do go on.

He found it after asking the advice from a girl at work. I've not met her, but she's the one he always mentions tends to go wothout a bra.

Well, this sounds absolutely stellar, hunnybunny, please do go on.

By this point he comments that I seem a bit tense, and need to get over my prudish nature. Still trying to work out if I need to call triage or not, I try to lighten the mood by joking.

"No, it's fine, as long as I'm not required to ever meet her or have a group feedback session about how it's working out for us!"

And he flips. My hang ups are ridiculous, I need to be more 'sex positive' and let go of all this prudish baggage. It's perfectly reasonable to have a conversation about our sex life to a woman I've never met. He trusts her! Why don't I?!

I don't think it is my waters btw, I think I just pissed myself.

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