***July 2019 Mummies***

Hi everyone I've just joined so this is all a bit new to me. I'll be 24 weeks on Sun & I'm having a wee girl. Everything is going great and I've been really lucky not to have any symptoms. At every scan they've said she's doing brilliant and when I've heard the heartbeat they've said it's strong and fast. I'm just starting to get slightly worried as I'm still not sure if I've felt her move. They told me my placenta is at the front so it'll be cushioned. I've had sensations but i can't be sure they were kicks. I've been told it can take up to 24 weeks to feel anything with 1st child but I'm coming up to 24 weeks. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated xx
Hi everyone I've just joined so this is all a bit new to me. I'll be 24 weeks on Sun & I'm having a wee girl. Everything is going great and I've been really lucky not to have any symptoms. At every scan they've said she's doing brilliant and when I've heard the heartbeat they've said it's strong and fast. I'm just starting to get slightly worried as I'm still not sure if I've felt her move. They told me my placenta is at the front so it'll be cushioned. I've had sensations but i can't be sure they were kicks. I've been told it can take up to 24 weeks to feel anything with 1st child but I'm coming up to 24 weeks. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated xx
I am 23+1 and have only felt him move two or three times (definite movements). My placenta is anterior so have been told it will take longer to feel.

I would say try not to worry. We’re all different and I’m sure you’ll feel movements all at once. We went to the cinema and he was doing backflips I swear! Haven’t felt movements quite like that since.
Found out I'm team blue! Baby is also measuring in the 82nd-95th percentile. :???: I've got to see the consultant as they have no idea what's going on. Low papp-a means smaller baby (which they aren't), I might be developing gestational diabetes or just have a naturally big baby. Everything is all good though. Growth scans mean I get to see more of him though at least.
Hi everyone I've just joined so this is all a bit new to me. I'll be 24 weeks on Sun & I'm having a wee girl. Everything is going great and I've been really lucky not to have any symptoms. At every scan they've said she's doing brilliant and when I've heard the heartbeat they've said it's strong and fast. I'm just starting to get slightly worried as I'm still not sure if I've felt her move. They told me my placenta is at the front so it'll be cushioned. I've had sensations but i can't be sure they were kicks. I've been told it can take up to 24 weeks to feel anything with 1st child but I'm coming up to 24 weeks. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated xx

I am 23+3 and have days where I feel her more than others. Mainly lots of tapping really low down. The occasional kick further up. I'm guessing if you have anterior placenta that's why you aren't feeling as much. Give it a few more weeks we will all be on here moaning how much our ribs hurt from being punched and kicked!
And to echo another post, everyone and every pregnancy is different. Dont read things online saying but week X you will feel X. Cos every baby is unique and will do what they want, when they want xx
Found out I'm team blue! Baby is also measuring in the 82nd-95th percentile. :???: I've got to see the consultant as they have no idea what's going on. Low papp-a means smaller baby (which they aren't), I might be developing gestational diabetes or just have a naturally big baby. Everything is all good though. Growth scans mean I get to see more of him though at least.

Glad to hear all is well, except for the growth which like you say could just be down to a naturally big baby - hopefully it's not GD! Another boy to add to the group too, I'm really looking forward to having a little boy!
I finally started the baby shopping the other day... only bought a couple of babygrows to be fair, but at least it'll get the ball rolling! We bought the cutest babygrow / vest / hat bundle for him for coming home from the hospital hopefully that says "hello world" on it!

I've made a list of all we need but shopping with the husband wasn't easy... he was too distracted by the cute clothes and toys and I didn't get a proper chance to look at the practical things. Had to force him to have a conversation about prams / buggies / car seats etc...

I think we've decided on our buggy though. We both agreed on not getting a pram with carrycot as too bulky and impractical for our lives, but instead a buggy that lies fully reclined and can be used from birth, and folds up to just one piece. They're only in the lying flat position for a few months anyway, and we also plan on getting a sling or carrier to use too, so need to try out a few different ones of those. Next problem is car seats... I don't understand which to get and what's compatible with which isofix base, and thinking about resuing the base with the next size up of car seat etc... it's just too confusing!
I finally started the baby shopping the other day... only bought a couple of babygrows to be fair, but at least it'll get the ball rolling! We bought the cutest babygrow / vest / hat bundle for him for coming home from the hospital hopefully that says "hello world" on it!

I've made a list of all we need but shopping with the husband wasn't easy... he was too distracted by the cute clothes and toys and I didn't get a proper chance to look at the practical things. Had to force him to have a conversation about prams / buggies / car seats etc...

I think we've decided on our buggy though. We both agreed on not getting a pram with carrycot as too bulky and impractical for our lives, but instead a buggy that lies fully reclined and can be used from birth, and folds up to just one piece. They're only in the lying flat position for a few months anyway, and we also plan on getting a sling or carrier to use too, so need to try out a few different ones of those. Next problem is car seats... I don't understand which to get and what's compatible with which isofix base, and thinking about resuing the base with the next size up of car seat etc... it's just too confusing!
We are getting a maxi cosy cabriofix car seat free with our pram so we’ve gone for the family fix car seat base which fits the cabriofix and the maxi cosi pearl (next stage up). This will eventually be in my mums car though as hubby and I will have a joie 360. We got one for hubby’s car but will wait a bit until I get mine (basically when I can no longer carry him in the seat lol)
We are getting a maxi cosy cabriofix car seat free with our pram so we’ve gone for the family fix car seat base which fits the cabriofix and the maxi cosi pearl (next stage up). This will eventually be in my mums car though as hubby and I will have a joie 360. We got one for hubby’s car but will wait a bit until I get mine (basically when I can no longer carry him in the seat lol)

That's actually the exact seat and fix I was thinking of getting after some research today! It seems to make sense to get a base you can use with it the baby seat and then with the next size up. Couldn't find any others that you are comptabile with the different sizes... but I did give up after a while because I was getting very confused about the different options.
That's actually the exact seat and fix I was thinking of getting after some research today! It seems to make sense to get a base you can use with it the baby seat and then with the next size up. Couldn't find any others that you are comptabile with the different sizes... but I did give up after a while because I was getting very confused about the different options.
We got the family fix at the baby show but Halfords have them on sale for £126ish I think still.
Car seats are so complicated! The lady in the shop told us about the importance of keeping rear facing and that within a couple of years the guidelines will change so that its law to keep children like that for longer than now. Then there was all the sizes and stages. We decided to get the mountain buggy pebble and iso fix x2. Then when they grow out of them we will sell them and go for a joie one that is fixed and ou swivel it in the car.

Nursery is being painted atm. I want to do the glossing but I can't get down low as my bump has been so uncomfortable the past few days. Literally walking around is hard work and painful if I do it for too long

Going for reflexology and calf massage in a bit, trying to shift the leg cramps I've started getting overnight. They kill. Hopefully it will help. The lady wants to paint a bump with tribal markings when I'm further along. But hippy for me but I don't mind really, lol.

Mothers Day tomorrow. MIL is coming to visit and I can't cope with the negativity, she's exhausting. Don't get me wrong, she shouldn't be on her own on mother’s day but I don't have my mum which makes me emotional so I’d rather ignore the whole day or just do something by myself. Miss my mum so much and being pregnant is highlighting that even more
Car seats are a headache. However, we have got a mothercare journey edit pram/pushchair so the lady in mothercare told us the maxi cosi rock carry car seat fits on our pram then the maxi cosi pearl pro combination car seat is the next one up so we bought both. Wasn't gonna bother with carry car seat at first but then realised we needed one for when she comes out of hospital and stuff like that. Also ours came with a free car seat mirror for the headrest and rain cover.
Plus I've gone way overboard on clothes... morrisons are to blame Haha. Their Nutmeg range of baby clothes is so good and really reasonably priced
Plus I've gone way overboard on clothes... morrisons are to blame Haha. Their Nutmeg range of baby clothes is so good and really reasonably priced

I'm also guilty of buying far too many clothes at Morrisons. I've always loved their baby range! Good looking, good quality and great price :)

I haven't bought a pushchair yet and just had a look at the journey edit. Looks so pretty and comfy! I've totally fallen in love with it. However, someone offered to give us a pushchair for free. It seems in good enough condition and fairly comfortable, but I really don't like the colour (bright red). I much prefer neutrals. So I now can't decide whether to accept the free one and spend the money I'd save, on other baby items OR purchase the one I truly like. What would you do? I don't wanna seem rude to the person offering either, as I really appreciate the offer...

As for the car seat, we've chosen to get the Joie Spin 360. I think the 360 feature will come in very handy, especially for my oh who has mobility issues, and I like the fact it lasts from birth to 4 years, can be rear facing all that time if you wish (though not sure how a 4 year old would feel about rear facing!) and it seems very comfortable which is very important to us, being as we often go on very long car journeys. We also really liked the ickle bubba solar, but unfortunately it's only suitable from 9 months.

Also, this will be my first baby, and I'm wondering if I would miss not having a carry car seat (the joie remains in the car)? I understand it's useful to take baby in and out if they're sleeping but then again, they can't stay in them for more than 2 hours at a time, including the car journey... So are they really that useful?
Hi everyone, hope you're all well. Had our 20wk scan and all was well:-) We are team blue:blue::love:
Went straight to Next and bought some blue babygrows and I cant stop looking at them and trying to imagine him in them<3
Not bought anything else yet. Will wait until May I think as we dont have tons of storage space atm. After waiting 4 months(!) we have just been granted planning permission for an extension. We've had a builder ready and now he says he cant start until the summer:wall2: the thought of living on a building site with a newborn and have workmen in the house whilst sat with my boobs out trying to BF fills me with dread! So, we either need to go with the other builder who is more expensive or wait until next year:roll: but first we'll have a proper chat with the other builder and sit down and look at dates to see if he could possibly start sooner...

Eek some of you are approaching 3rd Tri! :dance:
Hi everyone, hope you're all well. Had our 20wk scan and all was well:) We are team blue:blue::love:
Went straight to Next and bought some blue babygrows and I cant stop looking at them and trying to imagine him in them<3
Not bought anything else yet. Will wait until May I think as we dont have tons of storage space atm. After waiting 4 months(!) we have just been granted planning permission for an extension. We've had a builder ready and now he says he cant start until the summer:wall2: the thought of living on a building site with a newborn and have workmen in the house whilst sat with my boobs out trying to BF fills me with dread! So, we either need to go with the other builder who is more expensive or wait until next year:roll: but first we'll have a proper chat with the other builder and sit down and look at dates to see if he could possibly start sooner...

Eek some of you are approaching 3rd Tri! :dance:
Team blue, how lovely.
I don't think I could cope with building works and a newborn. I'm already not sure I want to sit in costa tandem feeding with my t%ts out! Spend our whole lives being taught that boobs are private and bow in pregnant I'm supposed to feel happy waving them about all over the place? Don't think so. Plus it's a small world. Last thing I want is a patient to see me breastfeeding. Maybe my mind will change but right now it freaks me out!
I'm also guilty of buying far too many clothes at Morrisons. I've always loved their baby range! Good looking, good quality and great price :)

I haven't bought a pushchair yet and just had a look at the journey edit. Looks so pretty and comfy! I've totally fallen in love with it. However, someone offered to give us a pushchair for free. It seems in good enough condition and fairly comfortable, but I really don't like the colour (bright red). I much prefer neutrals. So I now can't decide whether to accept the free one and spend the money I'd save, on other baby items OR purchase the one I truly like. What would you do? I don't wanna seem rude to the person offering either, as I really appreciate the offer...

As for the car seat, we've chosen to get the Joie Spin 360. I think the 360 feature will come in very handy, especially for my oh who has mobility issues, and I like the fact it lasts from birth to 4 years, can be rear facing all that time if you wish (though not sure how a 4 year old would feel about rear facing!) and it seems very comfortable which is very important to us, being as we often go on very long car journeys. We also really liked the ickle bubba solar, but unfortunately it's only suitable from 9 months.

Also, this will be my first baby, and I'm wondering if I would miss not having a carry car seat (the joie remains in the car)? I understand it's useful to take baby in and out if they're sleeping but then again, they can't stay in them for more than 2 hours at a time, including the car journey... So are they really that useful?
First babies for us too but lots of friends have said to get the carry seat so you can just bring them in easily without having to disturb them. I guess see how you go, you could always get one if you decide it isn't working with the fixed?
I'm also guilty of buying far too many clothes at Morrisons. I've always loved their baby range! Good looking, good quality and great price :)

I haven't bought a pushchair yet and just had a look at the journey edit. Looks so pretty and comfy! I've totally fallen in love with it. However, someone offered to give us a pushchair for free. It seems in good enough condition and fairly comfortable, but I really don't like the colour (bright red). I much prefer neutrals. So I now can't decide whether to accept the free one and spend the money I'd save, on other baby items OR purchase the one I truly like. What would you do? I don't wanna seem rude to the person offering either, as I really appreciate the offer...

As for the car seat, we've chosen to get the Joie Spin 360. I think the 360 feature will come in very handy, especially for my oh who has mobility issues, and I like the fact it lasts from birth to 4 years, can be rear facing all that time if you wish (though not sure how a 4 year old would feel about rear facing!) and it seems very comfortable which is very important to us, being as we often go on very long car journeys. We also really liked the ickle bubba solar, but unfortunately it's only suitable from 9 months.

Also, this will be my first baby, and I'm wondering if I would miss not having a carry car seat (the joie remains in the car)? I understand it's useful to take baby in and out if they're sleeping but then again, they can't stay in them for more than 2 hours at a time, including the car journey... So are they really that useful?

This was our problem... we got a combination car seat like yours which is 0-4yeard but then we realised we prob will need the carry one at the start as well. It's entirely up to you and what best suits your situation
First babies for us too but lots of friends have said to get the carry seat so you can just bring them in easily without having to disturb them. I guess see how you go, you could always get one if you decide it isn't working with the fixed?

Yeah that's the main reason we are getting the carry one as well as the combination one

I dont wanna lug a carry one around too much but for bringing her home from hospital and some visits out etc we will need it
Does anyone know about Mat Pay ( for those who this isn't the first baby). I'm trying to work out mine as I can have it on the schedule they set, or they can average it out over the year (which makes more sense otherwise there is 3 months where I get nothing at all).

I qualify for statutory maternity pay. Does this get paid in addition to work maternity pay? Or is it maternity pay then I get the stat when my work maternity pay runs out? I think it's the latter but I hope to god not as now I'm freaking out about how on earth we are going to survive

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